Grand Master Report


Grand Master Report

1) While things are a bit slow due to the Christmas holidays, rewards have been flying left and right. Congratulations to everyone!

2) I have decided to prepare a review of the year that is ending. I will be working on this over the next week or so and I have asked the Consuls and Proconsuls to send me a review of their Clan for the same period, if they're interested. If you think a significant event relating to your Clan or the Dark Brotherhood as a whole might be overlooked, contact either your Consul / Proconsul (for a Clan related item) or myself (DB wide).

3) Don't forget to send in those commendations of loyalty! If you don't send them in, you get nothing!

4) It seems that the XO is bringing back the idea of the EH encyclopedia. In short, it's supposed to be a database of names, facts, history, etc. A very ambitious project that was worked on briefly in the past. The DB has a long and complex history, so it will be quite a task. Expect more to come on this subject very soon!

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