<bow> Welcome to the weekly holonet transmission of HLK's AED, SBM Abel Malik 1/14/03
CNS website URL: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/cns/index2.html
HLK website URL: http://cgi-bin.spaceports.com/~sapphire/
HLK motto: Dominato per Noctis- Power through Darkness
CNS message board: http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewforum.php?f=20
CNS IRC channel: #naga_sadow
Sith Order website: http://www.sithorder.org/
updated DSC awards URL: http://abyss.borkweb.com/chan/awards/awards.html
DGM Mairin's DB competitions center URL: http://www.minos.net/~mairin/index.php
EH Battle Compendium: http://www.emperorshammer.net/battles/
IWATS: http://www.imperialacademy.org/
Sapphire Squadron Site: http://www24.brinkster.com/bobsquadron/
Diamond Squadron Site: ? (Mal can you send me the URL)
General DB/CNS/HLK news:
Our QUA Scithe is back in action after dealing with his pc problems (remind me to retrieve my hammer from Scithe;p).
Our new Proconsul is Krath Pontifex Trevarus Caerick. Welcome back...
The "new" Black Guard is currently under development by our Consul SWL Goatham.
The MFC is undergoing a face lift and this will be the final month under the current rewards system.
new unaproved as yet changes to the Dark Side Compendium can be found at: http://www.jpboyce.org/zedar/dsc (posted by DA Shadonyx).
Send all your passed IWATS e-mails or TC pin# to OBL Mage ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) in order to get them approved on your DB id line. Go ahead and assault his inbox with those;p.
Notice from the GM: (from SWL Goatham)
ALL people not assigned to a Battleteam will be automatically transfered to the Rogues next week, so this means if you're not in one but want to stay in the Clan...JOIN ONE NOW.
New Envoys: (more new from our CON Goat)
Envoy for Naga Sadow Krath Pontifex Trevarus Caerick
Envoy for Ludo Kressh Sith Warrior Malik
Envoy for Marka Ragnos Ghost Angel
Envoy for Primus Goluud None
In light of the limited applications that I recieved I have not been able to appoint an Envoy for Primus Goluud, for which I am quite disappointed. Primus Goluud is our smallest House, so is the House most in need of an Envoy, as it rapidly needs to attain some new members to increase its numbers.
In light of this, I will, for the time being, ask that the team of Envoys handle the task of recruitment for Primus Goluud among themselves as is, if this means the Clan Envoy handling the task, all three doing a little bit of the job or something I do not mind, I shall leave it up to the Envoys to decide their course of action for the moment.
I shall also consider having our Envoy for Primus Goluud not a member of Primus Goluud, for that would not be too much of an issue, and there are those who used to have Obelisk clones or whom used to be Obelisk who could handle the job adequately - and regardless of this, the tests Obelisk Apprentices take are no different to those of Sith or Krath Apprentices, so the task would not require any special Obeliskian skills.
In conclusion, my congratulations to the new Envoys, I look forward to seeing some new members as a result of your efforts, and I shall be briefing you on some further Envoy related integration with the Master Student Program when that comes into effect later this week.
Master/Student Program:
SWL Goatham sent out detailed information on this over the e-groups- the bottom line is if your DJK & above and not an AED or QUA you are expected to help your house & clan by taking on an apprentice.
New HLK members:
n/a this week Try to go out and recruit new Dark-Jedi for HLK, we need more pilots and to fill the battleteams.... you might even be rewarded for your efforts!
Dark Voice #33:
The next Dark Voice is delayed since KAP Korbane is on vacation atm, more news will be released later...
HLK Battleteams:
Emerald Squadron was shut down many months ago due to the results of an AWOL check.
The Fighter breakdowns for each battle-team: (as determined by our CON SWL Goatham). (note: all the fighters are equiped with hyperdrives)
Diamond Squadron (Superiority)
TIE Interceptor flight 1
TIE Interceptor flight 2
TIE Fighter flight 3
Emerald Squadron (Special Ops)- shut down unfortunately : (
TIE Interceptor flight 1
TIE Imterceptor flight 2
TIE Bomber flight 3
Sapphire Squadron (Heavy Assault)
TIE Bomber flight 1
TIE Bomber flight 2
TIE Fighter flight 3
CNS Message board:
the CNS message board (http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewforum.php?f=20 ) is around for communication (and a lot of spam it seems:P.). Feel free to post any topics as long as you follow the EH rules regarding behavior.
Monthly Flying comp: (a single player comp, this one i always participate in:p.)
keep in mind that there's always a monthly flying comp going on in HLK in which you fly the official EH battles & missions. Send your pilot files to SW Janos Silverwolf ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) & cc Scithe ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) in order to participate. Cresents for the top three participating pilots will be awarded.
Crescent w/Sapphire Star (Cr-1A) for 1st place
Crescent w/Emerald Star (Cr-1E) for 2nd place
Crescent w/Topaz Star (Cr-1T) for 3rd place
Diamond Motto and nick comp (send all entry's to the other SBM Malik;p)
Mal wants new nicknames and mottos for Diamond and its flights.
Crescent with Topaz Star (Cr-1G) for the one with most used mottos and nicknames
Diamond Flying Comp (goes from 1/13 thru 1/20)
the battles to fly are:
TIE TC 193
XvT TC 4
and the medals are:
Crescent with Emerald Star for 1st in each platform
Crescent with Topaz Star for 2nd in each platform
Crescent with Quartz Star for 3rd in each platform
send your files to SBM Malik at ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) before midnight Monday (the 20th).
