Aedile Report


Aedile Report


Welcome to another installment of the Aedile

report! It was a pretty decent week. This weeks "BAD

MAMAJAMA OF THE WEEK" is OBM Ryell Zoith for finally

putting in his transfer request to Auctoritas!

In news, Vally is stepping down as Rollmaster. In

his place will be OBM Ryell Zoith. He is an excellent

leader, and I know will be doing some good things.

As far as awards go, I think that my Commendation

of Loyalty was the only thing given out. There were

no promotions. cough hint Not that we don't wanna

promote anyone, you guys just don't do anything...

Again, only one person transed in, and that is OBM

Ryell Zoith. Although...I'm pretty sure there's one

getting the boot out the door...

Sign up for the friggin ladder!

Also, there's a new house website.

OW Jacen Aylen/AED/Auctoritas of Alvaak

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