Hello all for another week!
1: For long-standing and excellent service to the Brotherhood and Sith Order, we have awarded Dark Side Adept Keirdagh Cantor the Diamond Sword. I feel that his award is more than deserved in light of all the work he put in during his tenure as SHW. Please join me in congratulating him.
2: The DGM Christmas Bonanza is running! For more details, either see the main news page, or else check out http://dgm.minos.net
3: I have managed to upload most of the artifacts logged with me to the DGM database. Now... this means Clans should go and check their items. It's a little difficult at the moment as everything is organised by Name not by Clan, but hopefully we'll be able to get that fixed shortly. Consuls/Proconsuls make sure you check what's listed for your Clan and ensure that it is correct. If it's not, you have till January 2nd to tell me what's missing, otherwise I'm going to happily consign it to the trash bin.
4: Reminder: ALL COMPETITIONS MUST BE APPROVED THROUGH THE DGM WEBSITE IF YOU INTEND TO AWARD MEDALS. The Chancellor can and will deny Crescents given out for competitions that do not have approval.
5: I'm still working on updates of the DSC, including what I hope will be a decent revamp of the Force Powers section. I hope that by the time I return from an impending vacation (see further down report for details), then I will have it ready for approval by Firefox and upload to the website.
6: I am still working on promotion guidelines which I again hope to have done by the end of the year. Unfortunately I'm finding it a little difficult to concentrate on everything at once. ;)
7: I'm also putting together an evaluation sheet which come the new year I will be putting into practice across all the Clans. The idea is to evaluate the performance of each and every Clan in the Brotherhood according to several criteria. Through doing this, we aim at a tighter, more communicative administration, and one that shows due appreciation for work undertaken. Among the criteria that I will be looking at in particular will be the overall performance of associated Houses, the state of websites and how often they are updated, the provision of detailed Clan reports on a weekly basis and their upload to databases, and the running of Clan sponsored competitions. I may well also take "testimonial" (for want of a better word) from peers as to how they think others are performing.
All of these are ideas at the current time, and as soon as I have a final layout, I will be discussing it with the people it most affects - the Consuls and Proconsuls - in more detail.
8: As usual, if you have any problems or complaints, or if you think that there's something I haven't covered in my report that you need to ask questions about - or even want to ask questions about anything in my report - please come and talk to me either on IRC, AIM, or email!
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