1) I have been lucky enought to discover two JK level designers within the DB, and I have assembled a JK level design division under the Obelisk Office. Hopefully we will be able to deliver SP and MP levels for use in DB comps. If you have any skills related to JK editing and would be interested in becoming part of the team, please contact me. <p> 2) Hacking has finally consumed my patience. It will not longer be tolerated within the DB. I have asked for Dreadnaught's advise, and he has agreed to provide a custom anti-hack JK addon. This will be mandatory for all DB JK events. So those of you who hack (and yeah, I have more than a couple of you spotted) better start getting used to fair play. <p> 3) I am currently coding the new Obelisk Site. It will feature an Obelisk Archive section. I am hoping to get the Krath office to help me maintain and organize this archive, so it will most likely be a good one. If you have writing, graphics or any other skills, send your submissions and they will be added as soon as the site is up.<p> OHC ZK </p></p></p>
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