Edition #045 - December 28th, 2002
The year's going down. So is another long month with comps and position changes and AWOL stuff. I dare not say how much longer we'll be here, but I hope at least it can be worthy of it.
If you are interested on some extra stuff on your ID line, try the Sith Core test, the DB Leadership test or the Sith Tactics test. Reminding all CMDRs and summit-wanna-be people you must finish the DB Leadership course before the end of the year if you want any job. That includes me... :P
<li>Participation points listing</li>
All stuff you do shall come through me for points. If you have submitted something, remind to FWD or CC me...
Also, the points table is on Quaestor's Office, Room 1501 of the Kressh Fortress
There are still a lot of things to do:
Monthly Flying comp: Send all pilot files from SP missions you fly on the month to Janos Silverwulf and CC me. Last week for submissions and I'll have to sort out how we'll handle this comp next year.
Monthly Melee comp: If you fly a MP match against another member on HLK, remember to register the results on the MP ladder on Tactical Room - Level 02 of the Kressh Fortress.
DGM Christmas Bonanza: A lot of small comps from the DC. Review the DjB news for details.
<li>On the Works</li>
Remember, if you are not going to do something on this final week of the year but insists in being one of the House members, you better request a little leave. It's just write a mail to me, Abel Malik and your CMDR. No one will bite your head off...
<li>Awards, Promos and stuff</li>
<li>The Squads</li>
Diamond: No report received.
Sapphire: <font size="+2">SAPPHIRE SQUADRON REPORT DECEMBER 27TH, 2002</font>
<table cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="blue" border="1"> <tbody> <tr> <td><font color="#ffffff">INTRODUCTION</font></td></tr></tbody></table> <p>As ususal during the holidays a pretty quiet week with not much going on. Thus a boring report with not much in it. After the new year it will pick up again with some Sith and Clan comps and even a little squadron comp. Until than I don't expect much from you guys, so relax and enjoy the holidays. <p>Fred and Myself would like to wish you all a Happy New Year! <p> <p> <table cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="blue" border="1"> <tbody> <tr> <td><font color="#ffffff">REPORT SUMMARY</font></td></tr></tbody></table>
Sith Squadron League
<table cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="blue" border="1"> <tbody> <tr> <td><font color="#ffffff">S..T..U..F..F</font></td></tr></tbody></table> <p> <p>#001 - Sith Squadron League <p>We Lost.....bad. Let's just try to pretend Season 2 never took place. :P <p> <p>#002 - Awards and Promotions <p>Lets Start with Medals: <p>None. <p>And now Promotions: <p>None.
<table cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="blue" border="1">
<td><font color="#ffffff">STANDING ORDERS</font></td></tr></tbody></table>
<p>#001 - HLK Monthly Flying Contest
<p>#002 - DGM Christmas Bonanza
<p>#003 - Information and other various tasks can be found in the operations
section on the squadron website.
<table cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="blue" border="1">
<td><font color="#ffffff">THE USUAL
<p>CMDR/SW Bob
Holiday Alcohol Abuse.
<p>FM/GRD Talon Karrde/Sapphire 1-2
IRC Activity.
<p>FM/Open Position/Sapphire 1-3
<p>FM/Open Position/Sapphire 1-4
<p>FL/SW Carl Lost/Sapphire 2-1
Email activity.
<p>FM/ACO Uther/Sapphire 2-2
Completed SA DB Leadership studies
Submitted Figgypudding recipe for DGM Christmas Bonanza.
<p>FM/Open Position/Sapphire 2-3
<p>FM/Open Position/Sapphire 2-4
<p>FL/SW Janos Silverwulf/Sapphire 3-1
IRC Activity.
<p>FM/ACO Ksian Qui-Soran/Sapphire 3-2
On Leave; Dec 27th to Jan
<p>FM/PRT Saber/Sapphire 3-3
No Activity.
<p>FM/Open Position/Sapphire 3-4
<p>NOTE: No Activity doesn't mean you didn't do a damn thing...It just means
I just didn't see you do a damn thing :P
Also, if you don't tell me about it
I can't report it.
That is all! <p>
SBM Bob(Sith)/Ludo Kressh of Naga Sadow
Also, remember to visit the Sith Order page in order to keep in touch with the last issues about squadron administration and points. </p> <li>Closing Notes</li> <p>Cya next year...
I still want to hear from ya. If you have any issue, any kind of trouble, a question or simply want to send me to someplace weird, don't hesitate and click [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and say it. I can be sure you'll be heard (or read in this case) and maybe you can do a great favor to you and to me.
Well, enough babbling.
SBM Scithe (Sith)/QUA/Ludo Kressh of Naga Sadow
(SC-SoA)/(SE-QL)/DC-KC-O-CS/(BNG)(BNAg)/Cr-1S-1D/DSS {SA:CORE-S:CORE-S:ISET-S:ESET} </p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p>
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