Headmaster Report


Headmaster Report


<p>#9. w00t.


<p>Obelisk Battlemaster Mage

Headmaster of the Shadow Academy

<p>OBM Mage (Obelisk)/HM/Dark Council



<p> 1. Shadow Academy Improvements

<p> - Amazing how this changes from week-to-week. Mejas has confirmed that he, too, lacks time. A new face is now on the project, but we'll wait and see.

  • Again, surprises on the coding front. CA:IO Leeson has handed the project over to everybody's favorite IOA's, JaM3z and ^CyberGuy^. They'll be receiving the corrected material applied to the template... once those two things are combined. Here's hoping.

<p> </p></p>2. Grad Report

<p> - My total graduate count is now 443.


<p>What can I say, slow week at the office...

<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" border="0"> <tr><td> </td> <td>  Obelisk Battlemaster Mage

  Headmaster of the Shadow Academy</td></tr></table></p></p></p></p></p></p>

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