hi all
This week we talk about important stuff first! the state of the clan!
till now participation in all sections of the clan competition are not encouraging at all, even then if i consider the time of year.
with the GJW knocking on our doors i think we need a recruitment drive for all houses of the clan, but with more focus on kirleta because of the very law activity situation there.
So effective immediately we start a recruiting drive, every clan member this is directed to you! and to make it worth your while there will be medals and maybe a promotion depending on your rank! but before you run and get someone/any one just to cash in the reward there are some rules: awards will be given at the end of the GJW to the for every 2 recruited you receive a Dark Cross, but these persons have to: complete the SA in 10 days, complete their history in a max of another 10 days, and show good activity in their first two weeks in the clan. so if they are able to do that they are prolly active people that you got in and you deserve your reward.
Also despite focusing on kirleta, this is to improve our active numbers in all houses, so what ever house you are in recruit for the CLAN! yes you can start by mentioning your house and it's activity, what it does etc. and see if the recruit is interested, if he is not then don't stop and go on praising the other houses and explain what they are about and what is done there!
The promo or big medal at the end would be for the one with the most recruits! so good luck all and get working!
With the END of the year some cool medals and promotions have been awarded most outstanding is the SBL promotion of Galthain's QUA. great work! you deserve it! for the rest check the extra long medal and promos sections of this weeks report! all i can say grats to all of you on a job well done and an award well earned!
Also special congrats to Dalthid of aleema for a great showing in the November KMT competition , winning first place in story section and third in poem section AND getting promoted to DJK this week too! WOOOOOO this is some good showing! keep up the great work.
Details on third phase of the clan competitions will be released shortly, so expect it shortly..and check your mailbox every 5 mins from now till you receive it!.... mean while i'll go off to sleep some :P
Aleema QUA is in oldies hand ....go bug him :P
DON'T FORGET : if you are after a leadership position you got to complete the leadership course... which reminds me i should do it too! :P
down to 52 members..... did i say it is important to recruit? you don't remember i said that? /me kicks you to the top of the report! now re-read! :P
Medal Requested: Cluster of Fire (CF)
Requested for: DJK Reza (Obelisk) x12
Medal Requested: Cluster of Fire (CF)
Requested for: DJK Dalthid (Krath) x4
Medal Requested: Cluster of Fire (CF)
Requested for: PRT Acklay (Krath)
Medal Requested: Cluster of Fire (CF)
Requested for: GRD silent (Krath)
Medal Requested: Crescent w/ Amethyst Star (A)
Requested for: DJK Reza (Obelisk)
Medal Requested: Crescent w/ Sapphire Star (S)
Requested for: DJK DarkHawk (Sith)
Medal Requested: Crescent w/ Emerald Star (E)
Requested for: PRT Hawker (Sith)
Medal Requested: Crescent w/ Ruby Star (R)
Requested for: JH Dalthid (Krath)
Medal Requested: Crescent w/ Sapphire Star (S)
Requested for: JH Dalthid (Krath)
Medal Requested: Crescent w/ Sapphire Star (S)
Requested for: PRT Big Daddy (Sith)
Medal Requested: Grand Cross of the Dark Side (GC)
Requested for: SBL Gord Darkonian (Sith)
The request was made by: DJM Mairin Astoris (Krath)
Reason given for request:
Excellent work as Proconsul of Satal Keto - Mairin Astoris
Medal Requested: Steel Cross (SC) <- medal from mage for SA work! grats
Requested for: SBL Pyralis (Sith)
Medal Requested: Steel Cross (SC)
Requested for: OBM Waza Sunrider (Obelisk)
Medal Requested: Steel Cross (SC)
Requested for: DJK Page Meridian (Krath)
Medal Requested: Star of Eos (SE)
Requested for: SW Talon Jade (Sith)
"Joke Of the Week" an Aleema competition
Medal Requested: Crescent w/ Emerald Star (E)
Requested for: GRD silent (Krath)
Medal Requested: Crescent w/ Topaz Star (T)
Requested for: DJK Tatsu Kogarasu (Krath)
Medal Requested: Crescent w/ Quartz Star (Q)
Requested for: KP Maradis Jenkar (Krath)
UGH...let me recount...hmm cant be.. 32 blistering medals in one week ??? 12 CoF's to Reza? load of crescents? and a major medal for me from the DGM?????? WOW this has to be a record!!! superb work ladies and gents of this clan! when you want active you apparently can be active! :P
note (the reason for my GC just slipped in there..i was then too lazy to delete it! :P)
2 persons now one step away from knight, and another two persons who did it this week...i already said WOW and superb and great above.... so what do i say now? outstanding? any way congrats to all of you guys.....and considering the fact that a promotion to battle lord doesn't happen every day i also included the recs for it.grats pyro!
