13 December 2002;
First I would like to say that I am sorry for the lack of report last week, I experienced some rather detrimental computer problems concerning my e-mail. I have somewhat remedied the situation, thanks for the patience. I have also, as of late, accepted the fact that communication concerning activity will be what it will be, either existent or not. Therefore, I will no longer be relating the weekly activity to everyone, rather only to those I receive a weekly update from. So, if you do not see a name of someone in the Phyle it is because they have not sent anything for the week. There are those of you in SotN who are way past due for promotion, but since I have no proof of your accomplishments, and your contact with me is nil, expect to remain your current rank. There are ways around it, like going around me, for example, which I don't mind. I'm sure that our AED and QUA will be happy to accommodate you, though you might have to explain the reasons why you have forgone procedure.
Weekly Activity; (This will cover some activity from the week of the 6th as well)
ACO Acklay - Currently quite involved over in the KCC, fighting with honor. Breaking even in JK2 but excelling quickly.
ACO Dimitri Oberyst - Also battling in the KCC
JH Dalthid - Clan Competition (in progress); Krath Monthly Competition (in progress); JK2; KCC (in progress)
Clan Competition (avail. through the group)
MML2 (group)
Krath Monthly Competitions (news)
Read the News
Dalthid's Corner;
It may seem that since I have been doing these reports that my activity has been well noted. That is mainly because I know what I have been doing. A weekly activity report to me does not have to include completed comps or submissions. It would be nice to know what you are even working on
For any of the competitions, if you don't know where to find them, or don't understand them...please ask so someone can help before it gets too late to submit.
JH Dalthid (Krath)/TET/Aleema of Satal Keto
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