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**House Galthain of Clan Satal Keto
Quaestor: Sith Battlemaster Pyralis
Aedile: Sith Warrior Talon Jade **
December 15, 2002
[Nearly a week had passed…]
_The sun did not shine on Desalmado. The overcast sky had persisted for and entire week since Pyralis’s emergence from the forest. He had only slept, this whole time. Lord Gord Darkonian stood over him. Although he did not perceive his physical presence, Pyralis felt the Battlelord with his mind. He remembered very little since the incident during the storm. In this period of transition, he was weak. This past week had been one of struggling for life. A struggle for drawing from the Dark Side.
Darkonian spoke, “You have survived the greatest challenge upon Desalmado…To survive in the forest once is a great feat. To have journeyed a second time in a forest accustomed to your powers would normally have been suicide. But, you prevailed… The forest did something with you that it has done to no other… The dark energy of Desalmado runs through your veins,” Gord communicated.
Gord continued, “The darkness of the Forest has consumed you, but you must fight to control it. Only once you have succeeded will you become more powerful than you have ever imagined. The elders show concern for your destiny, they do not know if you are the one. Only He can endure the trials of the forest. May the darkness guide you, Pyralis…”
Pyralis stirred…”Yes my lord. I shall not fail you…”_
--Goodbye to Quaestor, Dark Jedi Master Shups of Aleema
--Goodbye to** Dark Jedi Knight Bobxavi**, former Aedile and FM of Domi’s Disciples of Death! Your last weeks have been your greatest, Bob. Galthain thanks you!
--Welcome Jedi Hunter Cray Mikalen. You join us through an order change from CSK’s House Kirleta. You have proven yourself already and have submitted for this week’s SSL. Good work…
--This week sees to the promotion of 3 (three) active Galthain members. Congratulations!!
--Congratulations to PRT Hawker who has been named the new Domi’s Disciples of Death XO.
--Congratulations also to PRT Darknyte who has been elevated to the position of Flight Leader of Group 2 in DDD.
--Check out the additions/changes to the battle teams!:
<font color="#FF0000"> ACO Hawker > PRT Hawker</font>
The reason given for this request:
I would like to promote ACO Hawker for his fantastic activity. Currently, he oversees the current Galthain Battle Creation Team. However, even more importantly, his IRC activity and dedication to flying the assignments I give (Readiness, SSL, Tridens) and for flying out of pure initiative (nearly 50 free missions) has been outstanding. Especially for his initiative, I think he deserves a promotion to Protector!
NOV Big Daddy > ACO Big Daddy
The reason given for this request:
For showing some great initiative as one of Galthain's newest members, Big Daddy has ALREADY submitted for the Readiness comp - had he been around when it began, he probably could have pulled off the Crescent w/Sapphire Star. Since I have not seen such initiative from a Novice in my time as QUA, I believe he deserves an almost automatic promotion to Acolyte. Thanks!
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">NOV Gutt > ACO Gutt</font>
The reasons given for this request:
For his contribution to Galthain by flying for the Galthain vs Tridens competition, I believe Gutt has satisfied the requirements for elevation to Acolyte. Congratulations! - Pyralis
<font size="3">Awards:</font>
Oh, do we EVER have a lot awards this week! :P I will list the most recent awards followed by those which were awarded very early last week.
