7th December, 2002
Krath Archpriest Khaen
[:: NEWS ::]
-- There are tons of competitions running at the moment, so as you find yourself with more time on your hands over the Christmas season, you'll be sure to have something to do..
-- I'm sorry this report was late, I've been hella busy organising stuff in my new job as M:OHC, so most of my "DB time" was devoted to the Obelisk office this week.
--KAP Khaen awarded Cluster of Fire (CF) x17
--KAP Khaen awarded Crescent w/ Amethyst Star (Cr-A)
--DJK Titus awarded Crescent w/ Amethyst Star (Cr-A)
--KAP Khaen awarded Crescent w/ Emerald Star (Cr-E)
--KAP Khaen appointed Magistrate to the Obelisk High Commander (M:OHC)
-- 'Dark Jedi Games'. The three-way feud (between CSP, Taldryan, and Tarentum) kicks off today. The details are all at: http://www22.brinkster.com/saitou/darkjedigames/ So check it out and start thinking about which events you are going to participate in! Should be fun..
-- Dark Allegiance Phase 4 is still going on, the deadline is December 13th.
Details below:
PHASE 4: The Final Battle - Attacking the sixth chamber: 2 page essay (individual!)
[25 pts based on grammar etc (5), originality and interest holding (10), quality of story (10)]
You can also refresh your memory on things at http://www.yogle.freeserve.co.uk/DarkAllegiance. I've already talked with you guys about it personally so you seem to be progressing well, just don't forget the deadline :D
-- KP Loor is running a 'CSP Christmas Frenzy'. You all got the email about it, so check it out, it looks to be an entertaining diversion in the spirit of the festive season!
Krath Archpriest; Drynwyn's Flame Tetrarch Khaen
KAP Khaen (Krath)/M:OHC-TET/House Acclivis Draco of Clan Scholae Palatinae
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