Welcome to a very pleasing Headmaster report. #11, to be exact.
Obelisk Battlelord Mage
Headmaster of the Shadow Academy
OBL Mage (Obelisk)/HM/Dark Council [GMRG: INI]
1) Shadow Academy Upgrade Report
This is impressive. I've uploaded the new SA site, in its HTML form, to http://teapot.usask.ca/~kevin/SA/
I realize this isn't the finished product, and some links don't work, and y'all have problems with the size of boxes and fonts and other silly little things, but the new site is now more than just a thought! Hopefully, I will have the core work done soon, and the PHP backend fun will be worked out, and this whole mess can replace the current site before I go back to school. ;)
2) Other Big News
Some executive decisions have come down this week...
a) Passing grades on all exams are now 70%. Up until this point, some were 75%, and some were 70%, and there was general confusion. As it's a nice round number in contrast, I've chosen 70%.
b) New SA course ideas are being accepted. In contrast to the IWATS courses, which are very technical, the Shadow Academy's courses have always been more based around fictional knowledge. However, I will look at either, as long as we avoid severe redundancy.
c) Every member of the Shadow Academy staff is now required to submit a bi-weekly report, detailing anything they've done for the Academy over the past two weeks. These will be due on the 1st and 15th of every month. My Praetor is exempt, as his work is directly intertwined with mine, but for the rest of you:
Magistrates: Your reports should cover the progress of the Combat Academy on the whole, and the direction in which you're taking things.
Course Teachers: Your reports should basically inform me how you're doing with grading, and confirm that you're getting things done.
Combat Instructors: Your reports need to cover what classes you're currently offering, anyone you've given private lessons to over the past two weeks, and anything else you feel I need to know about your operations.
Reports from my Magistrates and Course Teachers come to Pyralis and myself, reports from Combat Instructors come to Dagger, freshjive, and myself.
Your first reports are due on the 15th of January.
3) Grand Happenings
I got promoted to OBL! Santa did come after all! :P
4) SA Staff
Anybody who needs to see this list can now do so at http://teapot.usask.ca/~kevin/SA/sastaff.html
5) Grad Count
Oh, but the numbers, the crunching, munching numbers!
My total grad count is at 504. The breakdown:
Phase 1 - 111
Phase 2 - 70
Sith CORE - 30
Krath CORE - 14
Obelisk CORE - 94
Leadership - 70
Krath Grammar Studies - 19
ISET - 38
ESET - 40
Sith Tactics - 18
That'd be all, folks!...
<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<td>_ Obelisk Battlemaster Mage_
Headmaster of the Shadow Academy</td></tr></table>
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