Proconsul Report


Proconsul Report


Dark greetings everyone !

Our Consul is on leave, so you will receive from me the PCON AND the A-CON report :)

Lean back, and enjoy :)


Congratulations goes from my site to DJK Tissaya Argat, OW Jacen Aylen and JH Brenn Tantor for receiving the EH Commendation of Loyality. All three served their House above all duties. My congratulations.

As you may have seen, Keiran is currently on leave, he will come back around next week, well, you will notice it when he is back ;)

Also, a few others have used the chance and submitted their IWATS courses to the Headmaster and now they are shown on their profile.

House Auctorias is in the final phase of naming their Battle Team, well, TBA is also nice ;) At least it is unique ;)

And Ladies and Gentlemen, when I take a look at the Ladder, I want to scream ! It is actually really a shame that just a few of you joined the ladder.

If you want to use the chance and kill your PCON, fine, I`m from now on available for MP matches in XWA, need to fix my XvT first.






Other Comps will be requested today, when they are approved I will give you a small update.


The Roster is still standing at 43 members.



House Dominatus: Report #61


  • Recruit, we need more people!

  • Take part in as many competitions as you can (see below)


Please see the following links for the latest news on the Order and the Brotherhood in general:

Dominatus Gazette

House News:

*Okay,and this issue brings us....not many news I'm afraid.

*CON Keiran is having some RL problems,so if there is any urgent affair that can not pass through the House Summit,make sure you go to PCON Frey.

*Promotions and medals: Desann and Jeron were promoted to ACOs.Congrats!

*Alot of tests were passed this week.Good work all of you.

*Yes,I know your QUA hasn't passed any tests yet but she has 2 exams next week.Wish me luck!:)

*Finally,our comp is looking good.I'll be submitting the next one still today.Top ten winner announced on Monday.No fiction this week.I'll join our winning submission or all of them even to the next report.


  • Krath Monthly Topics


"Hymn to Pain"

Style: Limerick

Min: 1 page

Max: 3 pages

Font: Arial, size 12

Describe a painful experience your DB character has gone through. You can adapt a real life situation if you wish, or adapt a role-playing situation or the like.



Style: Short Story

Min: 2 pages

Max: 10 pages

Font: Arial, size 12

You feel a strange twang in the back of your head. Something is not right at your Clan's HQ. You leave your studies and investigate, only to find a horror beyond horrors stalking your fellow clanmates! You track it, trying to keep out of sight, but you fail. The horror has found you!

Use this and write an interesting, original short story. The more unique and interesting, the better!

Submit to the KHP([Log in to view e-mail addresses]).

Be sure to CC myself and Bant on your submissions.

*Krath Murder Mystery League #2:we're not in it due to the lack of interest of the members.We'll give it a try next time.We even have some ideas rolling for it right now:)

*House Competition: Top Ten Ways to convince your Summit you deserve a promotion.

Deadline:January 5th.

Award:Crescents.It's a fun one but hopefully you'll all have some interesting ideas.

*Phyle Competition:none.


KAP Bant:

*AED usual stuff

*completed SA tests.

KP Jacob van Nowak:

*nothing this week

DJK Paradox:


DJK Rahj Caedmon:


JH Andronicus:


JH Brenn Trantor,Tetrarch:

*reported in.

*entered the run-on.

*completed SA tests.

JH Chamberlain,Rollmaster:

*entered the run-on.

*reported in.

*submitted to the House comp

GRD Clara Icewolf:


NOV Desann:

*entered the run-on.

*submitted to our lil' fun comp

NOV Jeron Darkonis:

*entered the run-on.

*completed SA tests.

*submitted to the House comp.

Rollmaster Report

House Dominatus Rollmaster Report -


· Poem:

Topic: Your home world. Describe, discuss, reminisce, and give the reader a vision of where you are from.

Type: Free form, no rhyme.

Length: Min - 1 page, Max - 2 pages.

Format: DOC, Arial font size 12

· Fiction:

Topic: The Krath in Combat. Many feel the Krath are ineffective in battle. Show the reader how wrong they are. Keep in spirit with the Order!

Length:Min - 2 pages, Max - 10 pages.

Format: DOC, Arial font size 12

Submit to the KHP ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]).

Be sure to CC Bant and myself on your submissions.

