Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report


    Had a nice start as commander heard from a few of my pilots looking for things to do. Unfortunately haven't heard from one of my flight leaders. Sorry for not responding to you the other Day Warrior Arso was a little busy. to answer you question. I really don't expect a lot of actual admin stuff from my flight leaders. I prefer to see you guys active in comps and flying mission. So if you could just stay active and help me win comps that's all I really need. I want to work on improving our IPs. I am thinking of upgrading our craft to the Phantom tie as soon as we get enough point. but we need to win some comps first.   

SW Artys your activity has really impressed me. I would like to take this opportunity to offer you a FL position. I haven't heard from my other FL and want someone who can lead by example and show good activity. You have definitely shown a great dedication to the darkside. Let me know if this position interests you.  

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank The Roll mistress for the graphics she provided me for my weekly reports. Looks good.  


Sith feud is on so lets see some activity this could be a great opportunity to get some much needed IP points.   

SW Artys was awarded the Star of Eos good job and keep up the outstanding activity.  

Anything else going on. Don't think so.   


Fly in the feud  

Fly other missions for activity  

Submit battleteam graphics and fiction  

Have fun  


Sith feud: Fly it and win it  

well until next week, same bat time, same bat channel.

GN Dolza: Sith Warrior

Knight of the Fear

CMDR/GN Dolza/Black 1-1/Wing II/MC-90 Fear/IW/EH


SW Dolza (Sith)/CMDR/Caliburnus of Scholae Palatinae



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