DJK DarkHawk > Steel Cross
Reason given for the request:
This is the first Steel Cross I have recommended as Quaestor. I feel this is a very serious and important medal and as such, it has taken a lot of work to achieve this. DJK DarkHawk has been the DDD CMDR since before I was the Galthain QUA. It is amazing that he has survived it this long in my very CRITICAL and SCRUTINIZING ways as a House leader. I feel that having a good staff in command is ALWAYS a big step to having a good House. Through bad times and good as my DDD CMDR, after a very long period without thanks, and most certainly for an outstanding participation ratio (9/10) in the recent House Tridens competition, I feel that DH has succeeded as the head of Domi's Disciples of Death. There are still things that need working on, and the summits have discussed this, but even then, DarkHawk is Galthain's leading Sith CMDR. For having the most active, dedicated squadron, he must he rewarded as such. Congratulations, DJK DarkHawk... - QUA/SBM Pyralis
<font color="#FF0000">JH Indaro Gallia > Dark Cross</font>
Reason given for request:
Indaro Gallia has contributed to the activity of House Galthain through a VERY IMPRESSIVE submission in the inter house Competition with House Tridens. The performance was excellent, and Indaro Gallia achieved a great score which helped House Galthain gain victory over Trides. For putting forth such effort to help this House, I award you for the Dark Cross. - Pyralis
SBM Pyralis > Scroll of Indoctrination
Reason given for request:
For the recruitment of Shiro Amada (2793).
<font color="#FF0000">PRT Hawker > Dark Cross</font>
Reason given for request:
For flying in all 3 MAJOR House Galthain competitions - an excellent service to the House as a whole, I recommend that Hawker receive the Dark Cross - Pyralis
<font color="#FF0000">PRT Delak > Dark Cross</font>
Reason given for request:
For flying in 2 MAJOR House Galthain competitions, his impressive multiplayer performance, and his satisfactory job as Delphian CMDR so far, I would like to recommend that Delak receive the Dark Cross - Pyralis
<font color="#FF0000">SBL Ricardo > Dark Cross</font>
Reason given for request:
WOW! I'm so utterly thrilled by this! Sith Battlelord Ricardo has submitted for ALL THREE House Galthain competitions. Ricardo, you have given me one of the greatest awards a leader could ever accept. You have personally contributed to the greater activity of House Galthain. I don't know what made you want to participate again, but I thank you so much! Take this token of my deepest appreciation! - SBM Pyralis
<font color="#FF0000">ACO Ernest Penfold > Dark Cross</font>
Reason given for request:
For playing and submitting over 20 EH TAC approved battles, I'd like to recommend that Penfold receive the Dark Cross of his contributions to the general activity of House Galthain – Pyralis
<font color="#CC0000">PRT Darknyte > Star of Eos</font>
Reason given for request:
For creating an absolutely fantastic website for Domi's Disciples of Death in addition to his recent activity and his great energy, pride, and activity on IRC, I would like to recommend a that DN receive the Star of Eos. – Pyralis
JH Vessicant > Star of Eos**
Reason given for request:
Not only has he once again submitted for all 3 competitions deserving a Dark Cross, but Vessicant has even submitted 3 excellent pieces of Fiction for the Dark Voice which provided me with excellent reading material providing for my SANITY while I was writing my research proposal. Vessicant has also participated in the Open Challenge two weeks ago which I'd also like to thank him for! Thanks a ton Vessicant! – Pyralis
<font color="#CC0000">GRD TK-2107 > Star of Eos</font>
Reason given for request:
