Prophecy Phyle Tetrarch Report # 1
Greetings Dark Brethren,
You might have heard, or you might have not, but as you can see Im your new Tetrarch. I know that most people in here have probably not heard a thing about a guy called Xizor, but, well, Im here and youll have a chance in getting to know me now :P
Now, Id like to start up my first report with a little bio for yours truly, just so you know whom youre dealing with:
Ive joined the DB about half a year ago and been in Qel-Droma ever since. When I became GRD, Combat Master Timeros assigned me as KCC judge and soon after I was promoted to Jedi Hunter where I was offered the TET position by the House Summit.
I think thats about it so enough about me and on to more interesting stuff coming ahead:
DB news:
As I think you all know already, a GJW is coming up, so lets make Qel-Droma and Arcona proud!
The Krath Combat Centre is always open for people to practise their fighting skills. Go give me something to do as judge! The URL is:
Clan and House News:
There is currently one House competition coming up and that is the Prophet of Qel-Droma, where you must unscramble dark messages in a grotesque language mystical enough? Anyway, the comps URL is: Anything you need to know about it is on that site so, go and participate! If Im not mistaken, the comp begins tomorrow.
Phyle News:
I would like to know which people in the Phyle can create web pages, because as you can see Prophecy is in need of one. Creating a site might get him something shiny Also, any people who dont know much about programming but want to help out with the websites creation please do email me with ideas and suggestions about it!
Now, the first thing I would like to ask for all of you is the following: E-mail me with a few of the stuff you did in the DB, for example positions et cetera, just so I get to know all of you and to make sure you are willing to be active and help out a poor Jedi Hunter like moi who is feeling like a fish out of water right now
And finally, (I think I bore you enough with my babbling) the Phyle roster which currently holds ten members:
Krath Tetrarch [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Hunter
Krath Tyro [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Krath Tyro [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Krath Tyro Elliad [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Krath Tyro [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Jedi Knight
Krath Tyro Korbane [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Krath Tyro Cymbre [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Krath Tyro [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Krath Tyro TBA
Krath Tyro TK-7764 [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Hunter
Krath Tyro [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Krath Tyro TBA
Id like to note that my reports will be sent on Thursday and not on Tuesday as have been today, because today was considerably a special occasion :)
May the Force Be With You,
JH Xizor (Krath)/TET/Qel-Droma of Arcona DC/Cr-1Q/CF {SA: G:LS-K:CORE-K:GS-O:CORE-S:CORE-S:ISET-S:ESET}
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