Chancellor Report


Chancellor Report

Nothing really major happened this week, although here are a few reminders for everyone:

  • If you have any sort of problem with recommending a medal, please e-mail me before you recommend the medal. This will prevent me denying the medal, and you getting mad at me for doing so.

  • Using vague phrases like, "has shown extreme loyalty to his/her Battle Team/House/Clan/Order," "a pillar of activity," "an example of hard work" and so on will get your medals denied. If you're going to write things like that, make sure you use facts to back them up.

  • I'm still looking for an image for the Scroll of Indoctrination. It should look like a scroll, obviously, so there's no great amount of thinking that needs to be done.

  • The Shadow Academy and Grand Master's Royal Guard sections have been revised. Many thanks to Mage and Shadow for providing the necessary information. This working draft can be found at

And finally, congratulations to Knight Camile on winning Site of the Week for his Chancellor's Office.

That's all for this week.

<table><tr><td></td><td valign="top">Dark Adept Pharaun "Shadonyx" Illistyn
Chancellor of the Dark Brotherhood

Just a note, that in the manual, it says the highest rank a BT leader can recommend is ACO. But in the DGM Report, a few news-items above, it says BT leaders can recommend up to GRD. Which is it?

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