House Kirleta Report.
OBL Azazel Djo'Tarr.
Kirletians & Fellow CSK Summits.
Has everyone had a great week? Because i know i have ;)) Only one bit of sad news which continues to plague me, and the position i have been working towards for almost 2 yrs keeps eluding me. I once again was not chosen as OHC. So i have decided that i will not waste my time again and apply for this position. Guess i'm not to become a member of the DC afterall :(
But hey, not to worry, that means i get to help my House out in the GJW >:) And lead you guys hopefully to wait a sec.....WILL LEAD YOU TO VICTORY!! Like Yoda said in ESB, 'Do or Do Not....there is no try!' , i'll be happy to finish infront of Dinaari, that would make me happy......but i think i'd much rather win....would'nt you?
Feedback - This is getting better, there was alot last week and good show this week, but still the majority of the House has fallen silent. I'm not happy with this at all....and fell a bout of itchy feet coming on.
I'm not gonna lie to you guys here, but Kirleta needs 100% effort from all of us for us to win the GJW, and i mean 100% effort!! Awards shall be given at the end of the comp by myself and Waza for outstanding performance, and if we win.......well.......i'll have a word with our CON and see if the awards can be bumped up a little reflecting your dedication and efforts (this is obviously reserved for the ones who out perform everyone else). Its all there for the taking!!
So fight well!
House and Clan News.
For all the latest News, blues and reviews, please trundle along to:
New OHC - GM FireFox & DGM Mairin has selected a new Obelisk High Commander, OBM Exar Khaland is now head of the Obelisk order. Congrats dude! Lets hope he's more active than the last one and help us get the Obelisk order back on track.
Kirleta vs Dorimad Sol vs Auctoritas feud - Well as expected i have heard no more from OW Ric Gravin on this 3-way feud, i did say to him that his clan has already challenged us to a Clan Feud, but how does he plan to involve House Auctoritas in this. So.....we'll just settle with hammering his House instead for now and maybe after the GJW set a feud up with House Auctoritas. Until i hear anymore, thats what i have decided to do for now. Afterall, we don't need multiple feuds on the go alongside a Clan Feud, it can be confusing.
CSK Evaluation - DGM Mairin this week handed her evaluation of the Clan. See the results below -
Satal Keto
Report date: 24/11/02
Information: Excellent
Clan competition coming
Feud coming
Murder Mystery League
Master-Student Competition
Monthly Topics
Obelisk House Feud
Obelisk Training Nights
Galthain vs. Tridens
Galthain internal squad vs. squad competition
Galthain single-player ladder
Krath in
Obelisk in
Sith in
DGM Comments:
Good info on the Consul report; the Proconsul report looks like a big jumbled mass of text, and its quite difficult to get out all the data from it. Id recommend breaking it up, taking it slowly and maybe even bullet-pointing the information you consider important. This may make it a little more palatable to your average 5-second concentration reader! Internal competitions within Aleema could use a little more plugging, but other than that good information in there. Good information in both the Obelisk and Sith reports, overall excellent work. Highest number of competitions running at the moment in the DB is concentrated on Satal Keto excellent work!
Fideliter, Integriter, Digniter
Mairin Astoris
Dark Jedi Master, Deputy Grand Master
Rear Admiral, Commodore of the ISD-II Challenge
Challenge the GM to a game of SWGB! - The GM has issued a challenge to anyone with SWGB (Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds if your not familier with the term) to a match. I dunno what he'll do if you beat him, but if you do....then fairplay ;)) If your interested then mail him and issue your challenge!! Mailto GM Firefox - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Design an Obelisk Trooper comp - This has ended.....there were no submissions :( I'll scrap this idea for now. Maybe i'll try again in the new year.
Teampeak for JK practice & Feud matches (2 vs 2 +) - My thanks to those who botherd to respond, good form gents. I'll give you the link for TS, and if you have a mic or headset, then even better, i'll set up my server and get chatting with you guys. So now you'll be able to talk to your QUA!! :D This should vastly improve our communication. So if i leave it running some nights ( i won't be able to leave it running 24/7 ofcourse). But my idea is to use TS2, because the MOHAA clan i am in uses TS1, so i just need to download a server client for TS2 and we're laughing!! I'll release the info to the House when i have set it up, then we can have a road test.
Get it from here:
Any problems then let me know either by mail or in #csk and i'll be more than happy to help to set it up ;)
House Activity.
ACO Exodius - PRT (told you)
NOV Osra - ACO (see me or your SGT for details to get PRT)
GRD Morrigan L'Fey - DJH (nice one)
CF to PRT Exodius.
DB Courses.
DB Leadership Exam.
OBM Waza Sunrider.
DJK Reza.
Obelisk Studies course.
OBM Waza Sunrider.
PRT Exodius.
OBM DarkHeart.
DJK Reza.
Well done folks!! :D
December House Comp.
