House Ronin
Aedile Report
7th of December
Greetings everyone.
In this week I wanted to look for some nice banner to report to make it more interesting, but I find out that not all of you know a miracle of outlook and normal mail accounts :P Those "semi-mail-deliver-accounts" like yahoo account or hotmail are just s**** cause they don't recognise HTML code! Gah.
Now some of you may wondering why did this House aedile sent report to Clan e-group and why not on house one... so let me explain that one news made me to do so! Well.... <...drum roll....> LilHawke and Mark Schueler get merried on #alvaak channel today!! , I attached the log to report. Again I want to say that I'm very happy for you two, my congratulations! Good luck on your new way of live my friends! :)
Warm welcome new Members! Az and Praetorian!
As for my competitions, I will post current results on House MB tomorrow, remember that it is running till 15th of December, so you have some time more for yours submissions. Once we end it QUA Daniel Goad will set up new contest.. connected with flying at this time :)
I and RM Dash Rendar concider to start a run on. On House MB of course. Send short mail to Dash, and tell if you will participate. We have now my competition running, also CMDR Qui Nero let me know that he has a plan of some comp, so you decide by voting if set a run on now or later.. ;)
On last monday I gave you a task to complete. Not very hard.. only one battle. XvT DB #1 or any other instead, but with explanation why that one and not the one I ordered. I'm very satisfy to say that all memebers (except new who didn't know about task) completed it! But one thing for future. I said, you are suppoust to send your files to your CMDRs, not to me directly.. well but nothing wrong has happened, that only I get it and CMDRs didn't. But fo next time send it to CMDR.
New task for this week!! At the first time you trained your flying and fighting in space skills. But you have to remember that not only keeping the weapon in hand makes a warrior mighty. The knowledge is a basic to victory. Visit the Shadow Academy, and take one of courses. Up to you which one. If you passed all of them already go to IWATS Academy and take one of those courses, but be sure to forward the results to your CMDR. Repid: TO CMDR! On next friday I expect all CMDR, to send me short mail and inform about who passed and what test.
Okay, that would be all for this week.
Thank you for your time. Now... back to work.... ;)
JH Tissaya Argat (Sith)/AED/Ronin of Alvaak
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