Gonna try a slight change to format. I'm going to add Krath Combat Chamber news as well since a lot have been posted on the site that are relevant to post here in my report. But first, on to KHP News...
1) KMT has been closed for December and I am very close to being done with marking them all. There were quite a bit so bare with me. I promise the scores will be out way faster then the last ones. :)
2) With the close of December's KMT comes January's KMT! I will post the new topics right after this report.
3) Been a TON of studies passed this week! Lots of people doing that Leadership exam as well which is very, very good. I also saw quite a few Krath passing studies from other orders! Of course Krath are not required to do so, but it is VERY useful to be as knowledgeable as possible of our brothers and sisters of the Sith and Obelisk. Our strength is our knowledge. Keep up the great work, all.
4) Had a few questions regarding getting promoted from NOV to ACO. Pass those Krath CORE and Krath Studies at the SA! If you have done this already, get to work on a current competition and remember to CC your Summits upon your submission. If you are not promo'd shortly after these are accomplished, check in with me.
5) Just a reminder on how to handle an issue of dissatisfaction in your Clan...
a) Talk to your House Summit leaders FIRST! Even if the issue IS your House Summit, speak to them first.
b) If your issue is not resolved, then and only then speak to your Clan Summit about it.
c) THEN after all else fails and you cannot get a resolution, speak to me personally. PERSONALLY! PLEASE don't CC everyone you feel should hear the issues.
Issues get blown out of proportion constantly. House Summit Leaders feel slighted when a member goes above their head and speaks directly to the CON and PCON about a problem concerning them. Clan Summit Leaders feel slighted when I am contacted firsthand with an issue without being able to hear it themselves. There is a chain of command for a reason. Please do your best to follow it first before coming to me.
I am always here for any questions or concerns, of course, but when lodging official complaints and such, follow the chain of command. Sorry to harp on this but feelings are getting hurt constantly because of NOT following this. It's tough to lose good members because of RL constraints, but to lose a good member because they are so sick of their House and/or Clan is even worse.
6) Last but certainly not least, I'd like to give a huge acknowledgement to the KCC Staff for the continued work up-keeping and upgrading the KCC. Great job guys!
7) I received a VERY low amount of check in's from House Summits. I am going through my mailing list, making sure it is updated, and sending out another check in request. I am keeping track of who has and who has not reported in, as I did with the last check in. So make sure you answer back this time.
KCC News
Ladder Improvements:
Since Cyber forgot to post yesterday, Ill do it.
Since yesterday, we've expanded the number of possible ladders from one to endless. (better said: we can add as many ladders as we want till the database is full ;))
This means everyone who wants to use the KCC ladder for a comp doesn't has to wait till the current one is over. You only need all your participants to have a KCC account.
When you want to use the ladder system for your competition, you should mail me ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]), CyberGuy ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and Timeros ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) supplying the name of the ladder, a short description, and, if you have a certain number of people you want in the ladder, the KCC account-names of those people.
We hope this feature will help improve competitions and of course the use of the KCC ;)
Comment System:
Well, since some people commented on the lack of use of the comment system, well, uhm, here it is: :P
at the bottom right of every news part, there is a block that list "comments", and then an amount. You can comment on any decision there. Hope I cleared this all up :P
These were the newest news posted on the KCC site. A little old I see but ah well. :P I will keep posting KCC news so they will be more up-to-date.
That's about it folks. Hope you all had a nice holiday season.
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