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<table border="1" bordercolor="#881CA0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" class="table"> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <p class="report">**Title: Tetrarch Report #12 (2002.12.05) Summary
Type: Tetrarch Report Summary
Date: Thursday, 05 December, 2002
Update by: **[Tirna Q'jira](mailto:Tirna_Qjira@yahoo.com)
</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2">
<p class="report" align="center">Summary of Tetrarch Report #12 (2002.12.05)</p>
<p class="report" align="center">![-=-=-=- (Bar)](http://pages.prodigy.net/aysha_minion/_uimages/Bar.jpg)</p>
<p class="report">Activities:</p>
<p class="report">[Krath Combat Centre](http://www.minos.net/~krath/combat/) - I'd like to see a few more of you participating in this. I've got several of you challenging me right now, and I look forward to seeing how the battles go. From what I've seen I may have actually found some people who can give me a run for my money, which is always a pleasure. On another note, the Krath Combat Centre is also looking for judges, so if you have the time, and meet the requirements -- check the news on the site out -- you might consider applying!</p>
<p class="report">[Journal Run-On](http://pub92.ezboard.com/feboncloakphylefrm2.showMessage?topicID=4.topic) - I haven't seen very many postings to this, and I think I need to remind everyone that participation is mandatory if you want to stay in the Phyle. I'm just asking for a once a week posting -- albeit it is prefered it has multiple entries -- on the board every week. I want a good excuse -- such as a leave of absence -- for a lack of posting, and I certainly having seen any of those. If anyone is having trouvle registering an account, let me know. I can't fix what I don't know is broken, after all.</p>
<p class="report">[Promotion Requirements](http://www.geocities.com/Ebon_Cloak_Phyle/Promotion_Requirements.htm) - I'd like to see more people working on this. Some of you are, such as Erryc, Talons, Mako, Ktulu, and Mike but I've seen very little work from the rest of you and several of you are very close to promotion. If you don't know what you need to do, ask! Email, instant messages, IRC, message boards, anything! My door is always open, remember that!</p>
<p class="report">Competitions:</p>
<p class="report">Krath Monthly Topics - Our new Krath High Priest has settled in quickly and brought us some interesting topics that I hope to see everyone participating in after participation in at least one Phyle competition. For those of you who are not aware of this month's Krath Topics, allow me to recap:</p>
<p class="report">Fiction:
Topic: The Krath in Combat. Many feel the Krath are ineffective in battle. Show the reader how wrong they are. Keep in spirit with the Order!
Length: Min - 2 pages, Max - 10 pages.
Format: DOC, arial font size 12</p>
<p class="report">Poem:
Topic: Your homeworld. Describe, discuss, reminisce, give the reader a vision of where you are from.
Type: Free form, no rhyme.
Length: Min - 1 page, Max - 2 pages.
Format: DOC, arial font size 12</p>
<p class="report">The poetry one would be a great way to develop character, as would the first, albeit less than the second. As always, CC me on submissions to outside competitions!</p>
<p class="report">Murder Mystery League II - We're still waiting on the results from our last senario and for our final senario to be sent us. Keep your fingers crossed, my Tyros, perhaps we'll cut down Ektrosis's lead on us and take first place once again as we did last time this was brought about. On a side note I'll be sure to forward the senario to the Phyle hololist upon receiving it, so as to ensure that everyone gets it. I want to see full participation on this next senario! It truly takes no more than ten minutes to read through it and come to a conclusion of some sort.</p>
<p class="report">[The Dark Jedi Games](http://www22.brinkster.com/saitou/darkjedigames/) - Well, it would seem we have a three-way Clan Feud barreling our way. All the details can be found on the official holosite, so I highly suggest that everyone go take a look and familiarize yourself with the content. Also, it is my understanding that all the events can be participated in, even the Order specific ones, such as Krath can participate in Obelisk Events and Sith can participate in Krath Events, ect. At least, this is my understanding. I'd advise checking with the Consul beforehand, however, just to be sure.</p>
<p class="report">December Monthly Topics - As some of you may know we have three topics this month -- and hopefully from now on, provided I have enough interest in the various categories -- and they are listed below:</p>
<p class="report">Title: Phyle Monthly Fiction Topic
Topic: Destiny's Heritage
Duration: December 1, 2002 (20021201) -- December 31, 2002 (20021231)</p>
<p class="report">Description:
"We all have a heritage. We all have a destiny. Whether we embrace it and become as we truly are meant to be, that is another matter entirely..." - Tirna Q'jira</p>
<p class="report">To every person there is a heritage. To every person there is a destiny. But to achieve this destiny all must embrace their past, for only then, in the acceptance of who they were and are, can they reach their full potential.</p>
<p class="report">Summary:
Write a story detailing your character's acceptance of their past, as well as who they were then and are now, so that they may achieve their full potential.</p>
<p class="report">Length:
The story must be at least two pages long in Microsoft Word.
