<bow> Welcome to the weekly holonet transmission of HLK's AED, SBM Abel Malik 12/24/02
CNS website URL: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/cns/index2.html
HLK website URL: http://cgi-bin.spaceports.com/~sapphire/
HLK motto: Dominato per Noctis- Power through Darkness
CNS message board: http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewforum.php?f=20
CNS IRC channel: #naga_sadow
Sith Order website: http://www.sithorder.org/
updated DSC awards URL: http://abyss.borkweb.com/chan/awards/awards.html
DB competitions center URL: http://www25.brinkster.com/sithimperium/main.asp
General DB/CNS/HLK news:
Our CON Goatham was promoted to the rank of Sith Warlord (SWL).
The SHW Yacks resigned several weeks ago, our new SHW is Hades.
GhostAngel was promoted to the rank of Krath Priest (KP).
Dark Voice 32 was released recently(read below for more information).
SBM Bob returns/re-apears;p.
SW Malik promoted to SBM last week- the confusion campaign can begin once again;p.
Tomaas Banys is the new Quaestor of HMR.
Raistlin is the new Quaestor of HPG
New Poll...Order Specific Powers
Posted by KE Daavak "Tronsta" Cantor - 12/19/2002 [8:53:57 PM]
I'm working on some ideas, fooling around with creating Order Specific Powers for the DB. Vote on the new poll and let me know how you feel about this! Email me with any questions and/or comments.
The DGM Christmas Bonanza!
Posted by DJM Mairin Astoris - 12/18/2002 [2:17:00 PM]
Because we always have a competition this time of year. This competition will last up until midnight New Year's Eve, and the awards for each category will be:
1st: Crescent with Diamond
2nd: Crescent with Ruby
3rd: Crescent with Amethyst
So without further ado, here's the stuff to do!
Otherwise known as the "Butcher the Song" event! This year, you'll need to think up alternate Dark Jedi words to one of the following Tunes:
O Come All Ye Faithful
Once in Royal David's City
O Little Town of Bethlehem
Otherwise known as the Top Ten! What are the top ten gifts you would give to Darth Vader for Christmas?
Otherwise known as the funny story! "Santa's Dark Jedi Elf" is the title you'll need to write about!
Otherwise known as Graphics! Design a Christmas Card for the DGM to send out.
Christmas just isn't Christmas without the pudding! Find a recipe for Figgy Pudding online and replace the ingredients with Star Wars Food and Drink! The most original (and tasty sounding) will win!
And it certainly isn't Christmas without the kitsch! Rewrite "Twas the night before Christmas" to a Dark Jedi theme.
Send all your submissions to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] before the closing date to be considered. Please make sure your email subject is: "DGM Christmas Bonanza: Event Title" (without the " in the actual subject).
Above all things, have fun!
Envoys: (news from our CON Goat)
As I'm sure you're all no doubt aware by now, the Society of Envoys has been considerably changed yet again, meaning that its time to look into appointing some members of the Clan to cover these duties. In the same way as with the MSP, I'm going to lay down some basic guidelines for what I'd expect to see from the type of people we're looking to have in the Envoy positions:
Clan Envoy
Required Criteria
Rank of Dark Jedi Knight or higher.
At least 4 months in the Brotherhood.
High IRC Presence.
48hr email response time.
Current membership within Clan Naga Sadow.
Previous leadership and/or organizational abilities - Evidence required. (Namely, work as Battleteam Leader or a highly successful Master/House Envoy who can keep active and encourage others).
Desirable Criteria
House Envoy
Required Criteria
Rank of Dark Jedi Knight or higher.
At least 4 months in the Brotherhood.
Moderately-high IRC Presence.
48hr email response time.
Current membership within Clan Naga Sadow.
Desirable Criteria
Enthusiastic, interested and past demonstration of commitment to the Brotherhood.
Willingness to encourage and improve Clan activity.
I'm aware that at first glance many of you are probably thinking "What the hell?" in that the requirements may seem a little harse, I'm not going to restrict who gets the jobs to these, as in the state the Clan is at the moment its probably more likely those under DJK are the most active and commited members of the Clan, but...its more for long-term future things in that these sort of guidelines are what we'd want in a n IDEAL situation, that being, an average one, not a superb one or a really poor one...and at the moment we're not in much of an average situation...
...that all said, I'd like people to apply for the jobs, the duties are listed in the Deputy Grand Master's report at djb.org, but, so you all know, heres the relevant excert:
Each Clan will have a Clan Envoy. It will be his responsibility to oversee the duties of House Envoys (see below), to ensure that they conduct their tasks promptly and appropriately, and to make sure that assignments are passed to them on a timely basis. He will be responsible for writing reports to his Clan Summit and the Headmaster on general progress with the scheme. He will keep in regular contact with the Headmaster, who will assign the Clan Envoy with a number of recruits per week (which is dependent on the number of Apprentices who sign on). The Clan Envoy is then responsible for assigning those Apprentices to the Envoy of the relevant House within his Clan and ensuring that those assignments are followed up correctly.
