Dark Voice Information


Dark Voice Information

With my resignation as Editor of the Dark Voice, Korbane Ashoka has risen to the position. He would like to share this following announcement:

Greeting Dark Brothers and Sisters,

I am Korbane Ashoka now that Shadonyx has such a busy life he has asked I take over as editor of the Dark Voice. It is a very time consuming job but very much worth the effort. This month for Dark Voice #30 I have just finished inputting around 53 Dark Side Scrolls and 4 Dark Crosses for the outstanding submissions. We had an excellent turn out and I am very tired from doing all that reading and inputting of medals but I would LOVE to see more next DV. I just have a few requests and reminders for those submitting.

  1. Be sure to include your DB DOSSIER #. I need this so I can just input your number and the medal instead of having to look up you number or name.
    You do not include this and your submission will go to the DV but you may not get a medal!

  2. Be sure to Included your DB # and IDLine INSIDE of any Stories you are submitting. This just makes it easier for me to track and not mix files and make sure YOU get the right award.

  3. Be sure you ZIP all files and that Images are jpg or gif formats.

  4. Make sure your images are creative and original, I had to delete a few things this month that Still had the www.starwars.com logo at the bottom that some tried to submit, if its not your work don't send it. If you graphically enhance a photo or something that is another story.

Well that is the only real requests I have for now. You may go ahead and begin submitting for Dark Voice #31. I do not have an official release date yet but I will soon. All submission are to be Sent to ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) with the subject Dark Voice #31.

Thank you very much for your time I look forward to all you submissions.

KP Korbane Ashoka

Please don't send DV submissions to me anymore, by the way.

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