Aedile Report


Aedile Report

House Ronin Aedile

Weekly Report

20th of December

Greetings from the Darkness Alvaakians.  

This week was very busy for most of us. Mant things have happened and changed, we goodbye someone, welcome new members, and a lot more. So sit down comfortable in your chair, take a glass of your fav drink (milk of course.. ;-) ) and lets begin with an Aedile report for this week.

House Ronin Knowledge Contest has ended. Congratulations to all who participated, each of you get extra points gathered during comp to your promotions points, and few already were promoted, so grats again. Also on those new and shining medals ;-) However I have to comment couple of things.  There were 3 different sections, and each task was different, I put it together in this way that all could participate.. but in fact only 4 of you took really part. Of course at the beggining all shouted: "yeah, count me in!" but what has happened after we started the contest? I get mails from you or messages on IRC, that you haven't time, or 'it's not for you', or that you just don't feel like to participate. Well look at it now. First: you would win a medal, second: you would get points to promotion, third: you would have great fun! Ask those who participated. Next time I organise a competition, there won't be any choice. I say: we start, and you do it! No excuses! I can understand that not all can take part in flying comps, cause not all have TIE or BoP, or something crached and such.. but at this time there was no flying task,only writing, trivia, articles, interviews and other... I assume you know how to keep a pencil in your hand (read: 'typing' :P) and if I can write fictions, stories and poems when english is not my first language.. you can as well! Expecially when most of you come from countries where a native language is english.  

Run On. This is not a competition, but still a form of activity, and a way to make our communication better. I and Dash recived many mails telling us that most of you are ready to take a part. I really hope that at this, you ALL will participate. Not for an award, just to proove that you really care about House future, and you are ready to help it grow.  The cooperation, activity, training skills, and communication has to start somewhere.. why not in run on?    

Clan Envoy. Many ppl asked me what that envoy really is, and what would they were suppoust to do. In fact it's not so hard as may seems. You would have to guide young apprentices through first steps on the Dark Side. Lead them by the Force and show the way to become a Clan member. In other words, you would have to care about their training and preaper apprentices to a live of House member, explained and answer all their questions and clear up all what's still misty for them. However you have to got some expierience with young Jedi. Therefore I think that members of my Recruitment Team are good candidates to Clan Envoy. I mean here Dash, Blaine and Chris. But pls remember that I only show the candidates and not appoint anyone. That's what QUA Daniel Goad does. I can only introduce the candidates, what I just did, and now we have to wait for Daniel's decision.   

Now something about weekly task. You of course remember what it was right? If no, then don't tell it loud cause I already keep my lightsaber in a hand :-P That was of course SA course.. Aaaaaaand I have to admitt that some of you suprised me in a good way :-) But not all !!!! :P So, I'm happy to say that for this week I got new quest for you! Submission to the Dark Voice :-) It can be anything. Poem, fiction, limerick (i liked that one recently :P), SW comics, jokes, graphic, a SW film review, some  photo related with SW, article, interview and many, many more! There is so many possible things for Dark Voice submission. I already wrote two limericks and I work now at a poem. But that's me. You can chose something totaly different. Before you send your stuff to DV, let me know what it is, and report it also to yours CMDR. To send a submission, title your mail "DV submission" (:P) and send on this addy: Don't forget add your signature there!  

And if you haven't seen last Dark Voice, here it is: As always after DV is out, persons who submitted things, resive a Dark Side Scroll. (DSS).

Sith Squadrons League! Round #3 is still open. I get 4 files from Black Omega as for now, and I count for more, and from all teams not only B.O. To remind: We have to complete XWA FREE #34 and submitt before this sunday, so go, go, go pilots, into your fighter!!   


  1. GRD Praetorian requested a transfer to rouge, goodbye Prae, you will be missed.

  2. Curtis has been appoint by his CMDR as new flight II leader in Sentinel team. Btw, flight III still need a leader.. maybe lets do something about it..?;-)

  3. Welcome in House Vorgir! It's good to see another active member here.

  4. Congratulations on your awards for House Ronin Knowledge Contest and promotions

  5. As for current competitons: SSL #3 on, Sith Wars comming soon, so does inside House flying comp

  6. RM Dash Rendar is on short leave till monday, and till his return I'm in charge of RM stuff.

  7. Since I became a DJK, SW Danel Goad is a first House Ronin Master whose padawan (me) completed the training. Many thank Dan for your time and lessons you gave me.

  8. Connected with above, is a fact that now Dan has a new padawan, ACO SAvageAz. Azi, your is good hands ;-) Also I became a Master and have my own padawan, Wisal. Hehe.

  9. Recently my mail account was broken, means I haven't get all mails, I saw that for example 8 mails comming my way, but after resiving I get 3.. Well now it seems to be fixted. Anyway for future I want to tell you that in case of any mail delivery failure use my another addy : [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Don't use it all the time just in case of troubles m'kay? :P

  10. I hope I haven't skiped any important news, if I did Dan will list it in his report anyway :-P


  1. Recruiting. My friends in darkness, when you see some young Jedi, and after short talk he says he want go to Krath or Obelisk order and not to Sith, then don't go away! Try to help our other Clan Houses grow. Don't forget we all are one big team, playing by that same side, so we have to help eachother. Acctually Obbies and Krath are not in great number so help them. Try to find new members for those houses.

  2. SSL #3!! XWA FREE #34!

  3. Don't forget about Dark Voice submissions

  4. When Dash start run on, go and take part.

That's all folks.

DJK Tissaya Argat (Sith)/AED/Ronin of Alvaak



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