20 December 2002;
T'was the week before Christmas and all through the Phyle, not a Tyro was stirring...
Weekly Activity;
JH Dalthid: Clan Competition Submission for Part 1; Krath Monthly Competition Submission (Dec); SotN Page Updates.
Clan Competition Part 2
Phase 2 "Turn up the heat!"
Reaching the platform seemed like it hat taken forever, but you finally did it and you are still alive too!
As you reach to the suspended PCON to remove the low humming device on his chest, another flash of light blinds you as you wonder if this is going to become a habit.
As you regain your sight you see that you have been transported into a stone room and notice that two of your fellow clan members nearly appeared at the same time as you did. you are not sure , if they also tried to save the Proconsul and entered after you, or if they were just another illusion. on your guard you greet them and start exploring the room. You see four doors, each placed in the center of one of the walls. you open the doors and to your amazement you find that each opens up to a totally different landscape and place. One leads to a jungle, the second to an ice desert, the third to a forest that very much looks like the Desalmado forest and you can even see the shapes of the clan's stronghold in the distance and the forth opens to a long corridor.
you turn around to your companions and say....
Run-on for three
open for Sith and Obelisk as well,
basically you grab 2 of your friends and start writing a story with them, you do it over mail between the three of you only in a run-on fashion.
with setting a limit to three it makes it easier to control and waits smaller . each of the three can chose to be on the rescue mission or an illusion, a sort of an enemy within to foil it. it is up to each of you, and no you don't have to say from start what you, it would only take the suspense away! :P
by the time the deadline is here you should have complete stories that you send over to Consul Drako and myself!
as for the finish of it: what ever way you chose in the end you find yourself in an arena sort of place .
Krath Monthly Competitions
Topic: Your home world. Describe, discuss, reminisce, give the reader a vision of where you are from.
Type: Free form, no rhyme.
Length: Min - 1 page, Max - 2 pages.
Format: DOC, Arial font size 12
Topic: The Krath in Combat. Many feel the Krath are ineffective in battle. Show the reader how wrong they are. Keep in spirit with the Order!
Length: Min - 2 pages, Max - 10 pages.
Format: DOC, Arial font size 12
Good luck!
DGM's Christmas Bonanza
Because we always have a competition this time of year. This competition will last up until midnight New Year's Eve, and the awards for each category will be:
1st: Crescent with Diamond
2nd: Crescent with Ruby
3rd: Crescent with Amethyst
So without further ado, here's the stuff to do!
Otherwise known as the "Butcher the Song" event! This year, you'll need to think up alternate Dark Jedi words to one of the following Tunes:
O Come All Ye Faithful
Once in Royal David's City
O Little Town of Bethlehem
Otherwise known as the Top Ten! What are the top ten gifts you would give to Darth Vader for Christmas?
Otherwise known as the funny story! "Santa's Dark Jedi Elf" is the title you'll need to use!
Otherwise known as Graphics! Design a Christmas Card for the DGM to send out.
Christmas just isn't Christmas without the pudding! Find a recipe for Figgy Pudding online and replace the ingredients with Star Wars Food and Drink! The most original (and tasty sounding) will win!
And it certainly isn't Christmas without the kitsch! Rewrite "Twas the night before Christmas" to a Dark Jedi theme.
Send all your submissions to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] before the closing date to be considered. Please make sure your email subject is: "DGM Christmas Bonanza: Event Title" (without the " in the actual subject).
Above all things, have fun!
Read the News http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/news.asp
Dalthid's Corner;
Participation in the various comps could get some of you promoted...just an idea.
Current Roster; (sont.minos.net)
JH Dalthid
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