Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Here we go guys, another week and another report in your inbox by your trully. This week signed for most of us our return at school or uni and with that more craps on oru heads ... however that means also that all of you now are back in a place where it's possible to be active again heh I want to see more partecipation from you guys and I want it ASAP as soon we'll be engaged with other clans in a great war.. the Great Jedi War. I don't know about you guys but I partecipated in some GJWs and other Vedettas and it's an event I don't want to miss. I hope to be able to do with this house the same miracle I did in House Caliburnus my first GJW and to see you all guys awarded with shiny medals for your performances. Something I want to say also is that I PLAN to modify a bit our screenshots competition. Some of you, nothing personal guys, have submitted me screenshots for matches played outside the DB and EH outside official comps vs other zone or whatever clans/clubs and that's not exactly what that comp was meant for. The reason behind this competition, beside the obvious reason of a stable comp in wich you all are faviliar with, is the general impossibility for obelisk leader to keep trach of the exact ammount of matches played by our members. Those of you familiar with the TC know that a pilot when have flown a mission submit his pilot file to his CMDR to be processed; well, that's something we obelisk lack as we don't really have a REAL sp plaform. For that reason I created the screenshots contest to keep track of how much active you all are. From the screenshots I can see not only how many persons you fight but, if fron now ON, all the screenshots are be taken at about the end of the match, how and if you are inproving in your skills. How is my secret =P. I'd like to say, also, that finish the game without cheats as increasing difficulties will rise you skills as well. Now, howver is time for the report and so let's move with the news.

DB News:

From the OHC :-Competitions-

The weekly Competitions have smoothed themselves out again. The current listings is:

Monday 3:00pm EST - Obelisk Arena

Wednesday 6:00pm EST - Obelisk Vengeance

Friday 7:00am EST - Obelisk Madness

Friday 7:00pm EST - Obelisk Crusades

Saturday 2:00pm EST - OHC's Rampage

Saturday 3:00pm EST - OHC's Cup

Sunday 7:00pm EST - DB Fight Club

Also this Sunday (12th January) at 2:00pm EST is the Dark Side Duels.

All Competitions are hosted in mIRC Channel #Obelisk .

From the CoF:2) There are currently two GMRG Tournaments running. They are the same basic competition on different days, to accomadate more members of different time zones.

Wednesday - 3:00pm EST

Host: Sukuth

Settings: Decided by host

Where: #gmrg

Who: All DB members

Saturday - 7:00pm EST

Host: Reza

Settings: Decided by Host

Where: #gmrg

Who: All DB members


This Tourney is open to all members of the Brotherhood who play Jedi Outcast. GMRGers will be required to participate in at least 2 of these weekly tournaments a month.

Matches will be decided by the host, and settings will be chosen before the time of the comp.


For GMRG Members: Teams must be with another member of the Guard. You can NOT team up with a regular member of the Brotherhood.

For DB Members: You may team up with any member that is not in the GMRG, or is not already partnered with someone else.

From the DGM: 2: The GJW is a little delayed by a small miscommunication this week, but hopefully we should have it back on track shortly. I currently expect it to start within the next three to four weeks, but more on that when I know more.

3: Among the current projects that are being worked on are Order and Clan Specific Force Powers. More on those as and when.

Clan News:

Tiss, Ronin's AED and Brenn Dominatus TET have been both awarded with a Commendation of Loyalty.

Keiran is on leave for a bit so everything is on Frey's hand (*horror =P)

Nothing more from me, maybe on Frey's report.

House News:

OBM Ryell Zoith has joined our ranks and have been appointed already as RM after Vally stepped down.

The screenshots contest has been changed, read the competition section for more.

ACO Ramos has been awoled, but some of you where on the verge of been awoled as well. I suggest you guys to start to be active, next time I won't be so kind.


Jacen has been awarded with a Commendation of Loyalty. Gratz dude. (/me reminds to kicks Frey for not awarding me anything..)