Two months later, TK-2107 continues to be an inspirational example of activity. Not only does TK submit the bare minimum for ALL competitions, he also submits the absolute maximum participation by consistently submitting for all 3 platforms when possible. As of recent with the 3 major competitions, TK-2107 has only once again pulled through with 6 (count them SIX) pilot files for the recent comps in addition to 3 additional pilot files from D vs DDD. Due to the absolute importance and his consistent diligence and contributions to Galthain, I recommend TK-2107 for the Star of Eos. – Pyralis
<font color="#CC0000">DJK Bobxavi > Star of Eos</font>
Reason given for request:
I've been wanting to award this for a long time. But ever since the beginning of November, Bobxavi has consistently and weekly sent me pilot files for submission into the general activity of House Galthain. These include XWA-TC 8, XvT-F 81, XvT-F 80, XvT-TC 03, XvT-DB 1, and of great importance: XvT-F #06 and XvT-TC #52 for two major competitions in Galthain. His service as a pilot has gone unrecognized, and I feel now is a good time to recognize it! Thanks Bobxavi! - Pyralis
<font color="#000099">PRT Hawker > Crescent – w/ Sapphire Star</font>
Reason given for request:
For submitting his pilot file first for the House Galthian Readiness Competition (a DGM approved comp), I would like to award Hawker the Cr-1S for lightning speed submission!! – Pyralis
<font color="#009900">DJK Bobxavi > Crescent – w/ Emerald Star</font>
Reason given for request:
For submitting his pilot file second for the House Galthian Readiness Competition (a DGM approved comp), I would like to award Boxavi the Cr-1E for a very quick submission! – Pyralis
GRD TK-2107 > Crescent – w/ Topaz Star**
Reason given for request:
For submitting his pilot file third for the House Galthian Readiness Competition (a DGM approved comp), I would like to award TK-2107 the Cr-1T for a pretty fast submission! - Pyralis
Activity (from 12/08/02 to 12/15/02):
VERY HIGH ACTIVITY – House Galthain, good job on continuing your activity from last week! It is something to be very proud about when you can boast two weeks of solid activity like this! I can officially say that now, EVERYONE is alive. 100% of you could probably respond to an AWOL check in less than 3 days if I was sadistic and stupid enough to have one at this time… Anyway, Galthain, I present to you activity from this past week:
Participation Ratio: 18/23 = 78%
Activity Ratio: 23/23 = 100%
Rapier: 812
IRC Presence
Ricardo: 172
“Worth It?!” – TIE-TC #163
Pyralis: 1107
Competition reminders, never-ending emailing (“make it stop,” they say!!!!)
Open Challenge with TK-2107: TIE-CAB #3
Arso Slyth: 441
Battle Creation Team activity (w/ Hawker)
Talon Jade: 1399
E-mailed clan comp details
Tridens: XWA-F #08
House Galthain Aedile Report
Pilot of the Week program (to be started soon)
ZysFryar: 586
Readiness: TC-TIE #198
SSL - Round 1: TIE-F #149
Tridens: TIE-F #20
Bobxavi: 1526
SSL – Round 1: TIE-F #149
TIE-F #1, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13, #14, #17, #18, #19, #21, #22, #23
Tridens: TIE-F #20
DarkHawk: 264
Readiness: XWA-DB #3
Domi’s Disciples of Death Squadron Report (Best report you’ve done yet! Excellent job!)
DDD banner project (creation of tripled.jpg background)
Cray Mikalen: 493
Joined House Galthain
SSL – Round 2: XvT-F #10
Indaro Gallia: 256
Tridens: TIE-F #20
Vessicant: 1316
Tridens: TIE-F #20 (twice)
SSL – Round 1: TIE-F #149
Mission Walkthrough for: TIE-F #20
“Worth it?!” - TIE-TC #163
Logged: “The Voice of Inner Darkness” and “Homecoming” for submission to the Dark Voice
Josh Popelka: 895
E-mail contact
TK-2107: 2027
SSL – Round 2: XvT-F #10
AshMaster: 2434
Tridens: XvT-F #6
Darknyte: 2688
Tridens: TIE-F #20
Delak: 1641
Tridens: XWA-F #08
Delphian Squadron Report (Good report!)
SSL – Round 2: XvT-F #10
Hawker: 2713
SSL – Round 2: XvT-F #10
Battle Creation Team Update
“Worth It?!” – XvT-TC #40
Big Daddy: 2719
Wins DB trivia after #DB meeting! w00t!