House Envoys are responsible to their Clan Summits and to the Clan Envoy and Headmaster of the Shadow Academy. They will cc or bcc their Clan Envoy on their first contact email to Apprentices so that he can keep records of their assignments being completed. They will report to him on a weekly basis as to whether their assigned Apprentices have responded to them or otherwise been in contact. Their role will be to guide the Apprentices through their first days in the Brotherhood, specifically to assist them to pass their basic training and acclimatise themselves to the way the Brotherhood works. You will be the focal point of their queries, and may even help them out with the MP requirements of their tests, proof-read their fiction submissions, and provide other assistance as required.
In a way they're an extension of the Master/Student Program but focus on Apprentices outside the Clan, thats why the requirements are exactly the same as those of any normal Master. The scheme is something that we as a Clan are badly in need of, as we don't get enough new recruits coming our way, so I strongly ask that those of you with the time apply it to helping the Clan this way. If it means you don't get to participate in competitions as much, if you're prepared to give up that time to do this, then please, please do. We need more members as we keep losing dozens at a time but get very few back to compensate for the loss. There will be a substantial levle of recognition and awards given to the Envoys, as I do value their task greatly, so don't feel like its a pointless endevour, it will prove to be a fast way to get promoted if you do a good job at it.
If you're interested in applying please email myself, Arion and your respective Quaestor and Aedile
New stuf from the CON:
New Clan Competition 'Assault Frigate Naming Comp'
I know its not a particuarly special thing, but, I know things are going to be slow, so its not worth doing anything over the top this week, plus the 'Rebirth' comp will be coming soon anyway :)
Basically, Clan Naga Sadow 'may', thats 'may', own an Assault Frigate. Me and Mairin have been trying to hunt down the source of this mystery, at the moment the outlook is somewhat dim but you never know, we may get lucky :)
Simply I want some original names submitted to me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]. I'm looking for something quite original and different, and it doesn't necessarily have to have anything to do with Naga Sadow, as it would have been awarded TO us, so theres no need for it to have had to be named for us. This competition is only running for a week, so if you want to have a go at earning an easy medal submit a name, or two, or however many decent names you can think of.
On this note, if you happen to know anything about this myster of where the A/FRG, supposedly originally named Foresight came from, please mail me ASAP.
New HLK members:
n/a this week
Sith Bloodlust Melee night:
Day: Thursdays
Time: 6:30-9:30 pm EST
Location: #EHCOC
Platforms: XvT, XWA
Contact: SHW Yacks ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Sith Duel Night:
A new MP night using XWA & XvT for the Sith is being hosted by Clan Arcona's DJK Brian every Sunday 8:00-10:00 pm EST in #ehcoc on IRC.
Contact Name: Brian ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Dark Voice #32 was released last week:
Dark Voice 32, i suggest you all try and participate in DV33!
It's quite easy to earn the Dark Side Scroll (DSS) & it's upgrades with graphics & fiction or screenshots from flying platforms for us Sith!
I encourage everyone to participate in the next issue!
The detials for the DV submissions are:
Make sure to include your DB ID line AND DB Pin number when submitting. This helps me type in all of those medals I award.
The submission MUST be Dark Jedi/Force related. DO NOT just send me a TIE fighter picture. Yes, I know that we have Sith pilots but I need more creativity then that. If you made it a banner and put some cools DB related stuff on there then that is fine. But I will not accept just anything. It must be Dark Botherhood/Force related.
Name the submission in all lowercase letter and no spaces or symbols. Example: My Tie Banner change to mytiebanner. I know it does not look as pretty but it is easier for our webmaster this way and it saves me time from changing everything.
That is all you have to follow to get your work in the Dark Voice. I would also like to point out two other things. If you submitting something in a house comp. or the Krath Monthly topic ect. Then it is OK to submit it to the Dark Voice as well. Also if you have gone to a Star Wars
Convention and have some pictures with jedi actors or jedi props then you can send them. However, please limit the number to two or three of your best pictures.
HLK Battleteams:
Emerald Squadron was shut down many weeks ago due to the results of an AWOL check.
The Fighter breakdowns for each battle-team: (as determined by our PCON Goatham). (note: all the fighters are equiped with hyperdrives)
Diamond Squadron (Superiority)
TIE Interceptor flight 1
TIE Interceptor flight 2
TIE Fighter flight 3
Emerald Squadron (Special Ops)- shut down unfortunately : (
TIE Interceptor flight 1
TIE Imterceptor flight 2
TIE Bomber flight 3
Sapphire Squadron (Heavy Assault)
Assault Gunboat flight 1
TIE Bomber flight 2
TIE Fighter flight 3
CNS Message board:
the CNS message board (http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewforum.php?f=20 ) is around for communication (and a lot of spam it seems:P.). Feel free to post any topics as long as you follow the EH rules regarding behavior.
Monthly Flying comp: (a single player comp, this one i always participate in:p.)
keep in mind that there's always a monthly flying comp going on in HLK in which you fly the official EH battles & missions. Send your pilot files to SW Janos Silverwolf ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) & cc Scithe ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) in order to participate. Cresents for the top three participating pilots will be awarded.
