My 8th report as Headmaster. 2 months. Damn, that was quick.
Just some general information this week...
Obelisk Battlemaster Mage
Headmaster of the Shadow Academy
OBM Mage (Obelisk)/HM/Dark Council
1) Shadow Academy Improvements
After waiting and wondering and hoping and cursing and... well, you get the picture... I have finally contacted the ever-reliable DA Mejas Doto to design a new Shadow Academy site template. I am aware that some people have gripes with his work, but... to those of you that do... Mejas gets his work done, so nyah.
In addition, I have been told that EH Internet Officer Ari's Command Attache, Leeson, would be happy (well... "happy"...) to code the site, post-the design phase. There's a happy though.t ;)
Material correction is ever-closer to completion. As changes that need to be made go, we're now aware of pretty well any issues that exist... it's just making the changes in hard-copy format.
2) Your SA Staff
To recap:
P:HM - SBM Pyralis
M:HM - OW Dagger
M:HM - GRD freshjive
CT -
Phase One - KP Cymbre Kall
Phase Two Krath - KAP Anshar
Phase Two Obelisk - OW Gelton Torr
Phase Two Sith - SBM Pyralis
Leadership Studies - KPN Troutrooper
Krath CORE - KP ^CyberGuy^ Praseodymium Entar
Obelisk CORE - OBM Mage
Sith CORE - SBL Reaper
Krath Grammar Studies - Ciara Tearnan
Sith Flight Studies I (ISET) - SW Malik
Sith Flight Studies II (ESET) - SW Malik
Sith Tactics - Reaper MacDougall
CI -
SW Brian (Sith)
SW Darkfinn (Sith)
SW Arso Slyth (Sith)
PRT Shaithis (Obelisk)
GRD Obscurus (Obelisk)
DJK Reza (Obelisk)
DJK Selket Isis Entar (Krath)
TBA (Krath)
TBA (Krath)
The Course Teachers have been asked to make sure they know their courses well. I don't want to spend a day correcting the current SA site to redirect the courses for the whole week that the new site should take, so I will continue to grade them for now. CT's - I may pop you someone's completed copy of your quiz, to make sure you're alive and have checked your material.
The Combat Instructors have been asked to prepare their lessons and notes for the Combat Academy. What I'm hearing is that there is a fair bit of confusion behind this. So, without further ado, here's the breakdown:
Lessons will be held on the Undernet IRC servers, in a to-be-determined Shadow Academy channel. The lessons will be run at specific times. The first portion of the lesson will consist of a moderated delivery, in which the CI will be expected to explain the days' lesson. Following that, the CI will voice people with questions, and deal with them individually. So far, nice and orderly. Following the delivery and questions, the CI is asked to open the floor to general discussion, and, if they have time, go over the material in a practical fashion. For the Sith and Obelisk, this would be a fight focused around the taught skills. For the Krath, this might be initiating a Krath Combat Center fight based around the lesson's material.
If there's any more questions about this, I'll try and deal with them as easily as possible.
Again, SA staff, I apologize for getting you all hyped up, and then forcing you to wait. For simplicity's sake, just hang in there. You will be doing your jobs and collecting your paycheques (not to mention the keys to that special room :P) shortly.
3) GJW
I somehow expect I'm still going to end up working on this... mostly considering the plot and some of the major features are my babies... :P
If anybody out there has ANY JK/JK2 level editing skills, we need to know, and we need to know now. Otherwise, we're gonna be forced to... forced to... oh, screw it, it will suck if we're forced to do anything, no matter what we're forced to do, so just help! :P
4) Again, any and all email is welcome. I don't breath fire, and I don't shoot lightning out of my arse, and... well, you get the picture. :P
5) Graduate Report
My total graduate count is now 416. w00t. 'nuff said.
That'll be all for now... random updates to follow...
<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<td> Obelisk Battlemaster Mage
Headmaster of the Shadow Academy</td></tr></table>
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