Chancellor Report


Chancellor Report

A Look Inside the CHAN Office

Shadonyx reclined in his chair as he looked over the latest batch of medal recommendations. In the eight months he had been Chancellor, the drow had seen a vast improvement in the quality of the recommendations that filtered into his office. He was proud of the efforts he and his Praetor had made. Yes, the medal system had definitely improved and members had grasped that. Shadonyx hummed merrily to himself as he hit "DENIED!" for all the medals.

It was a good day. A good day indeed.

The Chancellor's Missive

  • The Awards Section has been updated again, but it has as of yet to be uploaded. There's only been minor revisions made, with the most notable change the addition of the Scroll of Indoctrination.

  • Speaking of the SI, it needs an image! If you're a graphic designer, send me your creations. The one I pick will receive a Star of Eos.

  • I have a website! Many thanks to the hard work of my Praetor, Knight Camile for this very attractive website. The URL is

The Medal Bag

Medal Requested: Steel Cross (SC)

Requested for: DJK DarkHawk (Sith)

The request was made by: SBM Pyralis (Sith)

Reason given for request: This is the first Steel Cross I have recommended as Quaestor. I feel this is a very serious and important medal and as such, it has taken a lot of work to achieve this. DJK DarkHawk has been the DDD CMDR since before I was the Galthain QUA. It is amazing that he has survived it this long in my very CRITICAL and SCRUTINIZING ways as a House leader. I feel that having a good staff in command is ALWAYS a big step to having a good House. Through bad times and good as my DDD CMDR, after a very long period without thanks, and most certainly for an outstanding participation ratio (9/10) in the recent House Tridens competition, I feel that DH has succeeded as the head of Domi's Disciples of Death. There are still things that need working on, and the summits have discussed this, but even then, DarkHawk is Galthain's leading Sith CMDR. For having the most active, dedicated squadron, he must he rewarded as such. Congratulations, DJK DarkHawk... - QUA/SBM Pyralis

Words of Wisdom

Remember: the C in Crescent stands for "competition," and people who complain about others' medals or ranks overestimate their own worth and underestimate everyone elses'. Bitches.

<table><tr><td></td><td valign="top">Dark Adept Pharaun "Shadonyx" Illistyn
Chancellor of the Dark Brotherhood

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