· Krath Murder Mystery League #2: we're not in it due to the lack of interest of the members. We'll give it a try next time. We even have some ideas rolling for it right now:)

· DGM Xmas Bonanza: MANY MANY activities, go check on the DB. Details at the DB site.







· Novice Jeron Darkonis – DB Leadership Studies

· Novice Desann – Krath Basic Studies

COM/RA Chamberlain/ISD Subjugator

JH Chamberlain (Krath)/RM-TYR/Dominatus of Alvaak

Praetorious Report


Happy new year everyone. Here's this weeks report.


-Novice Jeron Darkonis has completed the DB Leadership course.

-Novice Desann has completed the Basic Krath Studies course.


Please try to enter as many as possible


Monthly topics for December are finished. Just wait for the next one.


A little fun comp since you're on holidays and don't feel like working too

hard.Since this is Xmas time and we are giving out rewards,this is your



Ton Ten Ways to Convince your Summit you deserve a promotion.

Deadline:january 5th

Rules:TNR or equivalent.

Judges:Same old:Aseret and Bant.

Awards:Crescents to the first 3 if we have enough submissions;otherwise only

the first will be rewarded.

And don't forget the run-on's people.


Krath Tetrarch Brenn Tantor [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Jedi Hunter

Krath Tyro Clara Icewolf [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Guardian

Krath Tyro Chamberlain [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Jedi Hunter

Krath Tyro Desann [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Novice

Krath Tyro Rahj Caedmon [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Dark Jedi Knight

Krath Tyro Jacob Van Nowak [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Priest

Krath Tyro Andronicus [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Jedi Hunter

Krath Tyro Jeron Darkonis [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Novice

JH Brenn Tantor (Krath)/TET/Dominatus of Alvaak


PIN #1825

KE Aseret (Krath)/QUA/Dominatus of Alvaak

House Dominatus Aedile Report

The chambers of Bant Komad reflected their owner perfectly: small, durable and with purpose. The room was situated on the top floor of the fortified citadel of Dominatus, on the moon of Erun orbiting the planet Ullyr, and the deep chasms of the space rock reminded Bant of home, thin atmosphere and all. Around him, the chamber was decorated in whites, beiges and creams, all the furniture was minimalistic but comfortable, and the dimunitive Nimdan sat cross-legged, eyes closed in meditation.

Before the Archpriest, a small, spherical droid twittered and beeped. This was Bants journal, and as the time came, it spoke to him…

“What News, Jedi Bant?”

ØThe run-on goes well and draws to a close.

ØHeadmaster Mage is back from leave and has started a competition to design the Shadow Academy via writing or graphics.

“What of the House?”

ØWe have the KMT’s for January.

ØThe Run-on, ‘Lost In Space’ is beginning to draw to a close.

ØThe In Character Board is operational and being utilised by all members.

ØThe Dominatus Newsletter has not received any submissions for January.

ØI await biographies from a few members.

ØThere is a story competition, “The Proof” due on the 31st of January.

“Has anyone excelled or failed impressively?”

ØBrenn is as active as always and has submitted to the Run-On.

ØChamberlain is active.

ØDesann has left Alvaak.

ØClara continues her lack of activity.

ØJeron has passed many courses and is a shining member of Dominatus and has submitted to the KMT’s.

ØEveryone else is silent.

“What are your thoughts?”

ØMy internet access may become limited soon, but should be rectified shortly thereafter. I will endeavour to say when this will happen.

ØI wonder when the Great Jedi War will be and what its theme is.

ØPerhaps the House needs a few more interesting jobs for the members?