</p><p class="report">Font:
The font may either be Arial, Times New Roman or Courier New
The font must be no bigger than twelve points, and no smaller than nine points.</p>
<p class="report">Format:
The submission may either be in text (.txt), rich text (.rtf), Word document (.doc) or HTML (.htm/.html) format.
If you wish to submit your entry in another format please contact Tetrarch Tirna Q'jira and inquire beforehand.</p>
<p class="report">Awards:
First Place: Cresent with Emerald Star (Cr-1E)
Second Place: Cresent with Topaz Star (Cr-1T)
Third Place: Cresent with Quartz Star (Cr-1Q)</p>
<p class="report">Submissions:
Please send all submissions and questions to Tetrarch Tirna Q'jira.</p>
<p class="report" align="center">![-=-=-=- (Bar)](http://pages.prodigy.net/aysha_minion/_uimages/Bar.jpg)</p>
<p class="report">Title: Phyle Monthly Poetry Topic
Topic: Into a Time of Darkness
Type: Freeverse
Duration: December 1, 2002 (20021201) -- December 31, 2002 (20021231)
</p><p class="report">Length:
The poem must be thirty (30) lines long.</p>
<p class="report">Font:
The font may either be Arial, Times New Roman or Courier New
The font must be no bigger than twelve points, and no smaller than nine points.</p>
<p class="report">Format:
The submission may either be in text (.txt), rich text (.rtf), Word document (.doc) or HTML (.htm/.html) format.
If you wish to submit your entry in another format please contact Tetrarch Tirna Q'jira and inquire beforehand.</p>
<p class="report">Awards:
First Place: Cresent with Emerald Star (Cr-1E)
Second Place: Cresent with Topaz Star (Cr-1T)
Third Place: Cresent with Quartz Star (Cr-1Q)</p>
<p class="report">Submissions:
Please send all submissions and questions to Tetrarch Tirna Q'jira.</p>
<p class="report" align="center">![-=-=-=- (Bar)](http://pages.prodigy.net/aysha_minion/_uimages/Bar.jpg)</p>
<p class="report">Title: Phyle Monthly Run-On Topic
Topic: A Matter of Trust
Duration: December 1, 2002 (20021201) -- December 31, 2002 (20021231)</p>
<p class="report">Senario:
In the Ebon Cloak Phyle distrust seems commonplace. Pacts are made only for personal gain, and never for the benefit of all. Trust is a foreign concept to the minds of the Dark Jedi residing deep underneath the oceans of Osiris, and friendship a sign of weakness.</p>
<p class="report">Recently things have begun to go awry. System failures where before there were none before. Reports of missing supplies keep filtering in. Everywhere wiring is pulled, cut, and torn from a variety of crevices seems to the point as to seem nearly normal. The list goes on without end.</p>
<p class="report">Can such a Phyle divided come together to find the source of these strange occurances, or will they tear themselves apart trying?</p>
<p class="report">Length:
Four twenty-five line posts, or four half pages in Microsoft Word.</p>
<p class="report">Awards:
First Place: Cresent with Emerald Star (Cr-1E)
Second Place: Cresent with Topaz Star (Cr-1T)
Third Place: Cresent with Quartz Star (Cr-1Q)</p>
<p class="report">Submissions:
Post on Ebon Cloak Phyle message board in the appropriate topic under "Run-Ons".</p>
<p class="report">I look forward to seeing participation in at least one of them from all of you. Remember, participation in at least one Phyle competition a month is also -- like the Journal Run-On -- mandatory for maintaining your slot in the Phyle roster.</p>
<p class="report">Miscellaneous:</p>
<p class="report">November Monthly Fiction Topic - Well, I've gotten all the submissions in for the November Topic, so please don't send anymore, rather work toward December's items. On another note I've re-read and read all the submissions and come to decide the winners. Jedi Hunter Arcturus Gadeskin Xyler came in first and is to be given the Crescent with an Emerald Star. Guardian Talons Pryde has come into a well deserved second and will soon find himself in possesion of another Crescent, this with a Topaz Star. Finally Novice Mike has come to take third place and earn a Crescent with a Quartz Star. Congratulations all around!</p>
<p class="report">Activity Requirements - I don't think I can stress this enough. I expect /everyone/ to participate in at least one Phyle competition a month plus post on the Journal Run-On once a week. If you do not have time enough to write up a single character journal entry and an entry into one competition where you have a full month to participate, then I'm afraid that you haven't got time enough to be here. Perhaps its a touch harsh, but it's the only way I have at present to prevent everyone from lounging about and doing nothing.</p>
