House Ronin
Aedile Report
13th of December
Greetings from the Darkness.
Wake up everyone.. our activity is not at the high level.. thanks to few persons we keep going, but that is not a point. You ALL need to be active and follow the orders. In previous week I was very satisfy when saw the results of weekly task, almost all of you completed assigned battle, that was really good sign, so what happened in this week? I told you go and take one of SA or/and IWATS course. And only two persons did. Blaine who passed Sith Tactics course and myself (Krath Grammar Studies). I really don't demand from you anything that I couldn't do by myself. As I said soon after I get an honor to be a House Ronin Aedile - I will lead you by my own example.. if I could go and pass it you can as well, so why only Blaine did what I told you to do? That is really bad guys, I assume that in this week you will do better.
Squadron League. Sounds familliar, no? It should at least. I was talking about it whole week, but let me reapet it again. You MUST complete XvT Free # 10 before 15th of December ( today is 13th if someone forgot) that gives you 2 more days. All your files send to your CMDRs AND me. Is that clear? No excuses. I wait for files.
House Ronin Knowledge Contest. Honestly I expected more participants, however I can't complaine at you with this one. 15th of December is a deadline for any submissions. So get hurry. Of course as I was talking from the beggining, points gathered in competition will count to promotions, as for now almost all who participate will be aligable to promotion after Dec 15th.
Soon after Contest will end, QUA Daniel Goad have ready new competition, this time connected with flying. Be patient and practice!
RM Dash Rendar plan a run on, more details soon.
Clan envoy on it's way. IF you feel that you have enough time, and abillieties to guide young Jedi through the first steps at the Dark Side.. let me know via mail why you should be a representant of House Ronin in the Clan Envoy.
Welcome Wesel in House Ronin!
Squadron Leangue is on, complete XvT Free 10 and send pilot file to me and your CMDR.
Two more days till the end of House Ronin Knowledge Contest.
Orders for this week.
You still are suppoust to take a Shadow Academy or IWATS course. Up to you which one. Blaine you completed this task on time, so in this week just continue your work in our Recruit team, I also wait to hear your opinion about Clan Envoy.
XvT Free 10 !!!!!
That would be all as for now.
Have a nice day.
JH Tissaya Argat (Sith)/AED/Ronin of Alvaak
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