A Look Inside the CHAN Office
The Christmas melodies echoes throughout the levels of the Dark Brotherhood like the annoying buzz of a thousand bees. Chancellor Shadonyx, and his Praetor Knight Camile, sat within their office reviewing medal recommendations.
"What is this... Christmas, Camile?" Asked Shadonyx. Being a native of an entirely different plane of existence, holidays were likely to be different.
"While the religious implications are that some guy died on a cross a couple thousand years ago," Camile drawled, "it's basically an excuse to hand out gifts to everyone you like."
"I see..." Shadonyx looked at all the poor recommendations. "I suppose this explains everyone's vague, yet nice, recommendations for their friends." Shadonyx frowned. "Bah, humbug!" He hit the "Denied" button.
The Chancellor's Missive
The Awards section of the Dark Side Compendium has been completely updated. So, no more complaining about Crescents! Also, the Scroll of Indoctrination needs an image. If you have any artistic talent, please make one! Your efforts will be awarded with a Star of Eos.
In the spirit of Christmas, I've decided to make a small competition. Your task is to rewrite "You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch" to reflect me, the Chancellor. The best submission will win a Diamond Crescent, and the second and third place will earn a Ruby and Amethyst Crescent, respectively. You can find the lyrics of the song here and all submissions are due to me a week from today, 12/28/02. Have fun :P
The Medal Bag
Medal Requested: Steel Cross (SC)
Requested for: PRT Hawker (Sith)
The request was made by: SBM Pyralis (Sith)
Reason given for request: Hawker has single-handedly created the most detailed XWA battle plotline I have EVER seen in my entire experience in the Emperor's Hammer. Submitted for a satellite project I started in House Galthain and appointed him as director, it is MY hope that this plotline will be the Galthain Battle Creation Team's first REAL work. This is an extended service to Clan Satal Keto which I think is unbelievably important and unprecedented. Due to the great dedication put forth and the very rare and special circumstances of this achievement, I believe Hawker must gain recognition with an equally important medal - a story he can certainly tell his followers one day. For the Brotherhood! - QUA/SBM Pyralis
CHAN Comments: This is quite true... I read over the battle plot line myself and it was of exemplary quality. Highly detailed and logical, the plan definitely deserved more than a Star of Eos.
Words of Wisdom
When recommending a medal, make sure you provide reasons! "For his work as AED," or "For his time as RM," or "Dedication and loyalty" is not good enough. Also, remember to put URLs in your competition medal recommendations! points to the DGM website
<td valign="top">Dark Adept Pharaun "Shadonyx" Illistyn
Chancellor of the Dark Brotherhood
</td> </tr> </table>
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