Aedile Report


Aedile Report



Hello, folks!

This is Priest al'Lan Mandragoran reporting. I hope you all had a great week and are now busy doing some of the outstanding lot of competitions we have available. :-)


  • We got a "new" member! Everyone, welcome Dark Side Adept J'Lek back into the House! He was assigned to Drynwyn's Flame. It's good to have you around again, mate! :-)

  • Mike has been elevated to the rank of Acolyte! Congratulations, man! You deserved it!

  • Krath Priestess Kedara has taken Max as her Student! I'm sure you two will learn a lot from each other. ;-)

  • Acturus named Kedara as his Dark Hand in Drynwyn's Flame! Best of luck on the new job, Kedara!

  • The rank requirement to join Drynwyn's Flame was lowered to Guardian. All those members of Guardian rank and above need only complete two things to join the elite Phyle: complete the Krath Core Studies and write a story entitled "Corruption". The story should be sent to DF's Tetrarch, Arcturus ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]), and I'm sure I don't need to tell you should CC me on it. ;-)


  • The Great Jedi War draws near (or so they tell us) ;-)

  • We got a small (but with good awards) competition running, called "Preparations". Members must write a short, funny story on how the summit and the House are getting ready for the Great Jedi War. The best story will be awarded a Crescent with Sapphire Star, and the second best a Crescent with Emerald Star. It should be one page long at least, using Arial font, 12pts sized, and the deadline for submitting it is January 20th. There is no maximum limit of pages, but we're not looking for a novel here, just something funny. :-) Members should submit it to Loor ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and me ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]).

  • There's a fun run on open to the Clan at, join us in harassing Saitou and Snij!

  • For those looking to improve their writing skills, kill some free time and have some fun, I highly recommend the Krath Combat Center at Go in there and challenge someone. Hell, you can challenge me for an easy start, I'm not that great fighter. :-)

  • The Headmaster has started a very interesting competition. Here are the details:

This is a competition to design the Shadow Academy's actual building. A solid design for the building will add to the roleplaying feel of the Brotherhood, and this will also likely be made into a Jedi Outcast level.

There are two categories available here - graphical and fictional. Participants may wo

rk in teams of two. Teams may only submit to one of the two categories.

Awards will be as follows:

Crescent with Diamond Star x 2

Crescent with Ruby Star x 2

Crescent with Amethyst Star x 2

1 set of the above will be for each section (graphical and fictional).

You have until January 31st to get your designs in.

I have listed below the things I expect to see in all designs. These are fairly basic guidelines, but so we don't end up with something way off target...

All entries should have:

  • Classrooms (1 per Order minimum)

  • Combat training area (for lightsaber instruction)

  • Living quarters for guests, Apprentices in training, the HM, staff, etc.


  • Recreation area

  • Physical training gymnasium

  • Force training area

The building may be single or multi-level, above or below ground... anything you feel works. I will be taking the best design to the DB JK2 mod team after any alterations I feel are necessary to it - most likely for gameplay issues.

Good luck, folks. ;)

  • This month's KMTs are:


"Hymn to Pain"

Style: Limerick

Min: 1 page

Max: 3 pages

Font: Arial, size 12

Describe a painful experience your DB character has gone through. You can adapt a real life situation if you wish, or adapt a role-playing situation or the like.



Style: Short Story

Min: 2 pages

Max: 10 pages

Font: Arial, size 12

You feel a strange twang in the back of your head. Something is not right at your Clan's HQ. You leave your studies and investigate, only to find a horror beyond horrors stalking your fellow clanmates! You track it, trying to keep out of sight, but you fail. The horror has found you!

Use this and write an interesting, original short story. The more unique and interesting, the better!

(Krath Monthly Topics are sent to Tronsta at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and be sure to CC me, [Log in to view e-mail addresses] on it).


This was a slow week regarding member activity, very little was sent to my inbox. Remember, fellows, that if you do something, you must show it to your superiors. As always, if you need any kind of assistance, feel free to email me. That's what I'm here for!

al'Lan Mandragoran

KP (Krath)/AED/Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae [KSOE: ENV]



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