Sith High Warrior Report


Sith High Warrior Report

It has been roughly a week that I have been in this office and I am very pleased with the activity in the Sith Order at the moment. There has been a great deal of input already sent to me and I am very happy with the performance of many Squadrons/Houses. On the maintenance agenda for the Sith Order, I have been assured that the Sith Order web page that is currently up and running at will remain up until it is sent to me for new hosting, many members of the order have already offered insights on the page and what can be done with it. I currently do still have access to the database properties of the page, some updates to pages such as the SHW's office will remain un-updated but I will be able to update the database with the addition of industrial points for squadrons.

Last Night saw the end of the Feud between the Sith Houses of Tridens and Galthain. I am very happy to say that all pilot files have been reviewed and all scores have been tabulated. The final standings are as follows, including the scores according to the rather unique scoring design perceived by the Quaestors.

House Tridens

9 Pilots participated with 17 Submissions

Total Score: 44

House Galthain

15 Pilots participated with 19 Submissions

Total Score: 85

I am glad to see the activity and the vigor involved with this competition, and I will also be placing industrial point rewards for both Houses, congratulations to both Tridens and Galthain in this competition.

The Second round of the Sith Squadron League will be closing this Sunday Evening, I have high hopes that this competition will continue to be as successful as it has been since this Summer. I will be announcing the next Rounds Mission and this Rounds wrap up early next week. Good Luck to all of you SIngle Player Pilots out there.

On the Multiplayer front, I have already had people email me interested in a Sith Racing League, however I believe an actually inception of this may be sometime up, I do however, encourage all of you to participate at gaming nights under your DB PINs for Clusters of Fire. Hopefully another edition of Top Gun or another Sith Dogfighting Ladder will be incorporated on a regular basis as the Squadron League will be. I have been able to reach some contacts about possible mission building for the Sith Order, if any XvT and XWA mission builders wish to pick up a few extra medals I would greatly encourage you to email me concerning these Platforms. Also early next week I will be announcing the requirements I will lay out for Praetor and Magistrate positions.

So in a short wrap up, keep any ideas coming to me, congratulations to Galthain on its impressive feudal win, keep participating in DB SP and MP events, all in all keep up the good work.

Colonel Hades, Sith Battlelord

Sith High Warrior and member of the Dark Brotherhood Elite, Tau Squadron

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