OK people, I'm sure one of you weenies out there will see this as a reason to send another anonymous OHC on a power trip email. Feel free 'cause you already know my "Rat's Ass" policy ;)
I have recieved yet ANOTHER complaint about an issue related to fair play and courtesy to DB members. I know that some folks will always complain a bit and that some things just aren't THAT big a deal. Kill scripts could fall into category easily, depending on what they say. There is friendly playful trash talking etc. However it has come to my attention that some simply may not have an understanding of what my idea of fair play is. "Fair" enough and to that end...
1) ANY and ALL kill scripts are hereby completely illegal, you MAY bind as many NON profane and at least semi respectful taunts to a key through the standard Rcon bind command.
2) ANY and ALL scripts are in fact illegal, which is the main reason for rule number one, especially any script used to perform moves or combos of moves in any way. In this instance, this ban applies to Binds as well. Remapping stuff is obviously fine but using bind to accomplish a move or moves normally requiring a sequence of controls is hereby illegal
3) No one HAS to bow. However many here are as much into some amount of RPG aspect as the game so it won't kill you to do so... if you don't, don't be surprised when no one likes you very much and you can't get people to play you.
4) When in FFA, saber down is a non agression sign and is not to be attacked. In Duels, at the beginning of each round Saber down is also a no attack sign. However, if you taunt, combat is open wether your saber is out or not. Bear in mind that a taunt is an invitation to attack. Once combat is joined... put your saber down at your own peril. The "own peril" rule also applies in FFA when combat is already joined (i.e. no getting low on hp and then sheathing your saber so you can flee)
5) Whatever is legal on the server you are on (IE kick, force powers etc.) is what is legal for the match unless agreed to by the players. It is perfectly fine to ask an opponent to not use force or kick etc but it's also perfectly fine for them to say no. I don't like style whores, some people don't like kicks, some don't like force but ya just learn to adapt and beat it or keep trying.
It is not unthinkable that I may add more to this in the future but for now I think this says pretty much what is needed to maintain a fun and friendly environment for all here. And to that end let me make it clear that these rules are all DIRECT ORDERS. Call it a power trip if you want, send me emails saying nasty things about my lineage if you want, it won't change nuthing but I get a good laugh ;).
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