Welcome once again to another fun filled week of Triple D. Allot has happened this past week or so here is the Scoop:
DJK Jade was promoted to Warrior and is now our AED, CONGRADS!!
House Galthain Readiness Competition
Method of competition:
A House-wide event, the Readiness Competition will test the ability of House Galthain to submit a pilot file for a new, bug free 4-5 mission Tactical Officer approved battle on very short notice. Participation is unrestricted to all EXCEPT the Quaestor and Aedile of House Galthain who have prior knowledge of the competition. The mission of this competition is to motivate people to submit activity before deadlines.
Competition battles:
TIE-TC #201:
XvT-TC #52:
XWA-DB #4:
Competition dates:
Starting: NOW!!
Ending: 23:59:59.99, Saturday, December 7th
Get to it lets make Triple D a force to be reckoned with!!!
House Galthain of Satal Keto versus House Tridens of Tarentum
This competition takes the highest priority!!!
TIE-FREE #20: (High Score: 97.985)
XvT-FREE #06: (High Score: 93,400) <-- [High Score being challenged with CA:TAC]
XWA-FREE #08: (High Score: 4,133)
Ok with this comp we need a strong showing, I want everyone to make a solid effort at this and kick their ASSES!!!!
Squadron News
First off everyone welcome our newest members, Hawker, Gutt, Bobxavi (which we all know and love) and our newest member DarkNyte. I welcome you all to Triple D and hope that you guys dive in to all of this and make a strong showing for Triple D. I look forward to being your guys wingman at anytime you need.
I still am looking for a web site designer for Triple D. I would like ideas from all of you submitted to me as to what you would like to see on the site. So this goes towards your homework and I would like responses ASAP!! IF you can do web pages contact me, or if you know someone who is willing to help I will make it worth their time.
I want to stress the IMPORTANCE of THE READINESS COMP AND THE COMP WITH TRIDENS. 100% is mandatory!!
Still looking for applications for XO, if you want the job or interested send me a mail explaining why you are right for the job!
I want to bring up an idea to start a Triple D MP night on the weekends. I want your guys inputs on this as to when we could all meet up and do some MP. It will be a training/comp for Triple D members, and I will send a message out to Delphian members if they would like to join as well. Let me know what you think.
CONGRADS TO OUR OWN VESSICANT for winning the Round Robin Comp. GREAT Job!! I am awarding you a three-day pass, at your leisure. And Congrads to AshMAster for winning second Place, two of our members kicked ass! I rewarding you a one day pass at your leisure to use!! Thanks guys
Novice Hawker was promoted to Acolyte, GREAT JOB!!!!
Dark Cross was awarded to SW ZysFryar, Great Job Sir!!
Crescent with Topaz Star was given to Vessicant for Third place in SP Ladder Oct/Nov, You rule!!
You guys are doing an AWESOME job but, we need to increase our presence, I would like to make us a force to be feared! The up coming comps are perfect for us to set that impression.
Remember the Open Challenge is still on in between other comps you can challenge anyone in the house.
Make sure you cc me on all you r submissions to the house for any and all comps. SO that I can keep track of what you have flown and did for the week/month, this is IMPAIRATIVE!!!
There is a open FL spot, if anyone wants the position please contact me telling me why you would be best for the job. I need this ASAP!
DJK DarkHawk
Busy on IRC
Competing in Master Student Comp III
Flew XwATC 16
Free XwA 31
XwATC 14
XwA TC 18
XwA TC 12
XwA TC 25
XwA TC 17
Free XWA 35
Free XwA 7
Free XwA 29
Free XwA 12
Free XwA 41
XwA TC 21
Free XwA 27
Free XwA 28
DJK BobXavi
E/mail contact
Flew XvT Mission for Readiness Comp
Flew XvT # 6
Novice Gutt
Getting settled into Triple D
Warrior ZysFryar
No contact with myself
Busy on IRC
Completed the Shadow Academy "PHASE 2"
Received medal Requested: Dark Cross (DC)
Passed the Sith Flight Studies: Imperial Starfighter Engineering and Technology course!
Passed the Obelisk Basic Studies Course.
Passed the DB Leadership Studies course!
Protector AshMaster
XvT-DB 1
Round Robin Comp Second Place
Acolyte Hawker
Busy on IRC
E/mail contact
Appointed as Battle Creation Team Project Administrator
Shadow Academy: DB Leadership Studies (Passed)
Shadow Academy: Sith Flight Studies I (Passed)
Shadow Academy: Sith Flight Studies II (Passed)
Jedi Hunter Vessicant
E/mail Contact
Winner of Round Robin Comp
Guardian Josh Popelka
No Contact
Round Robin Comp?
Jedi Hunter Indario Gallia
No Contact
Round Robin Comp?
Protector DarkNyte
Settling in to Triple D
Flight I:
Sith Commander DarkHawk ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Sith Flight Member BobXavi ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Sith Flight Member Gutt ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Sith Flight Member TBA
Flight II:
Sith Flight Leader TBA
Sith Flight Member Zysfryar ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Sith Flight Member AshMaster ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Sith Flight Member Hawker ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Flight III:
Sith Flight Leader Vessicant ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Sith Flight Member Josh Popelka ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Sith Flight Member Indaro Gallia ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Sith Flight Member DarkNyte ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
That is it for this week, remember all our tasks, we have enough to stay busy, if I left anything or anyone out please contact me so I can update any and all changes.
Lord DarkHawk
Dark Jedi Knight/Major
DJK DarkHawk (Sith)/CMDR/Galthain of Satal Keto
([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) - "Winged Warrior"
FM/MAJ Dark Hawk/Falcon 1-3/Wing XI/ISD Immortal
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