HLK Information: (as passed to me from our CON, SWL Goatham)
Planet Ullyr - Ludo Kressh Home Base Kressh Fortress
The third planet in the Phare system, Ullyr, is perhaps the most hospitable of all the planets, at least from a geographical viewpoint. Ullyr is strongly suited to support life, 45% of the surface is covered in water, the atmosphere is breathable, the climate is temperate (ranging from -5° to 25°C), gravity is standard at 1.2 and one day has a fairly standard rotational cycle of 29 hours. The planets downfall is its terrain, mostly uneven and covered in trees the planet is not yet suited for mass populations, and the resources are far from expendable, given time though Ullyr has the potential to become a formidable fortress world, being one of the largest of the planets in the Phare system at 9,000km in diameter. However as an Imperial world Ullyr is not yet very industrialized, the government is not truly Imperial, mostly being a feudal system between the native wookie tribesmen, also the Starport is only a standard installation and does not provide the defensive abilities of the Imperial Starports such as those circling Sif and Loki.
Regardless of this, the low profile this provides the planet with makes it a suitable choice for the home of one of the Clans houses, more specifically those of Ludo Kressh, the Sith of the Clan. Being the space faring troops of the Clan the lack of a decent Starport also proves little of a problem, perhaps being more of a benefit as it hides their activities more. The fortress installation of Ludo Kressh is perhaps the most expensive of any of the Clans installations, along with being the newest. Buried below the surface of a volcanic lake the installation is a large 100m tall by 60m wide fortress, the walls formed of ten foot of impenetrable durasteel, the surrounding mountain range covered in an array of shields, turbolasers, ion cannons, warhead launchers, sensors, and jamming systems. Protruding even further than the 100m height of the underwater base are three additional towers that head up another 50m from the first level of the installation, providing enhanced sensor and communication systems, additional hanger space and a meeting hall that is seated on top of the lake, open to the air. It is the added defense of the Sith pilots which also makes Ullyrs moon, Baldyr, the perfect location for one of the Clans additional bases, its private prison complex.
Platform Obsidian
Obsidian is the secondary installation for Ludo Kressh, an orbital space-station that provides both extended communication systems for the entire Clan, and an auxiliary base at which the Clans ships can be stored, maintained and repaired. The base is staffed by members of Ludo Kressh, though some of the Saraii devotees aid in the daily upkeep of the base. The platform is kept in orbit of the planets moon, Baldyr, thus providing it with additional security by limiting its direct connection to Ullyr, and hence its connection to the pilots of Naga Sadow. Though primarily a Sith installation, Obsidian provides support for the entire Clan, usually acting as the hanger bay for many of the Clans shuttles and other vehicles. Obsidians limited construction bays and manufacturing apparatus also provides it with the ability to upgrade and enhance the Clans ships.
New DB robe proto-type images:
not everyone likes the new robe proto-types Astantine has created but with a little more work i think they would look great!
HLK Roster: (17 members)!
SWL Tron Sadow ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Battlemaster Abel Malik ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Battlemaster Bob ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Battlemaster Malik ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Battlemaster Scithe ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Warrior Carl Lost ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Warrior Den Darkhill ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Warrior Janos Silverwulf ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Dark Jedi Knight Runic Soul ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Jedi Hunter Jack Stone ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Jedi Hunter Sancho ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Guardian Rogue Ronin ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Guardian Talon "NemesiS" Karrde ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Protector Dark Eclipse ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Protector Saber ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Protector Uther ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Acolyte Ksian Qui-Soran ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Recent HLK Elevations:
n/a this week
Recent HLK awards/courses passed:
PRO Uther had all his IWATS courses added to his DB profile this week.
SBM Scithe passed the Leadership Studies General Study course.
SWL Tron Sadow passed the Leadership Studies General Study course.
SBM Scithe was awarded a EH Commendation of Loyalty (CoL).
JH Jack Stone earned a Cluster of Fire (CF) doing Obelisk Stuff;p. (That's cool- practice your saber skills);p.
Misc activity:
nothing this week, i've been a bit pre-occupied with my duties elsewhere...
<bow> In Darkness, until next week....
Infiltrator Wing Melee Director/Operations & Communications Officer, 4th Knight of the Fear
IWMD,IWOC/VA Abel Malik/IWCS-6/MC-40 Ark Royal/IW/EH
[NDM/DSMx2/LoMx4/SVx10/MoDx24/MC1x29/MC2x24/DHI/VC-Ebony trim/VC-Blue trim/CBVw5 stars/CBVw5 stars/CBVw5 stars/WRCx20/IWSwGW-IE-BC-SS-DE-SI-PS-DS-SF(512)/MoI-bc(8)/SLA/HSMx11/EG/LSMwOC/ISC/MoCx2/MoC-BoCx2/MoC-SoCx3/MoC-GoC/LoAx11/BS/CoB/CoL/SotWx3/PotWx13/OotF]
[MPS 5.9: Expert][IW-BB: Imperial Infiltrator]
{CoMex grade A}
[Modified YT-2000: Starspinner]
[Modified E-wing: Zephyr][R7 TzR2]
"Discontent & Disorder are signs of energy and hope, not despair."
SBM Abel Malik(Sith)/AED/Ludo Kressh of Naga Sadow
{SA: Core-G:LS-O:Core-S:Core-S:ISET-S:ESET-S:TAC}
"Don't be all down on the Darkside, y'know what i mean?"
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