Crescent w/Sapphire Star (Cr-1A) for 1st place
Crescent w/Emerald Star (Cr-1E) for 2nd place
Crescent w/Topaz Star (Cr-1T) for 3rd place
Diamond Motto and nick comp (send all entry's to the other SBM Malik;p)
Mal wants new nicknames and mottos for Diamond and its flights.
Crescent with Topaz Star (Cr-1G) for the one with most used mottos and nicknames
HLK Information: (as passed to me from our CON, SBL Goatham)
Planet Ullyr - Ludo Kressh Home Base Kressh Fortress
The third planet in the Phare system, Ullyr, is perhaps the most hospitable of all the planets, at least from a geographical viewpoint. Ullyr is strongly suited to support life, 45% of the surface is covered in water, the atmosphere is breathable, the climate is temperate (ranging from -5° to 25°C), gravity is standard at 1.2 and one day has a fairly standard rotational cycle of 29 hours. The planets downfall is its terrain, mostly uneven and covered in trees the planet is not yet suited for mass populations, and the resources are far from expendable, given time though Ullyr has the potential to become a formidable fortress world, being one of the largest of the planets in the Phare system at 9,000km in diameter. However as an Imperial world Ullyr is not yet very industrialized, the government is not truly Imperial, mostly being a feudal system between the native wookie tribesmen, also the Starport is only a standard installation and does not provide the defensive abilities of the Imperial Starports such as those circling Sif and Loki.
Regardless of this, the low profile this provides the planet with makes it a suitable choice for the home of one of the Clans houses, more specifically those of Ludo Kressh, the Sith of the Clan. Being the space faring troops of the Clan the lack of a decent Starport also proves little of a problem, perhaps being more of a benefit as it hides their activities more. The fortress installation of Ludo Kressh is perhaps the most expensive of any of the Clans installations, along with being the newest. Buried below the surface of a volcanic lake the installation is a large 100m tall by 60m wide fortress, the walls formed of ten foot of impenetrable durasteel, the surrounding mountain range covered in an array of shields, turbolasers, ion cannons, warhead launchers, sensors, and jamming systems. Protruding even further than the 100m height of the underwater base are three additional towers that head up another 50m from the first level of the installation, providing enhanced sensor and communication systems, additional hanger space and a meeting hall that is seated on top of the lake, open to the air. It is the added defense of the Sith pilots which also makes Ullyrs moon, Baldyr, the perfect location for one of the Clans additional bases, its private prison complex.
Platform Obsidian
Obsidian is the secondary installation for Ludo Kressh, an orbital space-station that provides both extended communication systems for the entire Clan, and an auxiliary base at which the Clans ships can be stored, maintained and repaired. The base is staffed by members of Ludo Kressh, though some of the Saraii devotees aid in the daily upkeep of the base. The platform is kept in orbit of the planets moon, Baldyr, thus providing it with additional security by limiting its direct connection to Ullyr, and hence its connection to the pilots of Naga Sadow. Though primarily a Sith installation, Obsidian provides support for the entire Clan, usually acting as the hanger bay for many of the Clans shuttles and other vehicles. Obsidians limited construction bays and manufacturing apparatus also provides it with the ability to upgrade and enhance the Clans ships.
New DB robe proto-type images:
not everyone likes the new robe proto-types Astantine has created but with a little more work i think they would look great!
Abel Maliks online humor section:
http://cgi.theforce.net/theforce/museum.cgi?Museum=Christmas/Contest_Dec_2002/Entries/ph-maulholly1024.jpg (I saw this online & laughed);p.
HLK Roster: (17 members)!
SWL Tron Sadow ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Battlemaster Abel Malik ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Battlemaster Bob ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Battlemaster Malik ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Battlemaster Scithe ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Warrior Carl Lost ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Warrior Den Darkhill ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Warrior Janos Silverwulf ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Dark Jedi Knight Runic Soul ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Jedi Hunter Sancho ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Guardian Jack Stone ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Guardian Rogue Ronin ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Guardian Talon "NemesiS" Karrde ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Protector Dark Eclipse ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Protector Saber ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Acolyte Uther ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Acolyte Ksian Qui-Soran ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Recent HLK Elevations:
n/a this week.
Recent HLK awards/courses passed:
ACO Uther passed the DB Leadership Studies course.
ACO Ksian Qui-Soran was awarded a Dark Cross (DC) for Completing Ten Shadow Academy courses in his first month of service in
the Dark Brotherhood from SBM Bob.
Misc activity:
flew TC-XvT53, TC-XWA32 & TC-BoP14
<bow> Until next time, in darkness....
SBM Abel Malik(Sith)/AED/Ludo Kressh of Naga Sadow
{SA: Core-G:LS-O:Core-S:Core-S:ISET-S:ESET-S:TAC}
2048 HLK promo points
"Don't be all down on the Darkside, know what i mean?"
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