Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Sorry for the lateness of this. Had some computer problems to fix. Well lets get this thing going.


Siterath and Demerzel both were promoted! Their hard work had not gone unnoticed and they were rewarded for it. Keep up the good work guys! I got a sapphire crescent for placing third in the November monthly story competition. Just goes to show that Gladius people can place in that competition. I've already submitted a poem for the December monthly competition. Have you submitted anything?


I've had a few submissions come in this week. Most of them were for the Christmas competition. That's good and I encourage more. Just got to remember to send my stuff in :P Demerzel is on a short LoA and Jade is on an indefinate LoA. I've not heard from Hades yet, hopefully he'll be back soon so I'm not all alone.

Please start sending in your monthly activity reports. This takes at the most five minutes. Just tell us what competitions you've submitted to, what chat programs you've been active on, and anything else you want to say. I will be making one too for all you guys to read when the big report comes out. So start churning them out!


The Dark Jedi Games are still on. http://www22.brinkster.com/saitou/darkjedigames/

Try to participate. It will last until Jan. 5th so still got time to make a story or a poem or both :) Don't forget the run-on they got going for it on the EH Message Board. The link is at the end of this and every report and it's on the DJG website. Have fun!

The monthly competition is as follows:

Poem:  Your Homeworld

Story: The Krath in Combat

Participate and you might win a nice shiny medal like I did :D

The Clan Christmas competition is going on until the 31st. I look forward to a flood of last minute stuff sent in for that. Look to my last report, which is logged in the DB database, for details!.

Check out the DGM site http://dgm.minos.net for the Christmas competition that's running there.

So many competitions so little time! I don't care if you can't participate in every competition. I know I can't either. Just do as much as you can, that's all I ask. :)

DB News

The SA is still going through a lot of changes. They got a graduate list up now so it'll be easier to say HI!!! to our newest members.

Some website bugs were fixed. If anyone noticed, our ranks were a block and a question mark for a little while there.

If you decide you want to be in a leadership position, got to take the Leadership test first. I encourage everyone to take the test and get a feel for all the stuff a leader must do.

Other news can be viewed on the DB website. Go there for your daily dose of news.

Other News

Not really much else to report on. I hope everyone had a good Christmas, if you celebrate it. Around my home, we got about 7 inches of snow :P Speaking of snow, there is a winter/Christmas type word run-on going on at the Tarentum MB. I know it's got lots of pop ups but please go and make a post or two. I would love to see more participation on that.

If anyone has any comments, questions, or anything else to say, I'm always here for you to yell at. That's about it for now, until next week!

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