<head> <title>TET Reports</title> </head>
<table width="649"> <tr> <td align="middle" width="641" height="4">
SotN TET Report
</tr> <tr> <td align="left" width="641" height="28">10 January 2003;(week 11)</td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" align="left" width="641" height="29"> DJK Page has returned and become the new QUA, with KE Kaiann as AED. A big bunch o' congratulations to the two of them.
We say goodbye to PRT Acklay. He has found his niche in Kirleta, he will be missed (but not too far for a butt whoopin' in the KCC).
_I have sent numerous e-mails to the Phyle, and have had but one response. The QUA has dispersed a House wide AWOL check, rest assured that this one won't just pass, please reply to it. _
The GJW is coming! And there was much rejoicing...yaaaay!
</tr> <tr> <td align="left" width="641" height="34">Weekly Activity;</td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" align="left" width="641" height="46">DJK Dalthid: IWATS; mIRC, HTML1&2; mIRC; JK2 Tourney (eliminated first round...hehe)
JH Garou: Completed Krath Core, Grammar and Obelisk Core
DA Orso: 'Round & about; IRC activity (prolly gettin' all Rocky IV for the GJW)
DJK Sylph: Made slight contact, but his activity is unknown
ACO Oberyst: Disappeared like a fart in the wind
</tr> <tr> <td align="left" width="641" height="32">Awards/Promotions;</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left" width="641" height="21">
DJK Dalthid: Crescent w/ Ruby Star x3 - 1st for Dec. Poem & Fiction, 2nd for DGM Christmas Bonanza: Figgy Pudding; Crescent w/Diamond Star - 1st for DGM Christmas Bonanza: Santa's Elf; Crescent w/Amethyst Star - 3rd for DGM Christmas Bonanza: Cards
</tr> <tr> <td align="left" width="641" height="33">Competitions;</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left" width="641" height="21">
_Krath Monthly Competitions _
These are now being kept up at http://sotn.minos.net/~dalthid/SotNCompetitions.htm This is to be nice to those for you who don't like the long reports...well, those of you who read them anyway.
Clan Competition
These are now being kept up at http://sotn.minos.net/~dalthid/SotNCompetitions.htm This is to be nice to those for you who don't like the long reports...well, those of you who read them anyway.
House Aleema Competitions
These are now being kept up at http://sotn.minos.net/~dalthid/SotNCompetitions.htm This is to be nice to those for you who don't like the long reports...well, those of you who read them anyway.
SotN Phyle Competitions
These are now being kept up at http://sotn.minos.net/~dalthid/SotNCompetitions.htm This is to be nice to those for you who don't like the long reports...well, those of you who read them anyway.
MSC 3: Artifact Creation
Should've ended yesterday, but in case it's still going:
Greetings everyone...
The task 5 of the MSC-3 will start today (29
Dec) and
end on the 9th of January...should be enough time. I hope everyone had a
merry Christmas. Ref Saitou is away still, but if you want your scores
for either Task 3 or 4 from me (those I have so far without those of
Saitou), mail me directly please, thanks.
Now to Task 5:
Submit your work in a word-document, font size 12, Arial.
The Teams are supposed to work out an
artifact together ...known capabilities, age, form, etc.
Fitting to the background of the MSC3, these
shall be artifacts from Aquitana, found somewhere...you can make up the
places they've been found as well. Whether it is a weapon of the old
ones, or anything else is up to you...be inventive, have some fun, and
don't make the descriptions too dry. Maximum length is 2 pages, minimum a
3/4 page.
Good luck and have some fun...I expect the
submissions in my inbox latest at 2359 MET on the 9th of January 2003...
DJK Death
</tr> <tr> <td align="left" width="641" height="34">News;</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left" width="641" height="21">http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/news.asp
IWATS (Imperial Weapons and Tactics School) courses can be put in your dossier! Go to http://www.imperialacademy.org to enroll/take a course. Then get in touch w/ OBL Mage [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and follow these instructions;
1) You only get to send me one mail. Include all your courses passed and proofs/PINs in that mail. I will not be hassled to add a new course for every person one at a time. That, and my inbox doesn't need the thousands of mails.
2) Acceptable proofs are either other dossiers/records showing your
courses passed, or copies of the confirmation emails.
Obelisk Battlelord Mage
Headmaster of the Shadow Academy
</tr> <tr> <td align="left" width="641" height="35">Dalthid's Corner;</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left" width="641" height="21"> A couple of things; 1) I know it looks neat on your dossier when you complete a course, but please...wait 'till you have done a few of the IWATS before you send 'em to Mage. He's swamped so give the guy a break. 2)Apparently there was a bit of a ruckus on mIRC last evening, that's not good...and the reason for the 'tiff was even more pathetic, so' here's my two cents. This TET fully supports the new QUA & AED. DJK Page is an honorable man (though shouldn't he be KP by now, and even with the appointment?). Some may think otherwise and that is most likely due to the fact that they do not choose to know him...that is of no matter. The new AED, I don't know him, never met him, never talked to him. The only thing I know is that he's a DB vet. I have no reason to think that he is incapable of fulfilling the task given him. Hence, my full support of the new House Summit. Also, our PCON seemed a bit "nerfed" in his last communiqué through the House group, as well he should be. Again, I fully support my summit.
That's it...any questions? No...? Okay, bye.
_"...preserve sound judgment and discernment, do not let them out of your sight; they will be life for you, an ornament to grace your neck..." _
DJK Dalthid
</tr> <tr> <td align="left" width="641" height="26">*Current Roster; *</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left" width="641" height="26">http://sotn.minos.net
</tr> </table>
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