The bi-weekly screenshots. The rules are simple. You play jk or jk2. Each match you play with different persons, you take a screenshot and you send it to me an Jacen. The person that submit more screenshot every 2 weeks get a crescent. The screenshots must be taken in matches agaist other DBer.

The Clan ladder is up and runnig, sign up and join.

In our Order channel #Obelisk competitions are held on a daily basis so you can't tells me you can't be active. Go there and play.

The comp to determinate the name of our brigate is ended, DD will announce the winner soon.

Activity Report:

Me, OBM Khan

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Doing my QUA job and working for the OHC.

OBM Ryell Zoith

[Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Joined us and starting his work of RM.

OW Jacen Aylen

[Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Doing all the work I'm to lazy to do =P

OW Sephiroth

[Log in to view e-mail addresses]

played me and other guys.

DJK Deathdealer

[Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Working and shaping his brigate.

DJK LilHawke

[Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Played me once.

DJK Vally

[Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Nothing this week.

PRT Ramos

[Log in to view e-mail addresses]


ACO Kodiak Kereban

[Log in to view e-mail addresses]

On semi-leave.


OBM Khan [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

OW Jacen Aylen [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

OW Sephiroth [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

DJK Deathdealer [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

DJK LilHawke [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

DJK Vally [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

ACO Kodiak Kereban [Log in to view e-mail addresses]


OBM Khan (Obelisk)/P:OHC-QUA/Auctoritas of Alvaak [KSOE: KC2]




AED Report:


Welcome to another installment of the Aedile

report! It was a pretty decent week. This weeks "BAD

MAMAJAMA OF THE WEEK" is OBM Ryell Zoith for finally

putting in his transfer request to Auctoritas!

In news, Vally is stepping down as Rollmaster. In

his place will be OBM Ryell Zoith. He is an excellent

leader, and I know will be doing some good things.

As far as awards go, I think that my Commendation

of Loyalty was the only thing given out. There were

no promotions. cough hint Not that we don't wanna

promote anyone, you guys just don't do anything...

Again, only one person transed in, and that is OBM

Ryell Zoith. Although...I'm pretty sure there's one

getting the boot out the door...

Sign up for the friggin ladder!


Also, there's a new house website.


OW Jacen Aylen/AED/Auctoritas of Alvaak

SGT Report:

SGT Report:

Well today marks the end of the brigade naming comp,

and even though some of you didnt submit your names, I

think we got off to a decent start, but not up to my

standards yet. However I'm confident that things will

pick up after awhile,either that or you all will

suffer my terrible wrath!!... I have provided you with

the names of that were submited to me, those are all

possible names for your brigade so i hope you like



Not much to speak of although those who did

contribute to the to that competition have earned some

SGT brownie points :P

Upcomming competitions:

some minor things in the works right now but that

next competition will be "who's the XO?" and will

decide who I choose to me my Executive Officer in case

of my absence

Roster of TBA Brigade:

Obelisk Sergeant: DJK Deathdealer

That would be me. Just trying to get this Brigade off

the ground

Obelisk Trooper: OBM Ryell Zoith

Conrtibuted to the Comp, much appreciated just joined

us too I belive.

Obelisk Trooper: OW Sephiroth

Has done his part and contributed, thanks.

Obelisk Trooper DJK LilHawke

Aparently changed he name, no submission.

Obelisk Trooper DJK Vally Tamalar

havent heard much from you, nothing for the comp

Obelisk Trooper ACO Kodiak Kereban

Nothing at all from you

Additionl Information:

thanks to OHC OBM Exar Khaland for his submission

The submisions were a follows:


OBM Ryell Zoith:

1) Venombane

2) Undertow


OW Sephiroth




OHC, OBM Exar Khaland*

1)Hartmanns Dirty Dozen

SGT, DJK Deathdealer**



3)Deathdealers Dirty dozen :P

DJK Deathdealer(Obelisk)/SGT/House Auctoritas of Clan


{SA: G:LS-O:Core}

*Should his name be selected, he will not recive a


** should these names be selected your wonderful SGT

WILL get a medal hehehe :P

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