Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

House Dominatus: Report #58


  • Recruit, we need more people!

  • Take part in as many competitions as you can (see below)


Please see the following links for the latest news on the Order and the Brotherhood in general:



House News:

*well,after a long time,we have a new comp.A small and easy one,hope to see some submissions until the end of this week.The deadline's Friday,the day that Lord of the Rings will hit the movies here:)

.Our newsletter will be out by tomorrow if I can manage to ultimate it.I believe I can so expect some news by tomorrow.If you don't like,I should warn you I don't appreciate tomotoes thrown at me but you can yell and call me names:P



Topic: Your homeworld. Describe, discuss, reminisce, give the reader a vision of where you are from.

Type: Free form, no rhyme.

Length: Min - 1 page, Max - 2 pages.

Format: DOC, arial font size 12


Topic: The Krath in Combat. Many feel the Krath are ineffective in battle. Show the reader how wrong they are. Keep in spirit with the Order!

Length: Min - 2 pages, Max - 10 pages.

Format: DOC, arial font size 12

Submit to the KHP([Log in to view e-mail addresses]).

Be sure to CC myself and Bant on your submissions.

*Krath Murder Mystery League #2:we're not in it due to the lack of interest of the members.We'll give it a try next time.We even have some ideas rolling for it right now:)

*Krath Combat Operations:http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewforum.php?f=18

*House Competition: write a small comp about why you(your character to be more precise)chose to join Dominatus and what your feelings were once you arrived.Deadline:Friday,20th.Award:Crescent.

*Phyle Competition:none.


KAP Bant:

*AED usual stuff

KP Jacob van Nowak:

*nothing this week

DJK Paradox:


JH Andronicus:


JH Chamberlain,Rollmaster:

*entered the run-on.

GRD Brenn Trantor,Tetrarch:

*entered the run-on.

*tries to motivates his Phyle members by setting the example.Good work!:)

*reported in.

*entered House comp.

GRD Clara Icewolf:


NOV Desann:

*keeps an extremely positive activity on the House activities.

*entered the run-on

Rollmaster Report

Praetorious Report

Here's this weeks report.


Please try to enter as many as possible



Topic: Your homeworld. Describe, discuss, reminisce, give the reader a

vision of where you are from.

Type: Free form, no rhyme.

Length: Min - 1 page, Max - 2 pages.

Format: DOC, arial font size 12


Topic: The Krath in Combat. Many feel the Krath are ineffective in battle.

Show the reader how wrong they are. Keep in spirit with the Order!

Length: Min - 2 pages, Max - 10 pages.

Format: DOC, arial font size 12

Submit to the KHP([Log in to view e-mail addresses]).

Be sure to CC myself, Aseret and Bant on your submissions.


Yes and, finally, after a long time, the moment you've been waiting for....

10 days to describe why you chose Dominatus and your feelings once you

arrived here.

This simple...some remember since you have barely arrived,others will have

to search through their memories and I hope will succeed:)


maximum 1 page in TNR or equivalent,font 12

Starts today and ends on the 20th,so 10 days from now.

Submit to Aseret and Bant.

Award:appropriate crescent for 1st,2nd and 3rd place if I have submissions

enough to award the 3 places.Otherwise,only the first gets awarded.

And don't forget the run-on's people.


Krath Tetrarch Brenn Tantor [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Guardian

Krath Tyro Clara Icewolf [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Guardian

Krath Tyro Chamberlain [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Jedi Hunter

Krath Tyro Desann [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Novice

Krath Tyro Jacob Van Nowak [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Priest

Krath Tyro Andronicus [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Jedi Hunter

FL/CM Brenn Tantor/Aleth 2-1/Wing III/SSSD Sovereign

PCx2/ISMx2/IS-1BR/CoB [GALL] {IWATS-M/1/2-SM/2/3-TT}

PIN #8929

GRD Brenn Tantor (Krath)/TET/Dominatus of Alvaak


PIN #1825

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