Yours In Tenebrium,

KAP Bant Komad (Krath)/AED/Dominatus of Alvaak,


RG/HNR Bant Komad/Alpha-Phare-Ullyr


Here we go guys, another week and another report in your inbox by your trully. This week signed for most of us our return at school or uni and with that more craps on oru heads ... however that means also that all of you now are back in a place where it's possible to be active again heh I want to see more partecipation from you guys and I want it ASAP as soon we'll be engaged with other clans in a great war.. the Great Jedi War. I don't know about you guys but I partecipated in some GJWs and other Vedettas and it's an event I don't want to miss. I hope to be able to do with this house the same miracle I did in House Caliburnus my first GJW and to see you all guys awarded with shiny medals for your performances. Something I want to say also is that I PLAN to modify a bit our screenshots competition. Some of you, nothing personal guys, have submitted me screenshots for matches played outside the DB and EH outside official comps vs other zone or whatever clans/clubs and that's not exactly what that comp was meant for. The reason behind this competition, beside the obvious reason of a stable comp in wich you all are faviliar with, is the general impossibility for obelisk leader to keep trach of the exact ammount of matches played by our members. Those of you familiar with the TC know that a pilot when have flown a mission submit his pilot file to his CMDR to be processed; well, that's something we obelisk lack as we don't really have a REAL sp plaform. For that reason I created the screenshots contest to keep track of how much active you all are. From the screenshots I can see not only how many persons you fight but, if fron now ON, all the screenshots are be taken at about the end of the match, how and if you are inproving in your skills. How is my secret =P. I'd like to say, also, that finish the game without cheats as increasing difficulties will rise you skills as well. Now, howver is time for the report and so let's move with the news.

DB News:

  1. From the OHC :-Competitions-

The weekly Competitions have smoothed themselves out again. The current listings is:

Monday 3:00pm EST - Obelisk Arena

Wednesday 6:00pm EST - Obelisk Vengeance

Friday 7:00am EST - Obelisk Madness

Friday 7:00pm EST - Obelisk Crusades

Saturday 2:00pm EST - OHC's Rampage

Saturday 3:00pm EST - OHC's Cup

Sunday 7:00pm EST - DB Fight Club

Also this Sunday (12th January) at 2:00pm EST is the Dark Side Duels.

All Competitions are hosted in mIRC Channel #Obelisk .

2.From the CoF:2) There are currently two GMRG Tournaments running. They are the same basic competition on different days, to accomadate more members of different time zones.

Wednesday - 3:00pm EST

Host: Sukuth

Settings: Decided by host

Where: #gmrg

Who: All DB members

Saturday - 7:00pm EST

Host: Reza

Settings: Decided by Host

Where: #gmrg

Who: All DB members


This Tourney is open to all members of the Brotherhood who play Jedi Outcast. GMRGers will be required to participate in at least 2 of these weekly tournaments a month.

Matches will be decided by the host, and settings will be chosen before the time of the comp.


For GMRG Members: Teams must be with another member of the Guard. You can NOT team up with a regular member of the Brotherhood.

For DB Members: You may team up with any member that is not in the GMRG, or is not already partnered with someone else.

3.From the DGM: 2: The GJW is a little delayed by a small miscommunication this week, but hopefully we should have it back on track shortly. I currently expect it to start within the next three to four weeks, but more on that when I know more.

3: Among the current projects that are being worked on are Order and Clan Specific Force Powers. More on those as and when.

Clan News:

1.Tiss, Ronin's AED and Brenn Dominatus TET have been both awarded with a Commendation of Loyalty.

2.Keiran is on leave for a bit so everything is on Frey's hand (*horror =P)

3.Nothing more from me, maybe on Frey's report.

House News:

1.OBM Ryell Zoith has joined our ranks and have been appointed already as RM after Vally stepped down.

2.The screenshots contest has been changed, read the competition section for more.

3.ACO Ramos has been awoled, but some of you where on the verge of been awoled as well. I suggest you guys to start to be active, next time I won't be so kind.


1.Jacen has been awarded with a Commendation of Loyalty. Gratz dude. (/me reminds to kicks Frey for not awarding me anything..)


1.The bi-weekly screenshots. The rules are simple. You play jk or jk2. Each match you play with different persons, you take a screenshot and you send it to me an Jacen. The person that submit more screenshot every 2 weeks get a crescent. The screenshots must be taken in matches agaist other DBer.

2.The Clan ladder is up and runnig, sign up and join.

3.In our Order channel #Obelisk competitions are held on a daily basis so you can't tells me you can't be active. Go there and play.

4.The comp to determinate the name of our brigate is ended, DD will announce the winner soon.

Activity Report:

Me, OBM Khan

[Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Doing my QUA job and working for the OHC.

OBM Ryell Zoith

[Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Joined us and starting his work of RM.

OW Jacen Aylen

[Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Doing all the work I'm to lazy to do =P

OW Sephiroth

[Log in to view e-mail addresses]

played me and other guys.

DJK Deathdealer

[Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Working and shaping his brigate.

DJK LilHawke

[Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Played me once.

DJK Vally

[Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Nothing this week.

PRT Ramos

[Log in to view e-mail addresses]


ACO Kodiak Kereban

[Log in to view e-mail addresses]

On semi-leave.