Greetings all,
This is OBM Waza Sunrider, AED of House Kirleta
House kirletas Dec comp will involve the 2
brigades :
Crimson Dawn & Vashino.
The start date will be Dec. 1st & end on Dec. 31st at
midnight EST USA both dates.
Any levels or type of match can be used as long as
all are in agreement before the match starts
winning brigade will be awarded the title #1
brigade & get a new squad of military speeder bikes.
The winning troopers will get Cr-1A,Cr-1S,Cr-1E
Contact OBM Waza for any more details on the comp or rules - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
OBM Waza Sunrider (Obelisk)/AED/Kirleta of Satal Keto, GC/(SC)/(SE)/DC-KC-O-CS/(BN)/(CFx3)/CoL
"One shall stand ,,,,,, one shall fall"
Klux Martin Jedi Knight
(Edited by OBL Azazel Djo'Tarr )
There are more details about this comp on the CSK web site under comps & news. You also need to sign up for it to be in it! So if you have'nt done so already, GO SIGN UP!!
1) Short report this week I'll leave the big stuff for the house report but good job on all who took those tests & stuff.
2) Go sign up for the DEC. house comp, if you cant get logged into the web site mail PCON Gord or catch him on IRC & he can fix your problem, As I'm told the Web site for the comp is nearly done.
3) Dust off your jk1 disks if you dont have jk2 I want a lot of participation in this comp.
4) GM FireFox is looking for people who play SWGB mail him if you play, also take note that SWGB is included in this house comp!
5) Get ready for the Great Jedi War, take part in this house comp.
OBM Waza Sunrider (Obelisk)/AED/Kirleta of Satal Keto, GC/(SC)/(SE)/DC-KC-O-CS/(BN)/(CFx3)/CoL
"One shall stand ,,,,,, one shall fall"
Klux Martin Jedi Knight
(Edited by OBL Azazel Djo'Tarr )
Star Wars Humour
"Take a Walk on the DarkSide".
Anakin was hungry for power.
The teachings of the Jedi had gone sour.
Back in black now with helmet 'n' cloak,
He'll kill his own family for a joke,
I said Hey, Darth, take a walk on the Dark Side.
I said Hey, Vader, take a walk on the Dark Side,
And the Imperial troops go.......
Du dudu dudu du dudu, du dudu dudu du dudu,
Du dudu dudu du dudu, du dudu dudu du dudu,
Simple farmboy dreaming of the wars,
Packed his bags to join the Rebel cause.
Now what's the good of some noble plan,
When you can be the Emperor's right-hand man?
I said Hey, Luke, take a walk on the Dark Side.
Come on, Skywalker, walk with me on the Dark Side,
And the Imperial troops go...
Pretty little princess 'til the day
She lost it all, blown it all away.
She was pushed too hard 'til they made her cry
"You killed my planet. Prepare to die."
I said Hey, Leia, take a walk on the Dark Side.
Use the force, Leia. Hit 'em hard with the Dark Side,
and the Imperial troops go...
Obi Wan Kenobi called the tune,
Manipulating who was killed by whome?
Now, what's the difference between advice,
and a load of lousy low-down lies?
You rat Ben! You belong on the Dark Side!
Try it, why doncha?...
Yoda taught the Jedi all he knew -
"Adventure and excitement's not for you."
Well I may be the first to let you know,
But you'd make a bloody boring show.
Get real, creep. Check it out on the Dark Side.
I mean, honestly! Even Lucas needs the Dark Side,
Don't we all?...
Du dudu dudu du dudu, du dudu dudu du dudu,
Du dudu dudu du dudu, du dudu dudu du dudu,
...fade out to end...
Report music for this week was - 'Be There' by 'Ian Brown'. ;D
Ok thats it from me for this i said folks, i'll let you know when i have succeeded with the TS2 server for us, and i'll help anyone who needs to know how to set it up and use it etc :) It's pretty simple though to use. Just follow the link, all downloads are on the right hand side near the top.
Download - TS2 Client for Windows ;))
Well i hope to hear you all soon.......until then my Dark Jedi.......
Stay sharp.........Stay Hungry!!
Respectfully Submited
"Fear is my Ally!"
ENV/VA Azazel Djo'Tarr/DREAD Tranquility.
SSx3/BSx3/PCx5/ISMx4/IS-1BR/LoC-PSx22/COL/CoB/OV-2E [LGNR] {IWATS- AIM-CBX-M/1/2-RT-SM/2/3-TT-XTT} ( Tie Shadow -"Sabertooth" | Callsign - "Wolverine" )
OBL Azazel Djo'Tarr (Obelisk)/QUA/Kirleta of Satal Keto,
LG/HNR Azazel Djo'Tarr/Alpha-Phare-Frigg {DGA-Core} {PC} {PL}(MoPx4)
"Regere Sanguine Regere In Veritatem Est."
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