Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

~~~@@@ Angels Of Death Battle Team Report @@@~~~



  • Preparing for Great Jedi War

  • New QUA Page! New AED-to-be Kaiann!

  • Aleema Numbers dropping!

Battle Team News:

  • New member! Psyko Prefect! Welcome!

  • "Kuranty" and "New Years Week" Competitions over and winners announced.

  • "Caption Competition" and "Ancient Scrolls" Competition still running!

  • Maradis Jenkar leaving! We will miss him!

  • Tatsu and Psyko requested leaving!


  • "Kuranty" winners, 1st - Silent, 2nd - Kaiann!

  • "New Years Week" winner is Silent!

  • "Caption" and "Ancient Scrolls" Competition still running! Details at


  • Psyko Prefect joined!


  • Silent completed DB Leadership Studies Course and Sith Basic Studies Course.

  • Tatsu Kogarasu completed IWATS Core, IWATS AIM, IWATS Computer Basics, IWATS Graphics, IWATS HTML 1, IWATS HTML 2, IWATS mIRC, IWATS Squadron Management 3, IWATS XvT Mission Creation and IWATS XvT Tactics.

  • Selket completed IWATS AIM, IWATS XvT Tactics and IWATS Squadron Management 3.


  • Silent awarded Crescent w/ Emerald Star for 1st Place in "Kuranty" Competition, Dark Cross for Being the most constantly active member in Angels Of Death Phyle. Always competing in competitions and being more active than anyone else, Crescent w/ Emerald Star for 1st place in "New Years Week" Competition, Cluster of Fire x2 for MP wins.

  • Kaiann awarded Crescent w/ Topaz Star for 2nd Place in "Kuranty" Competition.

  • Maradis Jenkar awarded EH Commendation of Loyalty.

  • Selket awarded Cluster of Fire x3 for MP wins.


Krath Tetrarch Selket Isis Entar - Dark Jedi Knight : [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Krath Tyro Psyko Prefect - Archpriest : [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Krath Tyro Deus Excelsior - Epis : [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Krath Tyro Kaiann - Epis : [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Krath Tyro Maradis Jenkar - Priest : [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Krath Tyro Tatsu Kogarasu - Dark Jedi Knight : [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Krath Tyro Silent - Jedi Hunter : [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

End Of Report

TET Selket Isis Entar

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