OBM Khan [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

OW Jacen Aylen [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

OW Sephiroth [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

DJK Deathdealer [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

DJK LilHawke [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

DJK Vally [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

ACO Kodiak Kereban [Log in to view e-mail addresses]


OBM Khan (Obelisk)/P:OHC-QUA/Auctoritas of Alvaak [KSOE: KC2]





Welcome to another installment of the Aedile

report! It was a pretty decent week. This weeks "BAD

MAMAJAMA OF THE WEEK" is OBM Ryell Zoith for finally

putting in his transfer request to Auctoritas!

In news, Vally is stepping down as Rollmaster. In

his place will be OBM Ryell Zoith. He is an excellent

leader, and I know will be doing some good things.

As far as awards go, I think that my Commendation

of Loyalty was the only thing given out. There were

no promotions. cough hint Not that we don't wanna

promote anyone, you guys just don't do anything...

Again, only one person transed in, and that is OBM

Ryell Zoith. Although...I'm pretty sure there's one

getting the boot out the door...

Sign up for the friggin ladder!

Also, there's a new house website.

OW Jacen Aylen/AED/Auctoritas of Alvaak

SGT Report:

Well today marks the end of the brigade naming comp,

and even though some of you didnt submit your names, I

think we got off to a decent start, but not up to my

standards yet. However I'm confident that things will

pick up after awhile,either that or you all will

suffer my terrible wrath!!... I have provided you with

the names of that were submited to me, those are all

possible names for your brigade so i hope you like



Not much to speak of although those who did

contribute to the to that competition have earned some

SGT brownie points :P

Upcomming competitions:

some minor things in the works right now but that

next competition will be "who's the XO?" and will

decide who I choose to me my Executive Officer in case

of my absence

Roster of TBA Brigade:

Obelisk Sergeant: DJK Deathdealer

That would be me. Just trying to get this Brigade off

the ground

Obelisk Trooper: OBM Ryell Zoith

Conrtibuted to the Comp, much appreciated just joined

us too I belive.

Obelisk Trooper: OW Sephiroth

Has done his part and contributed, thanks.

Obelisk Trooper DJK LilHawke

Aparently changed he name, no submission.

Obelisk Trooper DJK Vally Tamalar

havent heard much from you, nothing for the comp

Obelisk Trooper ACO Kodiak Kereban

Nothing at all from you

Additionl Information:

thanks to OHC OBM Exar Khaland for his submission

The submisions were a follows:


OBM Ryell Zoith:

1) Venombane

2) Undertow


OW Sephiroth




OHC, OBM Exar Khaland*

1)Hartmanns Dirty Dozen

SGT, DJK Deathdealer**



3)Deathdealers Dirty dozen :P

DJK Deathdealer(Obelisk)/SGT/House Auctoritas of Clan


{SA: G:LS-O:Core}


Christmas is over and now we look forward to the


Its 01/05/03!

Sorry this report is so late, i was tied up with

soemthign really important involving some friends of

mine yesterday so i couldnt do it. Apologies.

Weekly News

The House Ronin envoy is finally due to be announced.

Without further ado congratulations go to Blaine!!!!

Sentinal Squadron is in a bad way. The CMDR has left

to go Rogue and applications are now open for it to

the entire DB. The open FL spot will be filled very,

very soon.

My comp will be ready soon but i may wait until after

the GJW before releasing it.

We lost another member this week, Crix, Sentinal CMDR.

However we did also gain one so its not all bad :)


Continuing this section we have this weeks pick of the


Track of the Week - Elton John ~ Sorry Seems To Be The

Hardest Word (the original, not the poncy Blue


Karaoke Track of the Week - Elton John ~ I Guess Thats

Why They Call It The Blues

Album of the Week - Godspell ~ Original Cast Recording

Artist of the Week - Elton John

There concludes the new section, feel free to comment

on my musical taste :)


GJW practice is being run by Blaine, details from him.


None this week :(


None this week :(


Crix Madine -> Rogues (good luck in the future Crix)

Mordecai Malignatus -> House Ronin

(welcome Mordecai)

Shadow Academy/IWATS

This went crazy this week with all the extra courses

being put onto profiles and stuff so i dont have a

comprehensive list.