<p class="report">The only exception to this is if you are on a leave of absence, and mainly that applies to the Journal Run-On, and maybe one Phyle competition. If you need to go on a leave of absence longer than six weeks either transfer out to the Reserves Phyle, or to Rogue, depending on how long longer than six weeks is. Mainly such a transfer will be up to the discretion of the Quaestor and Aedile, as well as potentially the Rollmaster/Oathmaster.</p>
<p class="report">Communication - This is another thing I know I cannot stress enough. I want every single one of you talking to your Phyle mates. And I don't just mean by email or message boards -- though I want to see more activity across both mediums -- I mean I want you to open up every single chat program you have and talk to them. Most of us have either AIM or MSN, and some have ICQ and Y!P. Another medium to consider is IRC, where we can converge in our own channel: #Ebon_Cloak (Don't forget the meeting at 20021207.1900 EST). I'm serious about talking to each other, Tyros. We need to know each other, the strengths and weaknesses, the characters, the writing styles, everything. I want you all to become not just friends, but companions. We are in a Brotherhood, Tyros, so start bonding as such!</p>
<p class="report" align="center">![-=-=-=- (Bar)](http://pages.prodigy.net/aysha_minion/_uimages/Bar.jpg)</p>
<p class="report" align="center">End Summary</p>
<p class="report" align="center">![-=-=-=- (Bar)](http://pages.prodigy.net/aysha_minion/_uimages/Bar.jpg)</p>
<p class="report">GRD [Tirna Q'jira](http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/dossier.asp?ID=1839) (Krath)/TET/[Acclivis Draco](http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/ViewUnit.asp?ID=28) of [Scholae Palatinae](http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/ViewUnit.asp?ID=10)/(SC)/(SE)/DC/Cr-1A/(LSS)/DSS
Tetrarch and Webmaster of Ebon Cloak Phyle
"We all have a heritage. We all have a destiny. Whether we embrace it and become as we truly are meant to be, that is another matter entirely..."</p>
</td> </tr> </table>
<table border="1" bordercolor="#881CA0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" class="table"> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <p class="report">**Title: Dark Hand Report #6 (2002.12.05) Summary
Type: Dark Hand Report Summary
Date: Thursday, 05 December, 2002
Update by: **[Talons Pryde](mailto:talonsoftheclan@hotmail.com)
</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2">
<p class="report" align="center">Summary of Dark Hand Report #6 (2002.12.05)</p>
<p class="report" align="center">![-=-=-=- (Bar)](http://pages.prodigy.net/aysha_minion/_uimages/Bar.jpg)</p>
<p class="report">Leaves of Absence (LoA's):
<p class="report">Returns:
<p class="report">Transfers:
I am confused here. I think someone left and then returned in the same week.</p>
<p class="report">New Members:
</p><p class="report">Medals:
</p><p class="report">Courses:
</p><p class="report">Activity:
Arcturus - On-line Presense
Erryc - On-line Presense/Busy as a bee...
Talons - On-line Presense/HoloList
Algaron - On-line Presense
Ktulu - On-line Presense/HoloList
Adian - On-line Presense/HoloList
Mako - On-line Presense
Bartleby - Not heard from yet/Computer Problems
Jerroth - On-line Presence/Working on his assignments...
Mike - On-line presense/HoloList</p>
<p class="report">Master pairings:
Tirna - J'lek
Arcturus - Mejas
Erryc - Cymbre
Talons - Saitou
Algaron - Unknown
Ktulu - Sabe
Adian - Titus
Mako - Loor
Bartleby - Unknown
Jerroth - Unknown
Mike - Unknown</p>
<p class="report" align="center">![-=-=-=- (Bar)](http://pages.prodigy.net/aysha_minion/_uimages/Bar.jpg)</p>
<p class="report" align="center">End Summary</p>
<p class="report" align="center">![-=-=-=- (Bar)](http://pages.prodigy.net/aysha_minion/_uimages/Bar.jpg)</p>
<p class="report">GRD [Talons Pryde](http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/dossier.asp?ID=1250) (Krath)/TYR/[Acclivis Draco](http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/ViewUnit.asp?ID=28) of [Scholae Palatinae](http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/ViewUnit.asp?ID=10)/Cr-1T-1S
Dark Hand of Ebon Cloak Phyle
"Beware the Shadows, for they move when you are not looking...."</p>
</td> </tr> </table>
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