Consul Report


Consul Report

Clan Naga Sadow | 22nd December 2002 | Report #18

...Heirs to the Empire...

Announcements from the Office of Consul Zorrixor

A good week in the way in many ways, a lot of high-level awards going out along with a fair amount of activity in comparison to recent weeks. I'm currently in the process of planning a large-scale internal Clan comp right now, it'll be a segemented thing with various phases, primarily due to the regular interuptions whenever we try something like this of various DB wide comps.

New Clan Competition 'Assault Frigate Naming Comp'

I know its not a particuarly special thing, but, I know things are going to be slow, so its not worth doing anything over the top this week, plus the 'Rebirth' comp (see below) will be coming soon anyway :)

Basically, Clan Naga Sadow 'may', thats 'may', own an Assault Frigate. Me and Mairin have been trying to hunt down the source of this mystery, at the moment the outlook is somewhat dim but you never know, we may get lucky :)

Simply I want some original names submitted to me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]. I'm looking for something quite original and different, and it doesn't necessarily have to have anything to do with Naga Sadow, as it would have been awarded TO us, so theres no need for it to have had to be named for us. This competition is only running for a week, so if you want to have a go at earning an easy medal submit a name, or two, or however many decent names you can think of.

On this note, if you happen to know anything about this myster of where the A/FRG, supposedly originally named Foresight came from, please mail me ASAP.

New Quaestors

My congratulations to both Tomaas Banys and Raistlin on their assignments as the Quaestors of Marka Ragnos and Primus Goluud respectively. I hope to see some good things from the houses after things get going again after the holiday season.


   Just as an extra part here, as people have asked, I don't handle Aedile appointments, thats the Quaestors choice, so if you're curious whats happening there, ask Raistlin or Tomaas.  

Marka Ragnos win the 'Ring of Wrath'

My congratulations to Marka Ragnos on earning the Ring of Wrath, a new possession for the Clan. Its always good to see something like this happen, and although we may be small, it proves we are still strong and have some very skilled members in our midst, so I urge all who participated in the second murder mystery league to keep up the excellent work :)

This bring us up to seven official possessions, for which I am most pleased. Since many of you are probably thinking 'CNS has possessions???', heres the list:

Muurian Transport 'Keepsake'

Ring of Wrath

Tablet of R'puntaf

Dark Sword of H'ksych

Book of Truth

Teaching Riddles

Sadow Sword

Not a bad set of toys :)

Unofficial possessions, or rather, those I've just chosen to give us to fulfill the Clan's ego :P, are:

Orbs of Power - Recovered from the galaxy when Kale was Consul.

Chronical of Dark Souls - once huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge book written by our very own Pontifex Trev himself, if anybody wants a copy I've got it.

Then theres that A/FRG that we know nothing about :P

Promotions aplenty

This week saw the elevations of Ghost Angel to Krath Priest and Malik to Sith Battlemaster, my congratulations to both of them. Also I was awarded Sith Warlord myself, my greatest thanks to everyone for helping in this, along with my thanks to the Council for awarding it.


As I mentioned above, I'm planning a somewhat large competition, its Artisan's time anyway, so its the annual time for a large Clan wide comp. I've got two main ideas for the plot, though its pending the discovery of something first, so I'm gonna be doing a bit of history searching over the next couple of days to find out something, at which point I'll be getting the plot sorted and the phases planned. It's going to be very plot oriented, and likely quite a Krathy thing actually.

Feud Update

  • On Hold -

Clan Envoys

I've had some good applicants for the position of Clan Envoy, all prepared to take House Envoy if necessary. My concern though comes from the lack of House Envoy applications from Ludo Kressh and Primus Goluud, those are the Houses that badly need to see new members coming in, so I really do urge you to apply if you're interested. I'll make appointments after Christmas.