Wins 2 events for EH in Outer Rim Wars II
Readiness: XWA-DB #3
XWA: CAB #1, DB #1, XWA-FG #1, #2, #3, IW #26, #27, TC #1, #2, #3
Tridens: XWA-F #8
“Worth It?!” – XvT-TC #40
SSL – Round 2: XvT-F #10
Ernest Penfold: 2461
Email contact
Gutt: 1717
Tridens: XWA-F #08
Rebelkiller: 2098
TIE-DB #1, #6, #8, #11, TIE-F #10, 104, 106
SSL – Round 1: TIE-F #149
TIE-TC #1, #10, TIE-FG #1, #2, TIE-IW #34, #8,
Talon Astruar: 2223
IRC presence
Luke Morin: 2735
<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
<font size="5">Results: House Galthain versus House Tridens</font>
To emphasize from Thursday’s email. Fantastic performance, Galthain. You’ve done the entire clan proud. Your service will be remembered always…</font>
House Galthain: 15/22 = 68.2%
--Delphian Squadron: 4/9 = 44.4%
--Domi’s Disciples of Death: 9/10 = 90.0%
Final Results: 85 points to 44 points: GALTHAIN WINS!!!! YAY!
Sith Squadron League - Season 2, Round “2” (XvT)
FLY 1 (ONE) Free mission (Due TODAY!!!, Sunday, December 15, 2002 – 9:00PM EST [Log in to view e-mail addresses], [Log in to view e-mail addresses], and your CMDR)
X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter
XvT-FREE #10 - http://www.emperorshammer.net/battles/battle.asp?record=277 (no patches required)
“WORTH IT?!” – A Clan Satal Keto Competition
Phase One: Warm Up!
FLY 1 (ONE) Battle (Due Wednesday, December 18, 2002 – 23:59:59 EST to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and darkwingvader@hotmail.com. CC [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and [Log in to view e-mail addresses] so that we know who submits!!
... Your eyes accustom fast to the darkness around you, and you really don't like what you see! You pull the control stick of your fighter back in the last moment before crashing into the rebel ship. You turn your fighter around and your sight falls upon not only a major space battle taking place....but also an X-Wing that sees you, opens fire, and dives for your hull…
Download one of the following Single Player battles and complete it!
TIE-TC #163 - http://www.emperorshammer.net/battles/battle.asp?record=458
XvT-TC #40: - http://www.emperorshammer.net/battles/battle.asp?record=816
XWA-IW #26: - http://www.emperorshammer.net/battles/battle.asp?record=432
Send your pilot files to our Consul: Sith Warlord Drako ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and our Proconsul: Sith Battlelord Gord Darkonian ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]). The deadline for submission is 23:59:59 eastern time, December 18, 2002.
<font size="4">Dark Brotherhood News:</font>****
1) #9) Obelisk Battlemaster Mage: w00t!
2) Sith Battlelord Hades, the new Sith High Warrior, has officially recognized House Galthain’s victory in his SHW report.
3) Society of Envoys: This institution will be reconstructed to fit the needs of a training/recruiting apparatus for the clans. It is under the personal direction of OBM Mage, the Headmaster of the Shadow Academy. Gone by the way-side, this group will have a new set of goals with new energetic leadership soon.
4) Chancellor Rant of the Week: Crescents are NOT awarded for general activity. They are ONLY awarded for placing 1st, 2nd, or 3rd in a DGM sponsored competition.
5) It’s a good thing Galthain’s competitions ended when they did. The Deputy Grand Master will be releasing the details for the “Christmas Bonanza” competition very soon! That will make “3” competitions AGAIN for House Galthain to participate it. This time, though, you’ll have opportunities to get Crescents with DIAMOND STARS! Woohoo!
6) A “Going-away present” for “life-time achievements” in the Brotherhood: Dark Jedi Primarch Astatine awarded the DB’s highest award: the Golden Lightsaber (GLS).
Continue your progress, House Galthain. Do not let this period of victory spoil your activity. We have marched too far on the road to success to stop now! :) We must cross the pass and cause a great reign of terror upon the rest of the Sith Order.
<font color="#CCCCCC">::BOW::</font>
SBM Pyralis (Sith)/QUA-P:HM/Galthain of Satal Keto
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