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Hello everyone and welcome to another Nightstalker Squadron Report. Christmas is just around the corner. Snow is on the ground, last year's fruitcake is still in the fridge (and holding hostages last we heard), and Sero's using his Krath magic to sneak a peak at his presents again.... Oh 'tis the Christmas season!
Now, on to the report......
Clan News
House News
Sith Squadron League (SSL) Season II Round III is underway again. Everyone, you have until December 22 to fly and submit XWA-FREE #34 to myself, SW Kane Reese, and SBM Gidda.
House Trivia results have recently been released. Please consult your inboxes or the Caliburnus website for details and correct answers.
The House Flying Contest has been extended so that more people can get a submission in.
Squadron News
A big thank you to PRT Screedious for his tenure as Acting-Commander of Nightstalker in my absence.
A big congratulations to the new GRD Pokemaster!
Congratulations to all who received Crescents from the House Trivia Competition.
House Trivia Round V questions have been released and posted. Good luck to everyone! Don't forget, the deadline is January 6, 2003.
House Flying Competition Round is ongoing. The deadline has been moved to December 23, 2002. The missions to fly are: XvT-FREE 41, XWA-FREE 43, and _ TIE-FREE 182_. Good luck and happy hunting!
I'm not one for judging and comparing people by what they have done, so if I see someone doing something, your name will be listed below.
DJK Aeishline
GRD Pokemaster
PRT Screedious
> Guardian!
> Crescent w/ Sapphire Star
Well, I do believe that is it for this week.
Enjoy your holiday and excuse me, I need to go hide Sero's gifts on Myrkr.
:P Oh, an interesting point I would like to note.... Seems OBM Mage
attends my University (U. of Saskatchewan)! Thats now the second DB member
I know of that attends the U of S. Small world, eh?
SBM Tiger (Sith)/CMDR/Caliburnus of Scholae Palatinae
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