Headmaster Report


Headmaster Report


#12. You've survived me for three months. :P


Obelisk Battlelord Mage

Headmaster of the Shadow Academy

OBL Mage (Obelisk)/HM/Dark Council [GMRG: INI]




This Week's News

Well, because of the holidays, it was a less productive week this week. Numerous tests were still graded, and more ideas are being bounced around in the back room at the card table (damn, I love having an office :P). However, progress on important things, such as the new site and the Combat Academy, was lessened. It happens.

1) SA Site

The information is almost finished being formatted and entered. I went through and dealt with some issues people raised, such as obscenely long pages of information. What remains to be done is:

  • A couple of bits of information (course notes, Combat Academy class times, etc.) plugged in

  • Test submission forms built

  • Any nifty PHP functions we decide to include in the final build

What I may end up doing is releasing the site in purely HTML format, with offline-only tests, until Astatine finishes his work on the database. Having him build all the shiny new things he is for test submission and other such systems only a few weeks post-my coder's work would be highly redundant. I'll be taking this idea up with Firefox and Mairin shortly, so you may see the new site in action right away!... :)

2) SA Staff

Now that we've mostly come out of the coma of the holidays, I'm making sure all members of my staff are ripped and ready to go. I've already had enthusiastic responses on many fronts, and some excellent grading work! If this energetic level keeps up, I'm going to be forced to hand out shiny things. ;)

3) Graduate Count

I know it sounds lazy and bad, but I've decided not to keep a specific spreadsheet of pass/fails under me. Very few other HM's did. Instead, with the beautiful new function that CyberGuy brought to life (the SA Grad Count lists), I am keeping copies of all the active courses' graduate lists. I am not keeping the ones such as Character History, DSC Studies, SA CORE, or Dark Jedi Power Studies. However, should one of the current courses ever get shut down, I will be keeping those graduate lists on hand. The ancient stuff that is no longer recognized, well...

So, check out my (and other HM's) grad count here:


4) HM competition

I know, you're all thinking, "What in the name of the Grand Master would the Headmaster have for a competition?"

Well, coming up in February, I intend to hold a large-scale competition revolving around the Shadow Academy. Details, you say? Patience is one of the Jedi virtues, I say. :P

5) IWATS courses

This devastatingly disastrous decision has flooded my mailbox good. >:P

I will be dealing with these as soon as I have enough free hours to get them all done at once. It's not high on the priority list at the moment.

As usual, questions, concerns, complaints, complinents, and all the other fun things you may be able to put into an email (or an IRC message) are welcome.

<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" border="0">



<td>_ Obelisk Battlelord Mage_

Headmaster of the Shadow Academy</td></tr></table>

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