hi all and welcome to the real PCON report!
*First off, i would like to ask the clan members to stand up and salute DJM Shups who has deiced to retire from the EH including his position as Aleema QUA in this past week! you will be sorely missed bro :/
Your clan summit is doing it's best to bring you an new working summit and that fast,so dear Aleemans be patient with us!
*Clan competition update:
until this second i have received the following submission:
with this being a race i will no mention what i have received, only this if you sent me any thing then i have already talked to you on irc, if i didn't i did NOT receive your entry yet. so speed it up and you might win! :P
Sith:vessicant, hawker, bigdaddy, ricardo
still 3 full days ahead of you guys so step it up!! and if you don't see yourself on this list, or i have talked to you on irc about your submission (obelisk) then pls resend! on a side note apparently my [Log in to view e-mail addresses] account does not accept mails with attachment larger than 2 megs so dear obies split your screenies on multiple mails!
also pls in preparation for the next phase go to the clan site and register yourselves incase you would like to participate in the ladder events!
*Many congrats to house Galthain on beating the hell out of their counterparts in house Tridens, winning over them by 85 to 44 points!
great showing galthain, and thx to tridens on being the willing sacrificial lamb :P
*By the order of the DGM, any one who would like to take leadership positions in the DB should complete the leadership course!
here from the DB news page:
"A little while ago, a leadership course was composed and authorised by the Shadow Academy. However, it was never made mandatory. This is to be changed. As part of that change, I would like to ask all those current leaders of the DB (that's Dark Council, Consuls, Proconsuls, Quaestors, Aediles and Battleteam Leaders) to take and pass the test before the New Year. You may think you know it all already, but from this date onwards passing this test mandatory for holding a leadership position. If you have not passed it, you will not be allowed to advance beyond your current position until such time as you do pass it. "
jump to this Dear Sith!
Sith Squadron League - Season 2, Round 2 (XvT)
FLY 1 (ONE) Free mission (Due TODAY!!!, Sunday, December 15, 2002 9:00PM EST [Log in to view e-mail addresses], [Log in to view e-mail addresses], and your CMDR)
X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter
XvT-FREE #10 - http://www.emperorshammer.net/battles/battle.asp?record=277 (no patches required)
and now to regular stuff
members steady at 62
Medal Requested: Cluster of Fire (CF)
Requested for: DJK Reza (Obelisk) x4
Medal Requested: Cluster of Fire (CF)
Requested for: PRT silent (Krath) x3
Medal Requested: Cluster of Fire (CF)
Requested for: JH Markr (Obelisk)
Medal Requested: Legion of the Scholar (LS)
Requested for: KE Kaiann (Krath)
Medal Requested: Scroll of Indoctrination (SI)
Requested for: SBM Pyralis (Sith)
Medal Requested: Dark Cross (DC)
Requested for: DJK DarkHawk (Sith)
Medal Requested: Dark Cross (DC)
Requested for: PRT Hawker (Sith)
Medal Requested: Dark Cross (DC)
Requested for: PRT Delak (Sith)
Medal Requested: Dark Cross (DC)
Requested for: SBL Ricardo (Sith)
Medal Requested: Dark Cross (DC)
Requested for: ACO Ernest Penfold (Sith)
Medal Requested: Dark Cross (DC)
Requested for: JH Indaro Gallia (Sith)
Medal Requested: Star of Eos (SE)
Requested for: PRT Darknyte (Sith)
Medal Requested: Star of Eos (SE)
Requested for: JH Vessicant (Sith)
Medal Requested: Star of Eos (SE)
Requested for: GRD TK-2107 (Sith)
Medal Requested: Star of Eos (SE)
Requested for: DJK Bobxavi (Sith)
Medal Requested: Steel Cross (SC)
Requested for: DJK DarkHawk (Sith)
Competition Awards:
House Galthian Readiness Competition :
Medal Requested: Crescent w/ Sapphire Star (S)
Requested for: PRT Hawker (Sith)
Medal Requested: Crescent w/ Emerald Star (E)
Requested for: DJK Bobxavi (Sith)
Medal Requested: Crescent w/ Topaz Star (T)
Requested for: GRD TK-2107 (Sith)
apparently it is envogue now to get 20+ medals each week now :P
only 24 this week but still..that's a whoooopping 24 medals!!! and pyralis even got the very first SI medal awarded too! congrats! all of you done well and deserved these medals!
4 promotions this week, to Jedi on their way to the top :P congrats!
Recommendation for: silent (Krath)
Old Rank: Protector (PRT)
New Rank: Guardian (GRD)
Recommendation for: Hawker (Sith)
Old Rank: Acolyte (ACO)
New Rank: Protector (PRT)
Recommendation for: Big Daddy (Sith)
Old Rank: Novice (NOV)
New Rank: Acolyte (ACO)
Recommendation for: Gutt (Sith)
Old Rank: Novice (NOV)
New Rank: Acolyte (ACO)
this week we welcome back to csk both of GRD Aishea (Obelisk) who is transferring to House Kirleta, and JH Gryphon_Garou (Krath), who transfer transferring to House Aleema
this week we also say good by to JH TK-7764 and DJM Shups. good luck on your future endeavors guys!
no courses completed, only worth mention is the transfer of Cray to galthain from kirleta! gl in your new place cray!
that's it i guess!
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