01/05/2003 House Archanis Weekly Report- SW-Rexal Qel
Greetings brother in darkness and happy new year. I have bad news for you this week. The SHW is worried about the House status. It seems you are not interested to participate in competitions. Obviously the present SHW dont remember how bad was Archanis only 2 months ago. It has passed an year since we were the first House in DB and during this year many people have occupied the office of QUA...and many things are changed. We need time to grow and we are recruiting active members, but it seems its not enough. I agree with Backfire: all CMDRs must inform better their pilots: encourage them to be active and do comps.
Thats all, Im disappointed. You have seen Im generous with active members what I have to do for see you active? Shame on us!! Shame
IMPORTANT: send me a list with the names of the members you have directly recruited, Ill award the best recruiter.
Now take a look to the numbers of this week:
-=Competition corner=-
Do them the DJG are finished and the SHW has received one only file from me .thats really bad.
This is the Dark Jedi Games site.
Recruitment campaign, posted on the Tally website.
TCC is open .fly, fly, fly
SSL site.
-=Personal evaluations=-
Az Ive not received any report this week. Bad very bad.
GRD Cobolt welcome aboard.
DJK Iceman
Crescent w/ Topaz Star to Pellaeon
Crescent w/ Emerald Star to Iceman
DC to Iceman
As every week:
I want your reports on my desk by saturday night or sunday morning. CON Tiger want this from now to a new order.
Join the Channels on mIrc sometimes at least #archanis and #taldryan
Do the competitions I've assigned to you and all the other.
Read and reply to msg boards:
At the moment we have to rebuild this House and it's my intention to reward all the members who will be active on this way. I accept suggestions.
Do Shadow Academy courses there are many and they are not so difficult to do.
-=QUA Escort points=-
Sith Champion: DJK Iceman congratz.
QUA Escort to Hyperion.
Good job guys but Im still disappointed about the FEUD.
-=AWOL tracking=-
I have a personal list with all people who may be awoled soon. So I suggest you, and u know who u are, to do something asap.
my best wishes,
SW Rexal Qel (Sith)/QUA/Archanis of Taldryan
FL-FCA/CPT Rexal Qel/Spectre 2-1/Wing XVIII/SSD Avenger
PCx3/ISMx2/LoC-PSx47/CoL/CoB/OV-2E [CNTR] {IWATS-ICQ-M/1/2-RT-SM/2/3}
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