Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

House Galthain of Clan Satal Keto

Quaestor: Sith Battlelord Pyralis

Aedile: Sith Warrior Talon Jade

December 28, 2002

Shorter report than normal this week. I’m rushed to leave and write this report on the run… So, no fiction this week :(

I do hope everyone has had a good holiday season so far. Expect a new competition very soon to be administrated by Talon Jade and Hawker…

Be safe and have fun, Galthain!


--Goodbye to Acolyte Penfold who in his last moments displayed an unbelievable surge of activity. He leaves us due to family reasons and I truly hope he will come back. Before you go, check your email in the next few days! ;) Best of luck to your sister’s health, Penfold…

--Premature welcome to Sith Warrior Mell Kerrigan. He joins us with a little coercion, but has already played me in a few games of MP and hasn’t lost his touch as a pilot. Talon Jade will assign you to a squadron when you officially join! :) In the meantime, I’ll send you an email…Welcome to Galthain, Mell!

Leave of Absence:

Starting now, I am on a leave of absence until Monday, January 6, 2003. In my absence, Warrior Talon Jade will take over and he’s already informed me of a couple plans he has. In addition to Talon Jade, Protector Hawker will serve in a secondary position. Please include SBL Pyralis, SW Talon Jade, and PRT Hawker on ALL emails that you would normally send to only the QUA and AED while I am gone. For those of you that usually email JUST me, please realize I won’t see your emails until I return. You need to included Talon Jade and Hawker too.


SBM Pyralis > SBL Pyralis


JH Vessicant > DJK Vessicant


The reason given for this request:

JH Vessicant has been a very valuable and dependable member of House Galthain. Skilled in both the arts of a Sith and Krath, Vessicant is one of the few that I can count on one hand in Galthain that have demonstrated his skill as a TIE Fighter pilot in addition to his dedication as a author of Dark Jedi lore. Having continually served House Galthain ever since my ascension to QUA and participating in most of the competitions, I think a promotion is now due for his dedicated service to both House Galthain and Clan Satal Keto. Vessicant is now more than worthy to bear a lightsaber in the Dark Hall of Desalmado. - SBL Pyralis

GRD TK-2107 > JH TK-2107


The reasons given for this request:

Guardian TK-2107 has served House Galthain with great loyalty and dedication since I became the QUA over two and a half months ago. His activity record is by far the longest having participated in nearly every single competition that has been available for participation - including over 40 battle/mission assignments usually playing all 3 assignments per competitioin/assignment. TK-2107 has been one of my most reliable Dark Jedi and for this long standing service, I would like to promote him to Jedi Hunter - SBL Pyralis

PRT Big Daddy > GRD Big Daddy


The reasons given for this request:

The level activity seen from Big Daddy has simply been unprecedented. He has been with Galthain for nearly 3 weeks now and has already played a total of 25 battles/missions - only 20% from actual assignments. Beyond this, he has achieved another victory for the EH in the ORWII, written a six mission plotline, and shown initiative as the first Flight Leader to show any real concern for his duties above that of just a normal pilot. From Novice to Guardian in 3 weeks is unprecedented during my time as Quaestor. Unprecedented promotions follow from activity that goes above and beyond the call of duty. May this be an example to all. Congratulations Guardian Big Daddy - SBL Pyralis

PRT Delak Krennel > GRD Delak Krennel


The reasons given for this request:

For satisfactorily serving as Delphian Sith Commander, participating in the Tridens comp, SSL Round 2, and Worth It: Phase One, as well as writing adequate and timely squadron reports, I believe Protector Delak should be elevated to Guardian in accordance with the Dark Side Compendium. – SBL Pyralis


SBL Pyralis > Steel Cross


Reason given for request:

For excellent work above and beyond the call of duty as my Praetor. Pyralis has been an aspiring assistant for some time now, and has completed every task I have assigned him with exemplary effort, and an admirable quality of work. His zealous dedication to the improvement of training has been a phenomenal help, and having someone as well-versed and insightful as Pyralis to bounce ideas off of is absolutely amazing. The Steel Cross is normally awarded for service to one's House or Clan - this particular one goes out to Pyralis for superb service to myself, the Shadow Academy, and through the Shadow Academy, the Brotherhood itself.

SW Talon Jade > Star of Eos


Reason given for request:

Talon has been a excellent aid as Aed of Galthain. Keeping up communications/morale, participating and motivating, this lad does all he can to get his Jedi involved! He has also been a key inspiration in Galthain's amazing transformation as a powerful house not to be underestimated.

GRD Big Daddy > Crescent w/ Sapphire Star


Reason given for request:

Excellent flying in Round 3 of the SSL taking 3rd Place honors.

DJK Dark Hawk > Crescent w/ Sapphire Star


Reason given for request:

Superb flying skill in the Galthain versus Tridens Feud, taking hold of 1st Place.

PRT Hawker > Crescent w/ Emerald Star


Reason given for request:

Superb flying skill in the Galthain versus Tridens Feud, taking hold of 2nd Place.

