A very good week this week everyone. The activity on the feud run-on has been astounding. We have about double the post count of the other two clans combined. I've seen lots of good things going on in the clan. Motivation is there and everyone seems to be having fun. This is what I like to see guys and gals. Keep up the good work! :) New section in this report, so read on!
A father asked his son, Little Johnny, if he knew about the birds and the bees.
"I don't want to know!" Little Johnny said, bursting into tears.
Confused, his father asked Little Johnny what was wrong.
"Oh Pop," Johnny sobbed, "for me there was no Santa Claus at age six, no Easter Bunny at seven, and no Tooth Fairy at eight. And if you're telling me now that grownups don't really have sex, I've got nothing left to believe in!"
Quick Navigation:
<font size="+1">Sharad's Pimping Service</font>
That's right everyone welcome to the new section of this report and possibly more to come. This is where whore level is given to members, so be sure to keep checking back.
Escort Service Whores
The escort service whores are disease free and make the most money of all the whores under Sharad's Pimping Service. To be qualified for Escort Service Whore status one must prove oneself to be disease free and well worth the money customers will be spending for him or her.
Current Members:
None have yet reached Escort Service Whore status.
Street Corner Whores
The street corner whores are prone to disease and make very little money. Always watching their back for backstabbing bastards, the street corner whores are good at what they do. To be qualified for Street Corner Whore status one must prove oneself to have no completely nasty diseases and be able to collect money from the most lowdown of customers.
Current Members:
Betja Jun
Coranel Both
Mordin Malchia
Drunk Party Sluts
The drunk party sluts could have any number of diseases, but never know due to a lack of caring. These sluts make no money as they tend to not even know what they're doing. To be qualified for Drunk Party Slut status one must prove onself by getting free alcohol from male "friends" and give it up without thinking.
Current Members:
Raistline Majere
Destavol Gin
Note: If you find this offensive please pretend it doesn't exist and if you are listed as part of Sharad's Pimping Service let Sharad know, so he can remove your status. Also, if you are not listed as part of Sharad's Pimping Service and wish to apply for status let Sharad know.
<font size="+1">Activities</font>
<font color="#FFCC33">CSP-Tarentum Clan Feud</font>
The feud is still going on. It has a while yet before it ends. This is a great warm up for the GJW coming in January. So far I've been happy to see lots of participation from everyone. Don't forget to participate in every event you possibly can. Zipped submissions should go to the appropriate judge.
Main Site:
Games Site:
Run-On Site:
<font color="#FFCC33">Taldryan Combat Consortium (TCC)</font>
TCC is a fair bit on its way. There have been a few MP matches played and some SP as well. Overall kinda sad as usual. This might get taken down soon, since it's hard to justify giving out practically free medals. Here it is:
<font color="#FFCC33">A Clan Trivia (ACT)</font>
Trivia like every week Sunday at 3 PM EST in #taldryan. If you're not there count yourself as a pathetic person who missed out on a good chance at an Amethyst Crescent. New theme every week!
<font color="#FFCC33">PCON Report Competition</font>
This has been closed down until further notice. No one participated this past week, so unless there is a demand for it again don't expect to see it anymore.
<> <font color="#FF0000">Sith Squadron League 2 (SSL2)</font>
Well I don't think they like to coincide with my reports, since submissions are due Sunday. This means if I tell you which mission to fly, then it's out of date by the time you read the report usually. :P Therefore, I'll just tell you to get in touch with your the Archanis summit to find out what's going on. One last note on this is that participation is really low and I'd like the Sith house to be kicking it just the same as the Obelisk and Krath are. Therefore, get those submissions in and fly fly fly!
<font color="#FF0000">QUA Escort/Sith Champion</font>
Check Doe's report for info on this. It is fully outlined there. Participate!
<> <font color="#CC00FF">Dark Allegiance</font>
Well I don't know why, but the deadline for the last phase was extended to December 18. If you don't get in your submission this time around, then you have no excuse and will spontaneously combust from lack of brain use. The link is here:
<font color="#CC00FF">December Krath Monthly Topics</font>
It's easy, so anyone can participate. Be sure to CC me on your submissions, so I can see what you're doing. :)
Topic: Your homeworld. Describe, discuss, reminisce, give the reader a vision of where you are from.
Type: Free form, no rhyme.
Length: Min - 1 page, Max - 2 pages.
Format: DOC, arial font size 12
Topic: The Krath in Combat. Many feel the Krath are ineffective in battle. Show the reader how wrong they are. Keep in spirit with the Order!
Length: Min - 2 pages, Max - 10 pages.
Format: DOC, arial font size 12
<font color="#CC00FF">Murder Mystery League 2 (MML2)</font>
It's now in the 5th and final round. Ektrosis is busting some arse trying to figure out the killer! If you're in Ektrosis and you don't know what's going on, well it's too late, so just satisfy yourself by dressing up like a wookiee and eating small furry animals. Hopefully the final results will be similar to the results as of last round (major smackdown).
<> <font color="#0000FF">Tourneys</font>
As seen on the Dark Brotherhood web site: (no changes since last week)
Mondays 3:00pm-5:00pm EST
Obelisk Arena
Host: Sukuth - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Backup: Khaen - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Platform: JK/JK 2
Settings: Any
Members: All DB
Medals: Cluster's of Fire
Wednesdays 6pm-9pm EST
Obelisk Vengeance
Host: Shaithis - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Backup: Khaen - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Platform: JK/JK 2
Members: All DB
Settings: Any
Medals: Cluster's of Fire
Fridays 7pm-9pm EST
Obelisk Crusades
Host: Destavol - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Backup: Khaen - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Platform: JK/JK 2
Members: All DB
Settings: Any
Medals: Cluster's of Fire
Saturdays 2:00pm EST
OHC's Rampage
Host: Reza - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Backups:Mark - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Platform: JK1
Members:All DB
Medals: Cluster's of Fire
Saturdays 3:00pm EST
OHC's Cup
Host: Reza - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Backups: Mark - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Platform: JK2
Settings: Any
Members: All DB
Medals: Crescents and CF's
Sundays 7:00pm EST
DB Fight Club
Host: Khaland - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Backup #1: Reza - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Platform: JK2
Settings: Any
Members: All DB
Medals: Crescents and CF's
<font size="+1">Web Sites</font>
I've gotten the possessions page and history page online now. The history page is almost the same as the original. However, the possessions page has new info with stats for the ships and some background on them, so be sure to check that out. :) This week I'm hoping to get all the Competition page stuff coded, so there will be a full listing of comps going on in the Clan and its Houses. Be sure to check the site to find out when it happens:
<font color="#FFCC33">Dark Brotherhood</font>
<font color="#FFCC33">Deputy Grand Master's Office</font> (competition approval here)
<font color="#CC00FF">Krath Order</font>
<font color="#FF0000">Sith Order</font>
<font color="#FF0000">House Archanis</font>
<font color="#0000FF">House Dinaari</font>
<font color="#CC00FF">House Ektrosis</font>
<font color="#FFCC33">Taldryan Message Board</font>
<font color="#CC00FF">Ektrosis Message Board</font>
OWL Sharad Hett (Obelisk)/PCON/Clan Taldryan/GCx3/(SC)/(SE-WG)/(GNB)/(SN)/(BNB)/Cr-1R-2D/CF/(LSS)/CoL {SA: CORE}
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