Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Greetings brothers and sisters

What an exciting week we had. Many comps ended, many results came out, and many many maaany medals. It almost flooded my email box. :)


Even though the DJG performance wasn't overwellming but still I think our activity in Xmas comp was very impressing :)


Feud - Dark Jedi Games- Finished

Well finally the feud is finished. I know you weren't very keen on the feud, I wasn't either but well it is over and we still took a nice place. Here are the Krath Results:

Event 1 - Story

1st Place - Anga of Ektrosis, Taldryan

2nd Place - Alanna of Ektrosis, Taldryan

3rd Place - NA

Event 2 - Poem

1st Place - Ciara Tearnan, Tarentum

2nd Place - Khaen of Dorimad Sol, CSP

3rd Place - Alanna of Ektrosis, Taldryan

Honorable Mention of remaining submissions:

Anga of Ektrosis, Taldryan

Fake Me of Ektrosis, Taldryan

Reb Crush of Cestus, Tarentum

VinDoros, Tridens of Tarentum

Total score:

Taldryan: 30

Tarentum: 15

CSP: 10

Xmas competition - Finished

Also finished and I have to admit Gladius and especially Mystics ruled :) I am very proud. Here again the results. COngratz to all participants.

Christmas Story:

     1st.   JH Rage (Gladius) - 15 points  

     2nd.  KAP Telona (Gladius) - 10 points  

     3rd.  DJK Talon Zetar (Cestus) - 5 points  

Christmas Poem:

     1st.  GRD Siterath Goersase(Gladius) - 15 points  

     2nd. JH Rage (Gladius) - 10 points  

     3rd. None.  

Christmas Song:

     1st. JH Rage(Gladius) - 15 points  

     2nd. KAP Telona (Gladius) - 10 points  

     3rd. DJK Jason Hunter (Gladius) - 5 points  

Christmas Theme:

     1st. GRD Jeremy Leto Cleon Alexander Demerzel(Gladius) - 15 points  

     2nd. KAP Telona Murrage (Gladius) - 10 points  

     3rd. GRD Jeremy Leto Cleon Alexander Demerzel   

(Gladius) - 5 points

Christmas Graphics:

     1st.  DJK Jason Hunter (Gladius) - 15 points  

     2nd. JH Rage (Gladius) - 10 points  

     3rd. JH Rage (Gladius) - 5 points  

Great Jedi Wars coming soon!

That's right, probably mid January the big competition will start. Of course there isn't only alot to win for each member but also a nice souvenir for our Clan and Houses. So be ready.

_House comp _

As preparation for the Great Jedi War you should write a story about someone else in the house. You can write it any way you want but please try to not do too much damage to the one you write about. Send them on some crazy mission or have them deal with an apprentice that doesn't always listen, it's totally up to you. No stories longer than 3 pages but they should be least 1 page.

The person with the best story will get a sapphire star crescent! This competition starts now and ends on the 13th so get cracking! If you need any ideas feel free to contact me and I'll bounce ideas with you.

Phyle comp - Motto comp

It starts tomorrow on the 4th January 2003 and ends on th 12th January.

Awards: 1st place Cres. Emerald Star

2nd place Cres. Topaz Star

3rd place Cres Quartz Star

what you have to do :P

You just need to come up with, as many as you can, mottos for our Phyle :) Be creative. I will search out the three best ones :)

Monthly topic, KCC and other DB wide comps

Monthly Krath Topic Results for December:


1st Place: Dalthid of Aleema, CSK

2nd Place: al'Lan Mandragoran of Acclivis Draco, CSP

3rd Place: Rage Akaido of Gladius, Clan Tarentum


1st Place: Dalthid of Aleema, CSK

2nd Place: Aragorn of Ektrosis, Clan Taldryan

3rd Place: Chamberlain of Dominatus, Clan Alvaak

Honorable Mention for remaining participants:


Selket Isis Entar

Anga Salinas


Telona Murrage



Quinlan Vos



The new KMT for January:


"Hymn to Pain"

Style: Limerick

Min: 1 page

Max: 3 pages

Font: Arial, size 12



Style: Short Story

Min: 2 pages

Max: 10 pages

Font: Arial, size 12

KCC matches seem to become more and more popular so get one as well :) In the moment we have our Quaestor fighting, Siterath. Go and fight :) it is fun :P

Other comps are available as well so go out and participate it's not only fun but also activity and can bring medals :P

Promotions - Medals & Courses

No promos this week

Medals ...medals... MANY MANY MANY medals. Congratz to all medal winner from Xmas comp, other comps, Feud,....

Jason Hunter:

3x Crescent w Ruby Star

1x Cres. w Emerald Star

1x Cres. w Amethyst Star


1x Cres. w Amethyst Star

1x Cres w Emerald Star


1x Cres w Amethyst Star

NOTE!! ATTENTION!! Check your medals especially the amount of medals you can get hcied if you get too many medals and shouldn't have them. So check and if you find something mail Shadonyx :)

Course were passed a lot as well. Especially with IWATS courses added to the DB profile I got lots of mails Demerzel passed: AIM course, Comp Basic course, ICQ course, Mirc course, Squadron Management course, BitchX course and Linux course.

Siterath passed the Leadership course :)

Go on with the good work :)

General News

Dark Voice #33 delayed

The Dark Voice #33 was annonced to be delayed until February. There were PC problems but non of the already sent entries are lost. So dont worry just wait till February and get something in

Tarentum Message Board

Don't forget about our Tarentum Messageboard! We have there a Wordrun-on running with a Xmas theme. I would be glad to see some of you posting there :) Here is the link:

Activity Reports

ONCE a month you should write a Activity report (before the new month starts!) :) and cc me please ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) It helps you and it helps us :) And as you saw in our Quaestor's report it isn't difficult nor takes much time.


JH Rage Akaido - TET

GRD Siterath Goersase

JH Jade Avius

GRD Demerzel

KAP Aari Nikus

DJK Jason Hunter

ACO Valpugius

Special kudos and thanks

To all Mystic members! For the good performance in Bonanza, Xmas comp and so on :) Go on with the work :P

TET Rage Akaido

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