  1. RECRUIT!!!!!!

  2. Follow Jedi Trials

  3. Prepare for thousand of comps the summits are

working on :)

QUA's Final Thought

The loss of Crix is a blow, but weve shown in the past

we can get through this. The recruitment team have

their work cut out for them replacing those weve lost,

so give them all the help they can get.

Cheers for now,

CMDR-TCS/CPT Daniel Goad/Echo/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard



SW Daniel Goad (Sith)/QUA/Ronin of Alvaak

(SC-SoA)/(SE)/DC-KC-O/Cr-2A-1R/CF {SA:


House Ronin

Aedile Report

11th of January

Greetings from the Darkness.

First I want to clear up few things about behave on IRC channel. Rule #1: you respect ALL being there, no matter if this person has higher or lower rank and position than you have. Second thing. I'm not going to let there on any argue. If you got something against other person in House sort it out on private message, if you can't than message me.. by query not in channel! I repeat it once again.. and IF I see anyone to disobey my order.. then we will say goodbye. You got to learn listen not only talking. We are a team and we got to play as a team not only in competitions. I hope this is clear cause I won't repeat it again, just punish those who disobey.  

Now something nicer. We got new member in House. Welcome JH Blade. I know Blade good from my own Wing and I trust in his skills, everyone welcome Blade warmly. He has been assigned to Sentinel team as FM in Flight 3.   

As for Sentinel the applications for CMDR spot still are being accepted. If you feel like you can lead the team and got proper leadership skills (and passed Leadership SA course) then send your apply to QUA Daniel Goad and me.   

DJK Qui Nero decided to step down as Black Omega CMDR. Apps NOT being taken as for now, so don't send me any cause they will be rejected at once, don't bug me, Daniel nor the RM on IRC, ause we are not asking for apps.   


  1. JH Blade joined Sentinel squad! Welcome in House :)

  2. Sentinel get new Flight III leader, congratulation to PRT SAvageAz.

  3. Az changed his e-mail addy, now it's [Log in to view e-mail addresses] so update your addies books.

  4. RM/DJK Dash Rendar is now known as RM/DJK Vargas Lornan. This is his knew name so use it. He also changed his mail, so pls update it as well : [Log in to view e-mail addresses]


SAvageAz --> Protector

Wisal Pol-Jo --> Protector

Vorgir --> Protector


PRT Wisal Pol-Jo : IWATS Core, RT, XTM 1/2, XTT

PRT Davi Anthol : Crescent w/Emerald Star

PRT SAvageAz : Sith Core

DJK Tissaya Argat : EH CoL


Take part in Run On, I assume you know where it is located.

This time you pick a kind of activity, if you think about appling for CMDR spot.. then you got to show yourself first. Some hints: flying, and try this time MP. If you can't and feel like for something differnent than flying then go to Krath Kombat Centre, it's other but also awarded form of activity.

Behave and show respect to others, no matter on which channel you are.

In the Darkness..

DJK Tissaya Argat (Sith)/AED/Ronin of Alvaak




Hola! Merry Christmas and a happy new year to ya’ll, now its all over so

but that doesn’t mean EH stops either, ya’llback to work/school don’t

have that excuse to skive off saying that your visitng relatives so fly fly

fly! Tiss is back, there’s an option to have your IWATS courses put on your

dossiers, look on the news page for that. Crix left, so no Sentinel

Commander, keep an eye out on the summit to see what happens. Also a welcome

to our newest member Mordecai Malignatus, I’ll be mailing you soon 


Okay, not much going on at the moment because we’ve all been pretty hectic,

but the House Run On is up, and starting to swing, so all of you that wanna

get involved go post! It’s a great way to get to know everyone else in the

house and also good fun!


Crix transferred to rouges

Mordecai Malignatus joined our ranks, welcome aboard!


Recruit! We’ve got up momentum, we need more members though!

Do a SA or IWATS course every week! Come on people, easy way to get points,

and when you’ve done em all, you can be very proud and considered yourself

well educated ;)

Participate in the Run On, and wait for the trivia comp to be approved as

well, be ready for that lol

That’s all for this week, for a more complete look at what’s happened, I

suggest the QUA or AED reports;)


DJK Dash Rendar


Well, most is already said, please join the Ladder, it was hard work to set the things up and I dont want to let it die because you guys dont see any reason to show activity.

Enjoy your weekend !


SBM Frey Gallandro (SITH)/PCON/Alvaak


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