Activity (from 12/22/02 to 12/28/02):

Very High Activity:

Participation Ratio: 5/19 = 26.3% (rearranging last week’s 63.2%) :P

Activity Ratio: Everyone is on holiday leave! lol

Rapier: 812

Ricardo: 172

Pyralis: 1107

Participation in FIVE “Worth It: Phase 2” MP Ladder matches

Passed Sith CORE (finally)

TIE-F #156

Talon Jade: 1399

Participation in THREE “Worth It: Phase 2” MP Ladder matches

ZysFryar: 586

DarkHawk: 264

Cray Mikalen: 493

Indaro Gallia: 256

Vessicant: 1316

Josh Popelka: 895

TK-2107: 2027

AshMaster: 2434

Darknyte: 2688

Delak: 1641

Hawker: 2713

Big Daddy: 2719

Participation in THREE “Worth It: Phase 2” MP Ladder matches

XWA-TC 8, 9, 10, 11, TIE-DB 7

Ernest Penfold: 2461

TIE Fighter: DB - 7; IW - 4, 6, 9; TC - 4, 8, 21, 22, 23, 35, 44, 64, 101, 116, 119, 123, 125, 139, 155, 159, 169, 180, 194, 199; FREE - 1, 51, 84, 87, 88, 102, 167, 169, 180, 199, 200, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210 ::: XvT: TC – 46 ::: XWA: TC - 1, 4, 10, 17 [fantastic work, Penfold]

Rebelkiller: 2098

Luke Morin: 2735

Participation in THREE “Worth It: Phase 2” MP Ladder matches

Open Challenge

Challenge: PRT Darknyte vs SBM Pyralis – Pyralis wins

In the future, a Dark Cross will be awarded for 5 victories in the Open Challenge

::: “WORTH IT?!” – A Clan Satal Keto Competition :::

Phase Two: “Turn Up the Heat!” – until January 7th, 2002…

Current Statistics:

[Match ID] Players (Score)

[#156] Pyralis (6), Talon Jade (6)

[#157] Pyralis (15), Talon Jade (8)

[#158] Talon Jade (7), Pyralis (6)

[#159] Gord Darkonian (26), Luke Morin (9)

[#160] Pyralis (21), Gord Darkonian (9)

[#161] Big Daddy (33), Luke Morin (11)

[#163] Big Daddy (21), Pyralis (19)

[#164] Big Daddy (32), Luke Morin (8)

Basic Rules as set down by Battlelord Darkonian:

1) You may ONLY play 1vs1 (one on one) matches…

2) There is a limitation to how many times you play the same opponent. You can get NO MORE than 3 victories against one opponent. After that, you are no longer permitted to report matches against that PIN number. For example, DJK Sam plays DJK John. Sam beats John in all 3 matches. (3-0). But, when John plays ACO Blah, Blah is able to win 2 matches against John while John claims the final 3rd victory over Blah. Since one of them now have 3 victories over the other, they can no longer report matches against each other on the Ladder.

3) Failure to comply to these rules (without a REALLLLLY good reason) will result in all of your reported matches in the violated case being deleted from the Ladder.

Go to: http://www.minos.net/~csk/ladder.php

Click on: “Worth it?! clan competition, Sith Ladder”

Then, click: “Sign Up for this Ladder”

Again, enter your DB PIN, check the box after agreeing to the rules, and click submit.

This will add you to the Sith Ladder.

To Report a match, do the following:

Go to: http://www.minos.net/~csk/login.php

Type in your DB PIN number and the password you use from the DB database. Login…

Click: “Report a Ladder Match” at the Admin menu.

From the pull down menu, select: “Worth it?! clan competition, Sith Ladder”

Select: “Number of Players” - 2

Enter your PIN # and the score you received in the column across for yours

Then, add your opponent’s PIN # below yours and his score in the corresponding box directly to the right.

Once you are sure the information is correct, click: “Report Match”

DGM Christmas Bonanza

The following crescents are up for grabs for EACH competition category:

1st: Crescent with Diamond

2nd: Crescent with Ruby

3rd: Crescent with Amethyst


Otherwise known as the "Butcher the Song" event! This year, you'll need to think up alternate Dark Jedi words to one of the following Tunes:

  • O Come All Ye Faithful

  • Once in Royal David's City

  • O Little Town of Bethlehem


Otherwise known as the Top Ten! What are the top ten gifts you would give to Darth Vader for Christmas?


Otherwise known as the funny story! "Santa's Dark Jedi Elf" is the title you'll need to write about!


Otherwise known as Graphics! Design a Christmas Card for the DGM to send out.


Christmas just isn't Christmas without the pudding! Find a recipe for Figgy Pudding online and replace the ingredients with Star Wars Food and Drink! The most original (and tasty sounding) will win!


And it certainly isn't Christmas without the kitsch! Rewrite "Twas the night before Christmas" to a Dark Jedi theme.

Send all submissions to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] by December 31, 2002 23:59:59 EST

Please make sure your email subject is: DGM Christmas Bonanza: Event Title. Late submissions will not be accepted or considered in 2003. Also, be CERTAIN that you include your ID line with your submission!


SBM Pyralis (Sith)/QUA-P:HM/Galthain of Satal Keto



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