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<font color="#ff0000">INTRODUCTION</font>
Greetings Dark Brethren,
During this week I spent some time reviewing past events and logs and I've came to a sad conclusion. Many of its members consider the Dark Brotherhood like a secondary sub-group. Well, I don't know if it's the same for you but, if this is the case you're completely wrong! I've heard too many time excuses like "I'm sorry if I can't be active but I'm too busy in another sub-group", I've seen too many people being very active in the TIE Corps and being idle in the Brotherhood. Frankly speaking I totally hate this attitude.
I'm CMDR of one of the best TIE Corps squadrons (Diamondback, Wing XIV) and I'm very proud of it but I was equally very proud to be Nightmare CMDR as, of course, I'm very proud to be Quaestor of House Caliburnus. I don't consider the DJB my secondary sub-group, nor the primary. I'm a member of two sub-groups and I always equally divided and I'll always equally divide my "spare time for EH" to both sub-groups, independently from the position I hold or I'll hold in them. What I ask you is to do the same, are you in the TIE Corps and Dark Brotherhood? Do you have 6 hours at week for EH? Then use 3 hours for the TC and 3 hours DJB, not 5 hours for TC and 5 minutes for the DB!
Also, I've heard many complaints about promotions being difficult in the DJB. I can only say that Summit is always watching at your progresses and the number of recent promotions (Aeishline, Slawter Thren, Pokemaster, Dolza, Reese) show that active members are actually rewarded for their work. Also check the amount of Dark Cross and Star of Eos medals awarded by me and Darkmage lately to active people like Snijglau, Artyis, Jaron Kai or Kane Reese who weren't eligible for rank promotions due to time requirements.
One last thing, if you still haven't noticed it the Summit is trying to help you getting these medals and promotions. How? Simple! TC and IW flying activity is also recognized in Caliburnus (i.e. you fly a battle for a TC competition or just to earn some FCHG points, you submit the same pilot file to your DJB Commander and you'll get credits for that!). Again, take the HC Ladder comp, you're allowed to use HC Flying comp missions for the SP ladder, this mean that with the same pilot file you can participate in two different competitions!
Once again, if you have comments, criticisms or suggestions feel free to contact me. Now, on with the report...
<font color="#ff0000">SITH NEWS</font>
Sith High Warrior Report
Posted By [Log in to view e-mail addresses] - 12/19/2002
I am doing this weeks report a day early because tomorrow I'll be taking my last final and then returning to the Greater Boston area for a much needed rest. This week in the Sith Order saw action in SSL and in the Three Way Clan Feud, Dark Jedi Games. I am happy to see multiple House competitions sprouting up, this amount of activity is good to see. Here are the basic news events.
1) Round Three of the Sith Squadron League will be ending this Sunday, I hope this week is as successful as the past two.
2) I have begun to revamp the Missions I had planned for the upcoming Competition, to coincide with plotlines.
3) I have a received a few applications for P:SHW and M:SHW already, keep them coming.
4) I'll be starting a exploratory commission concerning the Sith Racing League shortly, I hope this will work out.
5) Bored Sith MP Pilots should still participate in Gaming Nights for Cluster of Fire Awards.
6) Keep any ideas coming to me as well as criticisms.
Colonel Synjin "Hades" Erebor, Sith Battlelord
Sith High Warrior and member of Tau Squadron
<font color="#ff0000">HOUSE STATUS</font>
** **Activity
<font size="-1"> During the last weeks I noticed a progressive weakening in the House.** </font><font face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"><font size="-1">I'm not completely happy from our current activity level </font></font><font face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"><font size="-1">this is why I order all Battleteam CMDRs (or their current A-CMDRs) to run a AWOL check during this week</font></font>**<font size="-1">. Starting from today, all members of the House have 1 week to report in to their BT Leaders, the CMDRs will then send me a complete report for their Battleteam no later than next Saturday.
</font>** Feud**<font size="-1">
Finally we have an official Judge for the Sith events, he's SHW Hades! Please send all your entries for the Sith Events and be sure to CC me and your Battleteam CMDR! If you had submitted pilot files or gfx to me don't worry, I'll forward your entries to the Judge.
</font>Sith Starfighters League II
Results for Round #2 (XvT-Free 10), only 6 Dark Jedi participated
SW Artyis - 53188
SW Dolza - 0 (thanks for flying but remember to turn unlimited waves
off next time :p)
Mission Points: 0 Participation Points: 4
Total points = 18
** Nighstalker**:
PRT Pokemaster - 28454
PRT Screedious - 41679
Mission Points: 3 Participation Points: 1
Total points = 4
** Nightshade:**
DJK Jaron Kai - 37376
PRT Aeolus Almasy - 30644
Mission Points: 3 Participation Points: 4
Total points = 16
<font size="-1">
**__**SW Arso
Slyth joins Caliburnus
**_I<font size="-1">t's a great pleasure to announce that a veteran of the DJB and and ex-Wingmate of your Quaestor has joined House Caliburnus, coming from the rival House Galthain. Welcome aboard and congratulations on your wise choice! ;-)
<font size="-1"> </font> _**New QUA e-mail**_
<font size="-1">Due to some problems with the TIE Corps database I've been forced to change my e-mail (i prefer to use a single e-mail for both sub-groups), the new addy is [Log in to view e-mail addresses] . Update your address books!
