Nightshade Battleteam
Report #18
Week ending Thursday January 9th
Commander: SW Jaron Kai
- This has been one of the teams best weeks in a long time, we have lots of activity, medals and promotions, plus we got two new members! I'm very happy with all of you and what you've been doing, and I'd like to thank you for all of that. I made Sith Warrior, and I could not have done that without you guys (and gals!) participating and making Nightshade the awesome team it is. We have some downtime right now, so take a break, participate in the House Comp or the Squad Fly-Off, have some fun and get ready for the next challenge!
- Big congratz to GRD Dierdre Varn, since I made SW, I'll help you with drinks!
- The Dark Jedi Games have concluded and CSP had a strong showing in the Sith events especially, thanks to everyone who participated!
- Eugene has earned a Steel Cross, and Ace Hobbes has offered to build Nightshade a spiffy new home page
- Two of you NEED to take the DB Leadership Studies Course by tomorrow, if I don't get an e-mail from you saying you have submitted the course by Midnight EST tomorrow, you may consider your FL posts forfeit. Anyone looking to get an FL post will need to have that exam taken.
- In other news, I got 5th of 37 at my Forensics meet, pretty impressive for my first year =)
SW Jaron Kai - Flew TIE-TC #125, submitted for Trivia, hated the fact that she had to get up on Wednesday morning to go to school
SBM Eugene - Flew XWA-TC#11 for the feud, passed ISET
ACO EHDarkshadow - No Contact, please e-mail me!
GRD Yun - No contact, please take the DB Leadership Exam
JH Phoenix - No contact, please take the DB Leadership Exam
GRD Diedre Varn - Flew XWA-Free #17 for the House Comp
JH Ace Hobbes - Sent me files for 114 missions, and agreed to build our webpage, I'm impressed! =)
DJK Falcon - Flew XWA-TC #1, 2 and submitted for Trivia
ACO Ketan-Shej - Passed House Capital Ships Course, Flew XWA-DB #1
Steel Cross >>> SBM Eugene
Crescent w/Emerald Star >>> SBM Eugene
Crescent w/Topaz Star >>> JH Ace Hobbes
Crescent w/Quartz Star >>> GRD Dierdre Varn
DJK Jaron Kai >>> Sith Warrior
PRT Dierdre Varn >>> Guardian
NOV Ketan-Shej >>> Acolyte
DJK Falcon >>> Nightshade (from Nightstalker)
ACO Ketan-Shej >>> Nightshade (from Shadow Academy)
Squad Fly-Off - THE FOURTH EDITION! (Low Priority)
- Catchy name, eh? Anyway, each mission you fly, and each CF you earn counts for one point. Any submissions for House Flying Comp, SSL or Dark Jedi Games count double! The person with the most points earns a Emerald Star , second place gets an Topaz Star, third gets a Quartz Star. Competition runs from January 1st to January 31st!
JH Ace Hobbes - 195 Points
DJK Falcon - 9 Points
SBM Eugene - 8 Points
ACO Ketan-Shej - 6 Points
GRD Dierde Varn - 2 Points
SBM Eugene - 111 points
JH Ace Hobbes - 60 Points
PRT Dierdre Varn - 8 Points
GRD Yun - 2 Points
House Flying Comp (Medium Priority) - Fly XvT-FREE 23, XWA-FREE 17, TIE-FREE 188, zip the pilot files and send them to myself, Kane Reese and Aeishline Strathaven by January 16.
Take part in the House Comp or Squad Fly-Off
Enjoy all your new promos and medals and get ready for the next challenge!
Contact me with any ideas for competitions!
Submitted by:
SW Jaron Kai (Sith)/CMDR/Caliburnus of Scholae Palatinae
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