Activity Systems Review

I'm looking at better ways of incorporating everything into a more sensible and simplistic package, most of all I'm trying to stay away from anything too formalised (as in, 'points') as I believe its better if its a more fictionally oriented thing to make it more realistic and 'DBish'. I would say it'll be done by next week, though...this week is a difficult one, and it will depend whether or not I end up being prepared to do it during Christmas, I'll say now that I will but...I can't guarentee it.

DB Leadership Studies Reminder

Just a reminder, if you're a Battleteam Leader or up you NEED, I repeat, thats you NEED to take the LS course, no ifs or buts here...its a direct order from the Council so I'm afraid its going to have to be done. It takes about fifteen minutes, so it should be easy enough.

AWOL Check Results

I was pleased with the results, we didn't lose as many people as I expected, though thats not to say we didn't lose some. As I work the Activity Systems Review into its final stages, I can say that these will soon be much simpler, in the sense of that QUAs/AEDs/BTLDs will have it woven into their jobs to keep track of people on a more regular weekly basis to make it far easier to AWOL people reguarly, so there won't be the threat of these sort of 'sudden death' checks every now and then.

Notices of Leave and stuff...

I'm aware that many of you are probably on leave or taking time off right now, but please, if you're doing so please inform myself and/or your House Summit. I'd rather not have replies in a week from the AWOL check of "I was on leave!" but it turn out they actually weren't officially, and if you're a summit member then you really do need to clear it with me. I accept that EVERYONE may take leave this week, and I'm not going to throw a fit if the entire Clan effectively packs up and leaves for a week, but if you're going to I need to know...all it is is a simple email, and it's more worth it than coming back and no longer being in your position...just remember that....

Status Update on the Elite Black Guard

Lord Consul Xanos Zorrixor

Lord Proconsul Arion Sunrider

Lord Primus Kant Lavar

Demi-Precentor Carl Lost

Adeptus DujHoD

Inceptor Darkwolf

Inceptor Scithe

Inceptor Kant Lavar

Inceptor GhostAngel

Inceptor Jaguar

Inceptor Tomaas Banys

Inceptor Zacfer

Inceptor Raistlin

Just as a note, with the changes in the Activity Systems Review, I'll also take the oppertunity to revamp the Guard again. Primarily to make it so each Order has a more structured way of challenging for the titles, more to come on this as it develops.

House News Foreword

So you all know, the Deputy Grand Mistress will be doing systematic Clan audits now and then, this will include things such as competitions, webpages...and whether reports are uploaded to the database. So just to give further incentive to upload reports! :)

Just a note, if you all recall, I stated that theres now a three strike policy, no report three times in a row and you're out. Though I'm not yet enforcing this absolutely, its still being enforces, after three weeks without a report be prepared to have to answer some difficult questions....

Proconsul - Intermitent week, though no report making up for last weeks abscence.

Ludo Kressh -

Primus Goluud - No Report Recieved

Marka Ragnos -


The end of a very prosperous week, both for many members, including myself, and for the Clan at large with the earning of the Ring of Wrath and the potential discovery of a lost A/FRG. Things seem to be starting to get better, so hopefully we've managed to fight through this period of inactivity, I can only hope that in the coming months we grow back into what we were 18 months ago.

In Service to the Brotherhood,

Lord Consul Zorrixor

Consul of Clan Naga Sadow

Governor Plenipotentiary of Sif

= Lord Consul, Warlord Zorrixor, Admiral of the Imperial Navy =

  • SWL Xanos Goatham Zorrixor (Sith)/CON/Naga Sadow


  • RSV/AD Xanos Goatham Zorrixor/M-FRG Pheonix/Reserves

  • GS/SS/BSx8/PCx5/ISMx18 [LGNR]  
  • MoI-BC/MoT-2rh-6gh/LoC-PSx33/DFC/MoC-1SoC 1GoC  
  • CoS/CoL/CoB/LoA/OV-3E  


  • [Officer-4th] [XA-A] [AoT-001]

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