</font> Communications
<font size="-1">Visit [HC forum](http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewforum.php?f=56&sid=) or join
IRC channels #CSP and #Caliburnus on Undernet servers. If you want
to talk with the me about anything, I'm usually online around 8:00 - 11:00 PM GMT (3:00 - 6:00 PM EST).</font>
<font color="#ff0000">COMPETITIONS</font>
<div align="center"> </div>
<div align="center">Sith Starfighters League II
#3 of SSL is on!
DEADLINE = Sunday the **22th of December at
11:59 PM EST**. Send me all your entries within 11:59 AM EST of the same day!
SUBMISSIONS TO = SBM Gidda ([ehgidda@libero.it](mailto:ehgidda@libero.it)), SW Kane Reese ([kanereese@wp.pl](mailto:kanereese@wp.pl)) and CC your BT Commander.
URL = [http://members.aol.com/hades55624/main.htm](http://members.aol.com/hades55624/main.htm)
<div align="left">
<div align="center">_**
Dark Jedi Games**_**_ - Sith Events
<div align="left">Event 1) Single Player missions
This event will take 3 selected missions from the TC compendium. Participants are to fly the missions to obtain the highest score. Pilot files are to be zipped and sent to the Sith Judge ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
TIE mission - TC-TIE 125 "Operation 'Silent Scream'"
XvT mission - DB-XvT 6 "Operation: Razor Ice"
XWA mission - TC-XWA 11 "Heroes of the Immortal"
<div align="left"> _
_**Event 2) Sith Ladder**___ _
This is the basic Sith ladder. Two or more players combat each other and then send a screenshot of their scores (zipped) to the Sith Judge ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]). Screenshots are not optional. All platforms will compete on the same ladder. Please fight one of two ways: 1v1 -- play first to 10 points, 2v2 -- play first to 20 points. Limitation: no inner clan matches will be accepted. Feel free to use #DarkJediGames as a meeting place on mIRC.
will be earned as such:
= 10 points (5 points if 2v2 for both winners)
= 2 points (1 point if 2v2 for both losers) </div>
<div align="left"> _
_**Event 3) Snap the best screenshot**__** **
This event is where Single Player Pilots or Multiplayer Pilots take screenshots whenever they see something cool. Examples are: a fancy maneuver or a near collision or some really dramatic explosion. Pictures are to be zipped and sent to the Sith Judge ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]).
House Competitions
<font size="-1">They
are HC Flying Comp, HC Top Gun and HC Trivia. Read the Aedile report for more information on them. You can also check the following url:
<div align="left"><font size="-1">hc.minos.net (competitions section)</font>
<font size="-1">
excalibur.minos.net </font>
<font size="-1">
Fly **XWA-Free 34 **for SSL Round #3!!
Participate in the Feud Sith events! You can play the SP battles or fly some MP for the Sith Ladder. You can also take cool screenshots (if you do so I highly suggest to install the XWA Upgrade patches, available at www.xwaupgrade.com). To know other Feud events check out the Dark Jedi games homepage at: http://www22.brinkster.com/saitou/darkjedigames/ (created by our mighty Consul :p)
Be an active member! If you want to make a career in the Brotherhood there're many way you can show us you're active. Participate in competitions, fly custom battles and free missions, pass Shadow Academy courses, submit fiction or gfx to Dark Voice etc...
Stay in contact with other members of the House and have fun!
<font color="#ff0000" size="-1">HOUSE SUMMIT ACTIVITIES</font>
<font size="-1"></font>
*Quaestor - SBM Gidda *
Completed TIE-TC 115 / XvT-TC 15, 16, 19, 21 / BoP-TC 6
Completed XvT Free 10
MB, IRC activity
** Aedile - SW Kane Reese**
<div>Submitted gfx for CSP Xmas Frenzy
Submitted Christmas card for Christmas Bonanza comp
Completed XWA-TC 11, XWA-IW 25 / TIE-TC 130, 145
Submitted AED report
RollMistress - DJK Aeishline**
Taking care of Caliburnus training system,
IRC activity,
Submitted cool RM report</div>
<div align="center">** <font color="#ff3333">SBM Gidda (Sith)/QUA/Caliburnus of Scholae Palatinae</font>**
** GC/(SC-SoP)/DC-KC-O-CS-D/(BN)/Cr-3T-8E-4S-7A-1R-2D/CF/MoT-1RH/CoL**
{SA: CORE-S:ISET-S:ESET}**</div>
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