Drat, beat me to it Hades. Yeah I'm going to post mine a little early as well since Friday is going to be a busy day for me.
1) Krath Monthly Topic deadline is coming up! Late submissions will not be accepted, except of course you plead guilty my means of a really, really good New Years party but I'll only accept the first three of these excuses! Just kidding. Have a nice Christmas all!
2) I sent out a check in for ALL Krath house summits. Received some already, thank you for those. The rest of you ladies and gents, please check in with me and let me know if your alive and what you are up to.
3) I posted a new poll regarding possibly creating Order Specific Powers in the DB. Vote and let me know what you think about this idea.
4) Some of the KCC staff members are a bit bogged down with RL obligations so please bare with them if you are waiting for a battle to be judged, character sheet to be approved, etc.
5) I have been getting reports that Krath site links have not yet been updated to reflect the new site. Webmasters, DC members, and anyone who may be using the Krath site URL, please double check and make sure the newest domain is listed...
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