Long time ago in a galaxy not to close to us (=P) there were a dumb that hanged around for too much time for his own sake. His name was Khan and he was the chief of a brunch of crazy guys fitting into strange armours and wielding craps called lightsaber ... well enough of that for now, I'll continue the story in my next reports heh
So how's the House this week ? not really different for the others, no one really active and with not many members. I'm Khan your QUA and for those that don't know me I've been in the DB for more then 3 years by now and I spent 80-90 % of that time in a summit position ( in all orders heh) and I've been assigned to keep you guys active.
I think, now, that we can proced with the news
DB News:
1) The Envoy have been re-shaped to help our the SA and the Clans but for more info about it I suggest you to check both the DB site and the Clan News section of this report.
2) Astatine has been awarded with a more then deserved Golden Light Saber, the HIGHEST award you can dream to obtain into the DB ( and to tells you the truth I'll be more happy with a GLS then with a Medal of Honor NO KIDDING).
3) Check the DGM report as it has more info then I can write in this mail. But the most important news is that from now ON to hold a summit position ( SGT/CMDR/TET, RM, AED, QUA, PCON,CON) it's mondatory that you pass the Leadership course at the SA. For those already in summit they have till the end of the month to finish it or will face some truble.
4) The GJW is VERY close so start warming up for the fight.
Clan News:
1) There's something that MUST be addressed before anything else and it's all about respect. In the last couple fo weeks there has been too many shows of disrispect toward superior officers ( yeah guys, that rules it's applied here as well) and it's something it won't be tollerated anymore. The next one that do something like that will get the bot and a one way ticked out the Clan.
2) Envoys of the Grand Master. Currently I'm the Clan Envoy for Alvaak and we are in NEED of 3 more Envoy ( one from each House) that will rapresent the 3 Houses. So far House Ronin is the one that showed more interest and they summit will be chosing who's gonna be their Envoy very soon. Dominatus is proceding along the way too BUT I have seen NO INTEREST into Auctoritas, issue I'll be handling into the House News.
House News:
1) Serget. We need a Brigate and a Sergent UP before the start of the GJW or we won't be partecipating. Now I have heard lots of complains about it for, even, rightful reasons but the story it's simple.. we need it, end of the story. If you really want to do something help Auctoritas been a SGT.
2) House Envoys: The Envoys are now responsable for the training of new members. They recive a number of recruits each week, depending on the number of member that signs up for the DB, and will help them finish the SA. After this, the new recruits will be assigned to the House of Envoy that trained them. As you can easily get, that will be instrumental in the grow of NOT ONLY Auctoritas but the Clan as a whole. For this reason I need someone willing to train new members to hold this position. You can send your application directly to me but we fast, you have 2 weeks to apply.
3) Recruiting. Yeah yeah yeah, we need freshme..fresh blood... whatever.. we need more peeps (hides from the GA) cuz in 7 we won't go that far.
4) I MUST know, folks, if all of you can view HTML format mails or you can see only plain text cuz all my mails and reports are sent HTMLized but if someone can't handle it I'll be happy to change format.
5) AWOL check. Yeah I know that you guys hate that stuff but it's rutine. Sadly for you lazy Soldiers I'm a sadic person and I want the reply to contain those info:
a) When and why you joined the DB.
b) Why you joined Auctoriats and Alvaak.
c) What you can do ( like coding, skinning, you skills).
You have till the new year to reply. Those who fail this will get the boot heh
6) I said the first time I mailed you that I will delete all the mails I recive without at last a name on it, and I'm not kidding. Since I got some mails without even a damned name on it I though it was a good idea to reminds you about it.
7) That's important so read it with attention. While I spend much time on IRC I do not take it as a sign of been active. Remember that IRC it's just a tool you can use to find more people to play, as well discuss you problems with me but it's just it, a tool. Idling on irc won't won my hearth and I won't consider someone active just for been on irc. If you want me to consider you active and so elegible for awards of various kind, do something real like play the Clan ladder or submit screenshots for the other comp.
8) As usuall if you have idea, you want to run a comp or you want just to have a chitchat mi inbox is operative 24/7 and I'll be back to you in a bit.
1) The Bi-weekly screenshots contest continue so if anyone forget, you'd better send me and Jacen the screenshots you took this week since we just started another round. Remember, one match-one screenshot. Submitting more then one screenshot for match will be handled as for cheating and you'll have to talk with Mr. HI, HA Royal about it. If you want a crescent, that's you shoot !!
If for any reason you can't play online against other persons, drop me a line and I'll tells you want to do ( I won't duscuss it public for many reasons). If you have the old JK, that's the same, there are two categories for the contest, JK and JK2 =)
2) The ladder started by our trully OHC and handled by Jacen is still running, you'd better hurry.
Activity Report:
Me, OBM Khan
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Handling my QUA duties and working with the OHC.
OW Jacen Aylen
[Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Heard only once this week.
Presumibly doing his job.
OW Sephiroth
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Strange enough I didn't got anything from him...
DJK LilHawke
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Nothing so far.
JH Vally
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Mailed me about a couple of issues this week.
Doing his RM job.
PRT Ramos
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Nothing ( Bad Ramos, BAAAAAD !!! =P)
ACO Kodiak Kereban
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Nothing. You'd better wake up son if you want to be promoted.
OBM Khan [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
OW Jacen Aylen [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
OW Sephiroth [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
DJK LilHawke [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
JH Vally [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
PRT Ramos [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
ACO Kodiak Kereban [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Well, that's enough for this week.
OBM Khan (Obelisk)/P:OHC-QUA/Auctoritas of Alvaak [KSOE: KC2]
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