Recommendation for: Acklay (Krath)
Old Rank: Acolyte (ACO)
New Rank: Protector (PRT)
Recommendation for: Delak (Sith)
Old Rank: Protector (PRT)
New Rank: Guardian (GRD)
Recommendation for: Big Daddy (Sith)
Old Rank: Protector (PRT)
New Rank: Guardian (GRD)
Recommendation for: silent (Krath)
Old Rank: Guardian (GRD)
New Rank: Jedi Hunter (JH)
Recommendation for: TK-2107 (Sith)
Old Rank: Guardian (GRD)
New Rank: Jedi Hunter (JH)
Recommendation for: Vessicant (Sith)
Old Rank: Jedi Hunter (JH)
New Rank: Dark Jedi Knight (DJK)
Recommendation for: Dalthid (Krath)
Old Rank: Jedi Hunter (JH)
New Rank: Dark Jedi Knight (DJK)
Recommendation for: Pyralis (Sith)
Old Rank: Battlemaster (SBM)
New Rank: Battlelord (SBL)
This request was made by: DJM Mairin Astoris (Krath)
The reason given for this request:
I would like to promote SBM Pyralis, Quaestor of Galthain to SBL.
Serving roughly 3 months in his current role, this would maybe seem a
little premature. Let me assure you that is far from the case. In his time
as Qua this man has gone beyond all levels of service. Participation
reached 70% in a recent house vs. house competition, they were doing well
in the SSL and his motivation is simply astounding. The house is mailing
at levels not seen in years, a battle project is currently in development
and I simply have little to do in order to focus and direct his attention
in regards to house development. The house has transformed from inactive
and lacking to an impressive powerful force. He also helps his clan summit
and makes sure they are on form and doing what they should be :P his
attitude to Clan and house progress is refreshing and he always has ideas
to contribute. I couldn't ask any better of a Queastor... Hell I need to
create clones of this guy some how!! :P
SWL Drako
I do agree with this, DV has been around a long time, hell we were
originally assigned together 6 years ago. In his work with Galthain it's
really been unbelieveable. Galthain has had 10 times more submissions in
the Sith Squadron League and was equally more active in their feud with
Galthian, and it really is because of his leadership.
SBL Hades (Sith)/SHW
have to say bye this week to Osra , Arso's clone who is force to leave cause bad arso left us...at least he is not joining another clan! :P
hope to see you back with us soon Arso.and your clone too! :P
ACO Osra (Obelisk), your transfer request has been approved.
Transfer request details:
Transfering From: Battle Team Crimson Dawn
Transfering To: Rogue
more courses completed this week nice showing of activity there!
Sith Basic Studies Course:
Pyralis (Sith)
Sith Core course:
Pyralis (Sith)
DJK Selket Isis Entar
note to all interested:
Requesting Member: DJK Dalthid (Krath)
Email changed to: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
and to end this weeks report, i give you an example of the humor of our lord and master FF. the following is actually a mail we got before Pyralis promo was official, reading the first lines.well see for yourself :P
" I'm sorry but I don't think we can promote him. I mean, it's unprecedented! If we start promoting people who actually deserve it we'll be making a mockery of the entire Dark Brotherhood's system of favoritism and unfairness!
More seriously though, I approved the recommendation myself. :)
Firefox "
so that's it for this week laters all
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