Dark Greetings Jedis,
this is report #8 dating 7.12.2002. Let´s start with the usual topic:
Activity is on a constant high level like last week. In the past week a lot of JKing due to the Feud and the CFT comp took place and also several fiction was written for the Feud. Altogether a really good performance from you who have contributed to this work.
The activity check is still going on and has arrived now in the final round. This is the FOURTH and FINAL activity check mail. Anyone of the 5 people who haven´t reported in yet and won´t do this until next Friday will be removed from the roster and placed among the rogues upon my personal request. That´s all there is left to say about this matter.
Now the usual Rolemaster report:
Activity Reports
Rage Maki: Greetings
What did happen this week.
Spend only time on the MB and on IRC, no matches because I had a long
terrible day at uni
Finished the fiction for the feud and tried to get some feud matches but all
Galeres members ran away
I played some ehcoc matches against Vicious (lost), Vinny (won) and got
grades on my fiction (7-7-8-8) had a discussion with my Master Quaestor
Gelton about grading writting events ;P
Saturday: Ladder started. I played against Sukuth and Reblet and lost
against both. Afterwards I played against Zetar and won. I signed up for the
OHC competition but it was called off because of the lack of participants.
Sunday: I tried again a match against Reblet and Sukuth and lost again.
Monday: I had two ladder matches against Zekk and won both therefore I took
the lead. Unfortunatley after i played against Mike (who was on a rampgae
and took the lead) and Sukuth and lost both matches my lead was gone. I also
played one ehcoc match against Vinny and won.
Tuesday: I wrote my activity report. Discovered the Obelisk Messageboard and
started to use it ;P tried again to get a feud match no luck yet.
Spent a lot of time on IRC and MB
Played many many matches for the ladder, ehcoc comps
tried to get feud matches
wrote a feud fiction
Thats it for this week :P
Rage Maki
Reb Crush: Yub, yub, another detailed activity report!
-SA Match against Kinslayer (will be joining Cestus when finished with
training :-))
-Being on IRC
-Ladder Match vs. LR
-Ladder Match vs. Cypher
-Match on EuroComp (Yey! Won! Something might've gone wrong with the
reportin, thou)
-Match on ORWII
-Being on IRC
-Ladder Match vs. LR
-Ladder Match vs. Sukuth
-Ladder Match vs. Mike (x2)
-Being on IRC
-Ladder Match vs. Mike (x2)
-Ladder Match vs. Sukuth
-General Fun on the CSK server ;-)
-Being on IRC
-Training on some pub servers
-Making a pic for the XMas comp
-Ladder Match vs. Cypher
-Ladder Match vs. Ereinion
-Being on IRC
-Ladder Match vs. LR
-Practicing on pub servers
-Ladder Match vs. LR (Yes, that's twice)
-Ladder Match vs. Mike
Reb Crush
Talon Zetar: Started a new comp
Been on IRC
Played JK2
Sukuth: - active on IRC
active with mails
won few matches for Cestus in feud
won few matches in Cestus laddering
remaking something on Trials SP map these days
got permission to start DJK trials (paradox - trial master being
first in Cestus to take trials :))
Cypher: - played JK2
Zekk: -Busy Playing JK2
-Played Dagger,and Jedi Shaft Killed dag a few times and Beat Jedi
Shaft in a fued match.
-Been on IRC
_ Wrote RM Report
I will add here my report myself:
Been on IRC frequently
played a feud match
took care of my house business
hope next week I can report more
Less activity reports than last week but the same amount of active people, it seems some people are still not used to write these small reports on a regular basis, even members of my staff...come on is it really that hard?
Quite a lot to tell about this subject this week. First the Feud with Galeres is still going on but reaches its end. The deadline is Wednesday the 11th 12PM CET, until then you have time to fight some more matches and especially write some more fiction. The standings are as follows: last certified score in JKII is 196-195 for Cestus but that changed meanwhile I think to the favor of Cestus and in fiction it´s 25.1-0 yet but there are some fictions currently the first one of Galeres. If we can still increase our score in fiction we have a real good chance to win this Feud in the end. So everyone who hasn´t submitted a piece of fiction yet, grab your pens and write some - every point counts! That´s an order! :P
The CTF ladder comp is still going on as well and I´m glad to see it has good response from you, remember it ends as well on the 11th. Let´s see who is the biggest JKII fanatic in Cestus in the end. :P
Today another Feud has started: Another three-clan Feud like the Deception Feud last Summer: This time Tarentum,Taldryan and CSP are involved. All important informations you need to take part can be found there: http://www22.brinkster.com/saitou/darkjedigames/
Let´s focus on our own comps until they are finished on the 11th but then immediately afterwards I ask you to focus on this comp and help Tarentum to be the supreme Clan this time.
Another point regarding comps is the separation between DB and TC concerning weekly comps in #ehcoc. I sadly have to announce that you can´t win CFs anymore in these TC hosted comps, I personally liked the opportunity to win oneself some extra CFs apart in the official OHC comps. DGM Mairin Astoris, OHC Exar Khaland and the GMRG leadership is currently working on developing own DB weekly comps to compensate the loss of the TC hosted ones. There are three currently officially announced weekly comps for the Obelisk Order:
Saturday's 2:00pm EST
OHC's Rampage
Host: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Backups:[Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Platform: JK1
Members:All DB
Medals: Cluster's of Fire
Saturday's 3:00pm EST
OHC's Cup
Host: Reza - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Backups: Mark - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Platform: JK2
Settings: Any
Members: All DB
Medals: Crescents and CF's
Sunday's 7:00pm EST
DB Fight Club
Host: Khaland - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Backup #1: Reza - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Platform: JK2
Settings: Any
Members: All DB
Medals: Crescents and CF's
There is a fourth weekly comp coming up it´s not really official yet but until I hear otherwise I asume it will take place:
Wednesday´s 4PM EST
GMRG weekly wednsday comp (not final name)
Host: Gelton - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Platform JK2
Settings: Any
Members: All DB (presumably)
Medals: CFs
There are more weekly comps to be announced but such things take their time I will keep you updated about this matter.
Unchanged at 26 members no gains no losses. The roster looks like the following:
OBL Michael Halcyon
OW Gelton Torr - QUA
DJK Darkov
DJK Glorfindel
DJK Talon Zetar - AED
JH Blackhero
JH Kakos
JH Sukuth - Battleteam SGT Blades of Malice / Trial Master
JH Zekk - Rolemaster
GRD Eoth Kun - Battleteam SGT Battalion of Fear
GRD Hev Randrowan
GRD Obscurus - Battleteam SGT Armoured Fist
PRT Daryan
PRT Ereinion Qel Droma
PRT Zeth Ni
ACO Aleckz
ACO Marcus Gladius Octavianus
ACO Sen Hart
ACO Son Goku
ACO RageMaki
ACO Tygarin Cypher
ACO X-Pilot
NOV Reb Crush
NOV Sauron
No elevations this week
No service awards this week but some comp awards
Gelton Crecent with Saphire x2
Rage Maki: CoF
Reb Crush: CoF
The problem with the unawarded CFs is still at large due to the recent separation between TC and DB concering the comps, if something changes there I will let you know.
That concludes my report for this week I hope I covered everything important.Don´t mourn about the length some people seem to appreciate this :P
In Deep Respect
Gelton Torr
(§§§§§§ {[]}§)(((::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-
OW Gelton Torr (0belisk)/QUA/Cestus of Tarentum [GMRG: INI]
"Shadow is my Armor, Darkness is my Shield, Fear is my Sword"
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